Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

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Nội dung chi tiết: Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingViral V. AcharyaLondon Business School, NYU-Stern and CEPR vacharvafffistem.nyu.eduYakov Amihud’New York Univ

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingversity-Stern school of Business vaniihudfeXiern.nvu.eduLubomir LilovWashington University in St. Louis-Olin School of Business litovfffiwustl.edu3980

5AbstractWe analyze the link between creditor rights and firms’ investment policy, proposing that stronger creditor rights in bankruptcy reduce corpor Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

ate risk-taking. Employing countrylevel data, we find that stronger creditor rights are associated with a greater propensity of firms to engage in div

Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

ersifying mergers, and this propensity changes in response to changes in the country creditor rights. Also, in countries with stronger creditor rights

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingViral V. AcharyaLondon Business School, NYU-Stern and CEPR vacharvafffistem.nyu.eduYakov Amihud’New York Univ

Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking in countries where management is dismissed in reorganization, suggesting a managerial agency effect. Our results question the value of strong credito

r rights, which may have adverse effect on firms by inhibiting them from undertaking risky investments.Keywords: bankruptcy code, corporate reorganiza Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

tion, investment, diversificationJEL Classifications: G31, G32, G33, G34“ Ira Leon Rennert professor of finance.We acknowledge with gratitude comments

Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

and suggestions that helped improve the paper by Barry Adler, Kenneth Ahem. Reena Aggarwa), Franklin Allen. Heitor Almeida. Meghana Ayyagari. Moshe B

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingViral V. AcharyaLondon Business School, NYU-Stern and CEPR vacharvafffistem.nyu.eduYakov Amihud’New York Univ

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingFaulketxler, Julian Franks. Radha Gopalan. Todd Gormley. Bill Greene, Todd Hendetson, Kose John. Lixz Jobinning. Ohad Kadan. Anzhela Kniazeva. Diana K

niazeva, Tcdd Milboum. Natalie Moyen. Ed Morrison. Holger Mueller. Paige Ouimet. Troy Paredes. Katharina Pistor. Stefano Rossi. Antoinette Schoar. Ala Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

r. Schwartz. Oren Sussman. Anjan Thakor, Rohan Williamson. Daniel Wolfenzon. Jeff Wurgler. David Yermack. Bernie Yeung, die seminar participants at Wa

Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

shington University in Saint Loms, NYU Salomon Center corporate governance seminar. University of Michigan, the 2008 Conference on Law and Economics a

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingViral V. AcharyaLondon Business School, NYU-Stern and CEPR vacharvafffistem.nyu.eduYakov Amihud’New York Univ

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingent’s Bankruptcy and Reorganization Conference and especially an anonymous referee. We thank Simeon Djankov and Caralee McLeish for providing access t

o their creditor rights data. Rong Leng provided excellent research assistance.Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingAbstractWe analyze the link be Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

tween creditor rights and firms’ investment policy, proposing that stronger creditor rights in bankruptcy reduce corporate risk-taking. Employing coun

Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

try-level data, we find that stronger creditor rights are associated with a greater propensity of firms to engage in diversifying mergers, and this pr

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingViral V. AcharyaLondon Business School, NYU-Stern and CEPR vacharvafffistem.nyu.eduYakov Amihud’New York Univ

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingower, and acquirers with low-recoveiy assets prefer targets with high-recovery' assets. These relationships are strongest in countries where managemen

t is dismissed in reorganization, suggesting a managerial agency effect. Our results question the value of strong creditor rights, which may have adve Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

rse effect on firms by inhibiting them from undertaking risky investments.Keywords: bankruptcy code, corporate reorganization, investment, diversifica

Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

tionJEL Classifications: G31, G32, G33, G342I. IntroductionThrough history, delaull on debt has incurred hdrsh punishment. In biblical limes and in an

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingViral V. AcharyaLondon Business School, NYU-Stern and CEPR vacharvafffistem.nyu.eduYakov Amihud’New York Univ

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingt with maiming.1 rhe United Kingdom had debtors’ prisons until their abolishment in the 1869 Debtors Act. Now, tire norm is limited liability, which l

imits creditor rights in pursuing debtors when drey default on promised payments. Smith and Warner (1979) document that creditors impose restrictions Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

on financial policies of linns through covenants, even prior to default, in order to control shareholder action that could reduce firm value. However,

Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

bankruptcy laws which uniformly apply to all firms usually have precedence over private firm-specific contracts and therefore lead to inefficient out

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingViral V. AcharyaLondon Business School, NYU-Stern and CEPR vacharvafffistem.nyu.eduYakov Amihud’New York Univ

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takings have on firms’ investments? While harsh penalty in default reduces fraud and opportunistic behavior by debtors, might it also inhibit entrepreneuria

l, bona-fide risky investments? These are the questions we address iti this paper.Research on creditor rights has mainly focused on the link between c Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

reditor rights and financing policies. Djankov, McLeish. and Shleifer (2007a, 2007b), for example, document that creditor rights are associated with h

Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

igher aggregate lending, in the cross-section of countries as well as in time-series around creditor rights changes.- This evidence is considered supp

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingViral V. AcharyaLondon Business School, NYU-Stern and CEPR vacharvafffistem.nyu.eduYakov Amihud’New York Univ

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingxpropriate firm’s value, and thereby reduce the costs that result from the conflict of interests between owners and providers OÍ debt capital (Jensen

and Meckling (1976)).Tn contrast, this paper studies the link between creditor rights and investment policy. We propose that strong creditor rights in Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

duce firms to engage in risk-reducing investments such as diversifying acquisitions that are potentially ineffic ient and reduce value, rhe reason is

Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

as follows. Strong creditor lights in default lead to inefficientbl '150 BC: Ibe Twelve lableu. Section 111. Debt. Ibe penalty ranged Iruiu iaipiiaoim

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingViral V. AcharyaLondon Business School, NYU-Stern and CEPR vacharvafffistem.nyu.eduYakov Amihud’New York Univ

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingt European countries through the creation of a collateral registry boosted lending. Vig <2007) shoves that firms’ propensity to borrow was however, re

duced in India when creditor rights were strengthened.3liquidations that extinguish the continuation option of firm’s enterprise and hurt stockholders Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

. And. when creditor rights mandate the dismissal of management they impose a private, or in other words, a personal cost on managers. To avoid these

Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

costs, shareholders and managers lower the likelihood of distress by diversifying or reducing operating risk. If such risk reduction results in value

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingViral V. AcharyaLondon Business School, NYU-Stern and CEPR vacharvafffistem.nyu.eduYakov Amihud’New York Univ

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingysis studies this hypothesized effect of creditor rights on the risk-reducing activities of firms. We exploit as an explanatory variable the variation

of creditor rights across countries in their bankruptcy codes. Pjankov et al. (2007a) show evidence that creditor rights have changed little between Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

late 1970s and early 1990s, the beginning of our dataset. Therefore, we can consider creditor rights in a country to be a function of its legal origin

Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

and exogenous to the nature of the country’s overall corporate investments. Even the few creditor right changes within a country; whose effects we al

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingViral V. AcharyaLondon Business School, NYU-Stern and CEPR vacharvafffistem.nyu.eduYakov Amihud’New York Univ

Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking-taking whose variation across countries we seek to explain. We find the following:-1Stronger creditor rights induce firms to prefer risk-reducing inv

estments. Using acquisitions of other firms as a publicly-observed corporate investment, we find that stronger creditor rights in a country are associ Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

ated with a greater propensity to do diversifying acquisitions. Furthermore, changes in a country’s creditor rights affect the merger and acquisitions

Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

(M&A) activity in a similar direction: the extent of diversification through M&A increases following the strengthening of creditor rights and decline

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingViral V. AcharyaLondon Business School, NYU-Stern and CEPR vacharvafffistem.nyu.eduYakov Amihud’New York Univ

Creditor rights and corporate risk-takingditor rights. (We discuss below the evidence on the value effect of diversifying mergers.)4-2II) countries with stronger creditor rights, firms appear

to choose a mode of operation that reduces operating or cash flow risk, measured by the standard deviation of firms’ ROA.We obtain these results both Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

in tests at the level of individual acquisitions or firms and at an aggregate country level. Overall, these results are strongest (statistically as w

Creditor rights and corporate risk-taking

ell as economically) for the creditor rights corresponding to (i) whether there is no automatic stay on the debtor’s assets in bankruptcy and (ii) whe

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