Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

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Nội dung chi tiết: Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

PART IIIConcrete BridgesS7d701b9fe5cf2e907fccllb261a2fd457d7Olb9foScf2o9O7fccllb261a2fd4S7(l701b9fe5cf2eỡ07fccllb2éla2fd457d701b9fe5cf2e907Rcllb261a2f

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2fd4CHAPTER 13Reinforced Concrete Material Response and Properties13.1 INTRODUCTIONConcrete is a versatile building material. It can be shaped to confo

rm to almost any alignment and profile. Bridge superstructures built OÍ reinforced and prestressed concrete can be unique one-of-a-kind structures for Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

med and constructed at the job site, or they can be look-alike precast girders and box beams manufactured in a nearby plant. The raw materials of conc

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

rete—cement, tine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water—arc found in most areas of the world. In many countries without a well-developed steel indust

PART IIIConcrete BridgesS7d701b9fe5cf2e907fccllb261a2fd457d7Olb9foScf2o9O7fccllb261a2fd4S7(l701b9fe5cf2eỡ07fccllb2éla2fd457d701b9fe5cf2e907Rcllb261a2f

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2 built of concrete are very competitive.Concrete bridges can be designed to satisfy almost any geometric alignment from straight to curved to doubly c

urved as long as tile clear spans arc not too large. Cast ill place (CIP) concrete box girders arc especially suited to curved alignment because of th Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

eir superior torsional resistance and the ability to keep the cross section constant as it follows the curves. With the use of posttensioning, clear s

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

pans of 150 It (45 m) arc common. When the alignment is relatively straight, precast prestressed girders can be utilized for multispan bridges, especi

PART IIIConcrete BridgesS7d701b9fe5cf2e907fccllb261a2fd457d7Olb9foScf2o9O7fccllb261a2fd4S7(l701b9fe5cf2eỡ07fccllb2éla2fd457d701b9fe5cf2e907Rcllb261a2f

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2n-place girders monolithic with the deck slab (T-beams) can be used for clear spans up to about 65 ft (20 m). longer if continuity exists. Some design

ers do not like the underside appearance of the multiple ribs, but if the bridge is over a small waterway rather than a traveled roadway, there is les Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

s objection.For smaller spans. CII* and precast culverts are a mainstay. Approximately one-sixth (100.0001 culverts with bridge spans greater than 20

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

ft (6 m) arc contained within the U.S.bridge inventory. Culverts perform extremely well, exhibit tew service problems, and are economical because the

PART IIIConcrete BridgesS7d701b9fe5cf2e907fccllb261a2fd457d7Olb9foScf2o9O7fccllb261a2fd4S7(l701b9fe5cf2eỡ07fccllb2éla2fd457d701b9fe5cf2e907Rcllb261a2f

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2o, if formwork cannot be suitably supported, such as in a congested urban setting where traffic must be maintained, the design of special falsework to

provide a construction platform may be a disadvantage.Longer span concrete bridges have been built using match-cast and cable supported segmental con Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

struction. These structural systems require analysis and construction techniques that are relatively sophisticated and are beyond the scope of this bo

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

ok. In this chapter, short- to medium-span bridges constructed of reinforced and prestressed concrete are discussed.After a review of the behavior;of

PART IIIConcrete BridgesS7d701b9fe5cf2e907fccllb261a2fd457d7Olb9foScf2o9O7fccllb261a2fd4S7(l701b9fe5cf2eỡ07fccllb2éla2fd457d701b9fe5cf2e907Rcllb261a2f

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2iled discussion of these two topics is given because of the introduction in the AASHTO (1994) LRFD Bridge Specification of a unified flexural theory f

or reinforced and prcstressed concrete beams and the modified compression field theory for shear resistance. In the development of the behavior models Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

, the sign convention adopted for strains and stresses is that tensile values arc positive and compressive values are negative. This sign convention r

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

esults in stress-strain curves for concrete that arc drawn primarily in the third quadrant instead of the familiar first quadrant.It is not necessary

PART IIIConcrete BridgesS7d701b9fe5cf2e907fccllb261a2fd457d7Olb9foScf2o9O7fccllb261a2fd4S7(l701b9fe5cf2eỡ07fccllb2éla2fd457d701b9fe5cf2e907Rcllb261a2f

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2sions in the specification. In the chapters that follow, a number of example problems are given to illustrate the application of the resistance equati

ons that arc derived. A concrete bridge deck with a barrier wall is designed followed by design examples of a solid slab, a T-beam. and a prestressed Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

beam bridge.132 REINFORCED AND PRESTRESSED CONCRETE MATERIAL RESPONSETo predict the response of a structural clement subjected to applied forces, thre

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

e basic relationships must be established: (1 > equilibrium of forces. (2) compatibility of strains, and (3) constitutive laws representing the stress

PART IIIConcrete BridgesS7d701b9fe5cf2e907fccllb261a2fd457d7Olb9foScf2o9O7fccllb261a2fd4S7(l701b9fe5cf2eỡ07fccllb2éla2fd457d701b9fe5cf2e907Rcllb261a2f

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2ied forces, there arc three equilibrium equations between the applied external forces and the three internal resisting forces: moment, shear, and axia

l load. When the external forces arc applied, the cross section deforms and internal longitudinal, transverse, and shear strains are (level Oped. Thes Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

e internal strains must be compatible. Longitudinal strains throughout the depth of a section are related to one another through the familiar assumpti

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

on that plane sections229230 13 REINFORCED CONCRETE MATERIAL RESPONSE AND PROPERTIESStirxXusOrganismExternal Force®. Loadsdeformation ot c-oes Section

PART IIIConcrete BridgesS7d701b9fe5cf2e907fccllb261a2fd457d7Olb9foScf2o9O7fccllb261a2fd4S7(l701b9fe5cf2eỡ07fccllb2éla2fd457d701b9fe5cf2e907Rcllb261a2f

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2ractice regarding material response; however, one should expect that changes may occur in the constitutive equations in the future as additional test

data and/or new materials become available.13.3 CONSTITUENTS OF FRESH CONCRETEConcrete is a conglomerate artificial stone. It is a mixture of large an Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

d small particles held together by a cement paste that hardens and will take rise shape of the formwork in which it is placed. Tile proportions of the

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

coarse and tine aggregate. Portland cement, and water in the mixture influence the properties of the hardened concrete. The design of concrete mixes

PART IIIConcrete BridgesS7d701b9fe5cf2e907fccllb261a2fd457d7Olb9foScf2o9O7fccllb261a2fd4S7(l701b9fe5cf2eỡ07fccllb2éla2fd457d701b9fe5cf2e907Rcllb261a2f

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2cular class of concrete from a scries of predesigned mixes, usually on the basis of the desired 28-day compressive strength. ff. A typical specificati

on for different classes of concrete is shown in Table 13.1.before bending remain plane sections after bending. The longitudinal strains are related t Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

o the transverse. shear, and principal strains through the relationships described in Mohr's circle of strain. The stress-strain relationships provide

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

(he key link between the internal forces (which are integrations over an area of the stresses) and the deformations of the cross section. These inter

PART IIIConcrete BridgesS7d701b9fe5cf2e907fccllb261a2fd457d7Olb9foScf2o9O7fccllb261a2fd4S7(l701b9fe5cf2eỡ07fccllb2éla2fd457d701b9fe5cf2e907Rcllb261a2f

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2s a simple model used in psychology to illustrate that the manner in which individuals or groups respond to certain stimuli depends on their psycholog

ical makeup. In individuals, we often speak of one's constitution; in groups, the response depends on the constituents: in concrete, it depends on con Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

stitutive laws. The analogy to concrete elements may be imperfect, but the point is that knowledge of the behavior of the material is essential to pre

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

dicting the concrete response of the element to external loads.Another point in regard IO the relationships in Figure 13.1 is that they involve both d

PART IIIConcrete BridgesS7d701b9fe5cf2e907fccllb261a2fd457d7Olb9foScf2o9O7fccllb261a2fd4S7(l701b9fe5cf2eỡ07fccllb2éla2fd457d701b9fe5cf2e907Rcllb261a2f

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2d mechanics that arc applied to specific cases. If the equations are properly written, then they lead to a set of unique correct answers. On the other

hand, the constitutive equations are inductive as they are based on specific observations from which expressions are written to represent general beh Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

avior. If the trends exhibited by the data are not correctly interpreted or an important parameter is overlooked, the predicted response cannot be ver

Design of highway bridges (third edition) part 2

ified by experimental tests. As more experimental data become available, the constitutive equations change and the predicted response improves. The AA

PART IIIConcrete BridgesS7d701b9fe5cf2e907fccllb261a2fd457d7Olb9foScf2o9O7fccllb261a2fd4S7(l701b9fe5cf2eỡ07fccllb2éla2fd457d701b9fe5cf2e907Rcllb261a2f

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