Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

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Nội dung chi tiết: Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System PlanningJulia Freedgood \ Marisol Pierce-Quinonez5, Kenneth A. Meter'a Managing Director, Farmland & C

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System PlanningCommunity Initiatives. American Farmland Trust, 1200 18* St NW, Suite 600, Washington D.c. 20036 202-378-1205 Corresponding Auth

orb Masters candidate in Urban & Environmental Policy and Planning (UEP) and Friedman School of Nutrition Agriculture, Food & Environment (AFE), Tufts Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

University. Medford, MA97 Talbot Ave, Medford, MA 02144 Marisol.piercg qiunQngz@tufts.gduc President, Crossroads Resource Center 7415 Humboldt Ave. s

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55423 kmeter@crcworks.orgAbstractFood system planning is an emerging field engaging planners and planning organizations, civi

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System PlanningJulia Freedgood \ Marisol Pierce-Quinonez5, Kenneth A. Meter'a Managing Director, Farmland & C

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planningddress the complex soil-to-soi) food system, which spans production to consumption to reuse and recycling of waste. Community engagement1is critical t

o fostering interactions within the full spectrum of food system stakeholders — from fanners and ranchers to planners and local officials to individua Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

l and institutional consumers. A growing body of assessment tools is being developed to inform this process. As most of them are relatively new, there

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

is little research that addresses the different methodologies or evaluates their use as planning tools. This paper outlines a variety of approaches,

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System PlanningJulia Freedgood \ Marisol Pierce-Quinonez5, Kenneth A. Meter'a Managing Director, Farmland & C

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planningm planning, food systems evaluation, foodsheds, local food and farm economiesBackgroundFood system planning is an emerging field that engages citizens

, food policy councils, planning professionals, civic officials, and others interested in creating more sustainable food systems. While many disciplin Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

es within the planning profession have established best practices that span data collection methods, visioning, design Charettes and community decisio

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

n-making, planners are only beginning to develop practices that address rhe complex soil-ro-soil food system, which spans from production to consumpti

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System PlanningJulia Freedgood \ Marisol Pierce-Quinonez5, Kenneth A. Meter'a Managing Director, Farmland & C

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planningcould gain insights from the planning field, which emphasizes systems-based approaches and relies heavily on data assessment and community engagement

tools.2As recently as 2000, Kameshwari Pothukuchi and Jerome Kaufman pointed out that the food system is "notable by its absence from most planning pr Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

actice, research, and education” (113). Despite the fact that planning practice is “concerned with community systems sueh as land use, housing, transp

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

ortation. the environment, and die economy—and their interconnections” (Polhukuchi & Kaufman, 113), until 2008 lood was not included in mainstream pla

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System PlanningJulia Freedgood \ Marisol Pierce-Quinonez5, Kenneth A. Meter'a Managing Director, Farmland & C

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planningle agriculture and community food security. As one example, the Leopold Center at Iowa State University published a guide for citizen groups entering

into local food system planning (Pirog, et al. 2006).In 2007, the American Planning Association (APA) addressed this gap in planning practice with a P Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

olicy Guide on Community and Regional Food Planning, which stated, “Yet among the basic essentials for life — air. water, shelter, and food — only foo

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

d has been absent over the years as a focus of serious professional planning interest. This is a puzzling omission because, as a discipline, planning

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System PlanningJulia Freedgood \ Marisol Pierce-Quinonez5, Kenneth A. Meter'a Managing Director, Farmland & C

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning of community life” (1). Since then, food system planning has emerged as an exciting new lield that is beginning to connect agricultural land use with

economic development, public health, community food security and, Io a lesser extent, environmental protection.At its best, Icxxl system planning add Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

resses the entire life cycle of food: from natural resource management and the cultivation of crops and livestock, through processing, packaging and d

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

istribution of food, to acquisition and consumption at homes, cafeterias and restaurants, and3https://khothuvien.cori!ending with disposal in a waste

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System PlanningJulia Freedgood \ Marisol Pierce-Quinonez5, Kenneth A. Meter'a Managing Director, Farmland & C

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planningifferent mission and a different emphasis. For example, hunger advocates tend to focus on food security, public health focuses on obesity, farmland pr

otection groups highlight the land base needed to support local or regional diets, and economists generally concentrate on job creation and economic d Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

evelopment.Since 2010. however, a flurry of new food system plans have been released in various parts of the country which address everything from far

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

mland protection to healthy food access — integrating, for example, the prevailing public costs for food-related disease into new economic opportuniti

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System PlanningJulia Freedgood \ Marisol Pierce-Quinonez5, Kenneth A. Meter'a Managing Director, Farmland & C

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planninglow-income participation in existing alternative agri-food movements (Guthman, 2006), planners often employ tools such as community-based assessments

and stakeholder participation to incorporate the needs of all individuals. While in the past most plans focused on pans of the food system rather than Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

the whole system, some of the newer plans are truly comprehensive and increasingly are supported by thorough data analysis.Since many of the assessme

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

nt tools used to inform these plans are new. there is little objective evaluation of their efficacy. I lowever. their future-oriented nature and focus

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System PlanningJulia Freedgood \ Marisol Pierce-Quinonez5, Kenneth A. Meter'a Managing Director, Farmland & C

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planningds assessments may be useful in prioritizing public policy in the areas of greatest need (Percy-Smith. 1996). Environmental impact assessments are req

uired4https://khothuvien.cori!by law to determine the effect of new plans (Nagarajan. 1999). and arc valuable tools for promoting sustainable developm Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

ent (Benson. 2003). Health impact assessments arc useful both in the creation of plans and to traditional planning outcomes such as contributing to so

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

cial capital and institutional change (Slotterback, 2011). These assessments have all contributed information to the planning process and facilitated

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System PlanningJulia Freedgood \ Marisol Pierce-Quinonez5, Kenneth A. Meter'a Managing Director, Farmland & C

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planningms planning.Different tools can help diverse interests develop plans and policies to achieve their goals. With their interdisciplinary systems trainin

g and cross-sectoral work, planners are well-suited to work with communities and multiple stakeholders to build sustainable food systems that address Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

all of these interests together. Planners are trained in the political process and in ways to facilitate incorporating stakeholder involvement at all

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

levels of policy-making. Whether leading or supporting, planner engagement in food system efforts brings valuable perspectives and methods to the tabl

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System PlanningJulia Freedgood \ Marisol Pierce-Quinonez5, Kenneth A. Meter'a Managing Director, Farmland & C

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planningents. Assessment tools are needed to support community as well as professional efforts to create safe, secure and resilient food systems.The following

sections outline tools that planners, as well as professional and community advocates for sustainable food systems, are using to support food system Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

planning efforts. Examples are not comprehensive, but demonstrate what is addressed in a typical assessment of5each type. TWO of the newest types of a

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

ssessments, foodshed and food system assessments, are noted first because of their increasing use and appeal to local and regional food system plannin

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System PlanningJulia Freedgood \ Marisol Pierce-Quinonez5, Kenneth A. Meter'a Managing Director, Farmland & C

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planningnformation and set goals for comprehensive food system planning efforts. These tools vary in methodology and scope, and as such define the problems as

sociated with contemporary food systems differently. This paper attempts to catalogue the different types of assessments currently in use, in order to Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

provide food system planners with an understanding of the tools available to assist them.So far, there are no agreed upon definitions of assessment t

Emerging Assessment Tools to Inform Food System Planning

ypologies that differentiate one tool from another, and sometimes one assessment tool will fit into more than one category. This article represents on

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