Emotion in inter group relations

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Nội dung chi tiết: Emotion in inter group relations

Emotion in inter group relations

Thes article was downloaded by:[Umversity of Sussex)On 12 June 2008Access Details: [subscription number 776502344)Publisher Psychology PressInforma Lt

Emotion in inter group relationstd Registered ĩn England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954Regstered office: Mortimer House. 37-41 Mortimer Street. London WIT 3JH. UKEuropean Revie

w of Social PsychologyEuropean Review of Social PsychologyPublication details, inducing instructions for authors and subscription information:hnpZ'Www Emotion in inter group relations

.ini0fn!awoíK.«ín'&mpp.'W~wntent=i7Ị36e4724Emotion in inter-group relationsAarti Iyera; Cdin Wayne Leach b® University of Queensland, st. Lucia. OLD.

Emotion in inter group relations

Australiab University of Sussex. Brighton, UKFrst Pubtshed on: 02 June 2008To cite this Article Iyer. Aarti and Leach. Colin Wayne (20081 'Emotion in

Thes article was downloaded by:[Umversity of Sussex)On 12 June 2008Access Details: [subscription number 776502344)Publisher Psychology PressInforma Lt

Emotion in inter group relations Ịọạọ/Ị Q4f,?28Q8Q2

fThe article maybe used tor research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, lo Emotion in inter group relations

an or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone IS expressly torbrfdenThe publisher does not give any warranty express or

Emotion in inter group relations

implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug

Thes article was downloaded by:[Umversity of Sussex)On 12 June 2008Access Details: [subscription number 776502344)Publisher Psychology PressInforma Lt

Emotion in inter group relationssts or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection Willi or answig oul ot the use ol this material.EUROPEAN RE

VIEW OE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2008.19,86 125up Psychology Press1s I mnrn Crc-ipDownloaded By: [University of Sussex] At: 10:52 12 June 2008Emotion in inte Emotion in inter group relations

r-group relationsAarti IyerUniversity of Queensland. St. Lucia. QLD, AustraliaColin Wayne LeachUniversity of Sussex, Brighton, UKThe study of intcr-gr

Emotion in inter group relations

oup relations has seen a renewed emphasis on emotion. Various frameworks converge on the general conceptualisation of group-level emotions, with respe

Thes article was downloaded by:[Umversity of Sussex)On 12 June 2008Access Details: [subscription number 776502344)Publisher Psychology PressInforma Lt

Emotion in inter group relationsnology and operationalisation, as well as the role of self-relevance (e.g., self-categorisation, in-group identification) in moderating the strength o

f emotion that individuals feel about groups and their inter-relations. In this chapter we first present a typology of group-level emotions in order t Emotion in inter group relations

o classify current conceptual and empirical approaches, differentiating them along the dimensions of the (individual or group) subject and object of e

Emotion in inter group relations

motion. The second section reviews evidence for the claim that individuals feel stronger group-level emotions about things that arc relevant to their

Thes article was downloaded by:[Umversity of Sussex)On 12 June 2008Access Details: [subscription number 776502344)Publisher Psychology PressInforma Lt

Emotion in inter group relationsation. Implications for, and future directions in. the study of emotion in inlcr-group relations arc discussed.Keywords: Emotion: Group identification

; Intergroup relations; Selfcategorisation; Self-relevance.Over the past 15 years theory and research on intcr-group relations has been marked by a gr Emotion in inter group relations

eater attention to emotion. Researchers, mainly in Europe, Australasia, and the Americas, have applied the concept of emotion to a wide range of intcr

Emotion in inter group relations

-group phenomena, including stereotypes and prejudice towards out-groups (c.g., Cottrell & Neuberg, 2005; Dijkcr. 1987; Fiske.Correspondence should be

Thes article was downloaded by:[Umversity of Sussex)On 12 June 2008Access Details: [subscription number 776502344)Publisher Psychology PressInforma Lt

Emotion in inter group relationsBoth authors contributed equally to this paper. It is dedicated to R. s. Iyer, who sadly passed away during its writing. We thank Miles I lewstone. Wo

lfgang Slroebe. and four anonymous reviewers for their useful comments on an earlier version of this paper.0 2008 European Association of Experimental Emotion in inter group relations

Social Psychology

Thes article was downloaded by:[Umversity of Sussex)On 12 June 2008Access Details: [subscription number 776502344)Publisher Psychology PressInforma Lt

Thes article was downloaded by:[Umversity of Sussex)On 12 June 2008Access Details: [subscription number 776502344)Publisher Psychology PressInforma Lt

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