Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

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Nội dung chi tiết: Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzon, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzoUniversity of Minnesota AbstractForty-nine Charolais X Red Angus steers (initial average BW = 1182 lb) were fed individu

ally in a Calan-Broadbent feeding system to evaluate performance and meat quality characteristics and interactions resulting from performance and crop Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

yield when com is harvested as either shredlage silage (SIL), earlage (EAR), high-moisture com (HMC), or dry com (DRC). Steers were randomly allocate

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

d to 1 of 4 dietary treatments where SIL, EAR, HMC, or DRC constituted 75% of diet DM. The remaining of SIL, EAR. HMC and DRC diets contained 11% hayl

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo S'hd) was determined as dollars remaining after subtracting non-com crop expenses (cattle purchase, veterinary medicine, yardage, bedding and purchas

ed feed ingredients) from gross cattle sale. Worth of each com crop endpoint was determined from corn grain worth (S'56 lb) and its relationship to co Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

rn grain content in SIL, EAR, and HMC crops. This value was compared to SIL, EAR, HMC worth determined by ANOVA (crop equivalent S'bu). Worth of each

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

corn crop endpoint was also determined by dividing gross return (gross $.'hd) by acres used to raise crop. The former method is used to determine corn

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzorth for a feeder who owns com land. Net return to com acres dedicated to cattle feeding during the last 18 years was 6.2 times greater than that reali

zed through marketing com through a local elevator. Cattle fed HMC had the lowest (P < 0.05) DM I. Cattle fed DRC gained at faster (P < 0.05) ADG (han Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

cattle fed the other corn crops. Cattle fed HMC had greater ADG (P < 0.05) than those fed SIL. No difference between cattle fed DRC or HMC was observ

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

ed for G:F, but feeding either led to greater (P < 0.05) feed conversion than SIL or EAR. Final BW and HCW were greatest for DRC (P < 0.05), intermedi

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo DRC or HMC tended to have greater fat thickness than those fed SIL. No treatment differences were found for REA or marbling. Sensory panel evaluation

of loin steaks demonstrated that steaks from steers fed either SIL or EAR were juicier (P > 0.05) than those fed HMC and that bologna samples from st Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

eers fed HMC were toughest and least juicy. There was no effect seen for equivalent value of com crop (S'bu). Harvesting corn as either SIL, EAR. HMC

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

or DRC had no impact (P > 0.05) on crop worth (gross s retum'acre). Despite performance differences, all harvest end points dedicated to cattle feedin

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzoe Midwest region of the United States encompasses the Com Belt, an area of the country that is know for its feixile soil which allows for abundant cro

p yields, rhe Midwest decounted lor 25.8% of dll agricultural commodities sold in lhe United Sidles in 2007. Despite the perceived benefits of animal Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

production in the Midwest, most cattle fed in the US are led in southern sidles; where the environment is more favorable for growing cattle. Southern

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

states such as Texas and Kansas have long dominated the cattle feeding industry. A dry climate is more favorable for feeding cattle as less rainfall r

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzoeater amount of precipitation found in the northern states can result in increased morbidity, mortality, and costs associated with bedding animals as

well as increased energy requirements of the animal. Despite favorable environmental factors, cattle feeding has begun to shift further into the Midwe Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

st in recent years. Since 2001, the combined number of cattle on feed in Texas and Kansas declined by 14.6%. Meanwhile, cattle on feed in Nebraska, lo

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

wd, and South Dakota increased by 12.9% over the same period of time (USDA NASS 2010). Additionally, Minnesota reached the lop 14 slates lor ( aide on

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzolity’ feedstuffs and co-products, particularly those produced from corn grain, that are present in the Com Bell. As a result, the Midwest has seen an

increase in integrated crop and livestock systems (fanner feeders). Cattle feeding has the potential to continue lo inc Tease in this region as long a Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

s work continues to determine the most3efficient, profitable, and sustainable end point for corn harvest in crop land that is designated for cattle fe

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

eding.Integrated crop and livestock systems have had great success in improving soil properties and net return to farms. Anderson and Schatz (2002) re

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo of beef cows to utilize crop residues for feed without affecting soil properties plays a large role in increased net worth. A primary concern of catt

le grazing crop residues or cover crops is the amount of soil compaction that occurs and its effects on crop yields in subsequent years. A two year, f Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

arm-scale study conducted by Tracy and Zhang (2008) evaluated the effects of an integrated crop and livestock system of soil compaction and crop yield

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

. They found no consistent trend between cattle grazing and increased soil compaction; however, the data did suggest that grazed cropland may show inc

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo, a numerical increase in soil compaction was found for cropland with cattle presence compared to continuous com cropping systems. A 4-year study cond

ucted by Maughan et al. (2009) also found no negative impacts on soil compaction or quality and determined that corn yield was increased through the a Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

ddition of winter cover crops grazed by cattle over the continuous corn system.Corn Harvest EndpointTraditionally, cattle have been fed a ration conta

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

ining high grain concentration because of lower cost per unit of energy in comparison to that of forages. Com grain is4comprised of approximately 72%

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzossed through the history of cattle feeding, more extensive processing methods have been realized to provide substantial increases in performance and f

eed efficiency of cattle. According to Owens et al. (1997), any processing method that reduces particle size or alters the protein matrix that encapsu Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

lates starch granules achieves greater starch utilization by the animal. Increased gain and efficiency will be achieved so long as the increased rate

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

of fermentation does not cause a drastic drop in rumen pH and lead to acidosis (Fulton et al., 1979). The effectiveness of processing com to increase

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzoy than that of corn variety when comparing three com hybrids of varying rates of in vitro starch disappearance processed as either DRC or HMC.Many int

egrated crop and livestock famers (farmer-feeders) benefit from harvesting field com at different harvest endpoints to spread out their harvest time. Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

This greatly reduces the amount of field drop, or damaged ears that fall off the plant due to environmental conditions, which frequently increases wit

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

h lime as the crop dries down prior to harvest. Farmers commonly utilize extended field drying time to reduce energycosts of further drying harvested

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzos. By harvesting the crop as earlage or HMC, at about 25 to 40% moisture, farmers can reduce this field drop by up to 8% (Mader, et al., 1974).5https:

//khothuvien.cori!Whole plant corn silage is a commonly utilized feed ingredient in livestock operations, especially for dairy producers. Within feedl Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

ots, silage is not utilized as a high energy feed source as many grain crops are, but rather is fed to cattle primarily as a roughage source. Silage i

Financial and Beef Quality Implications of Corn Crop Harvest Option (shredlage, earlage, high-moisture corn or dry corn) for Cattle Feeders T. Johnson, R. B. Cox and A. DiCostanzo

s considered a quality source of effective neutral detergent fiber (eNDF) which in addition to aiding in reduction of the incidence of digestive disor

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