The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist

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Nội dung chi tiết: The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist

The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSỊ would like to express my appreciation to Dr. Tran Ha Minh Quan for his motivation, support. This thesis would not be completed Witho

The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist out his support, enthusiasm. He transferred professional knowledge of research methodology to me has improved my research skills and provided useful g

uidance throughout my academic career.I greatly appreciate to the board of managers in Van Thanh Tourist Village, Tan Gang Tourist Village who allowed The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist

me to conduct the survey at these restaurants.I would like to thank the customers at the restaurants of the Tourist Village in Ho Chi Minh City for t

The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist

heir participation of effective data collection.I greatly thanks to Mr. Nguyen Van Cuong, who spent hours with me for the interview.Lastly, I offer my

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSỊ would like to express my appreciation to Dr. Tran Ha Minh Quan for his motivation, support. This thesis would not be completed Witho

The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist NIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS - HOCHIMINI(MLTHE IMPACT OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, SERVICE QUALITY AND BRAND IMAGE ON CUSTOMER LC TOURIST VILLAGE IN HO CHI MIN

IMASTER’S THESISMASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONOlogy Code: 60.34.05SupervisorPhD. TRẦN HÀ MINH QUÂN2ABSTRACTNowadays, together with the social econo The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist

mic improvement, the living standard is increasing and having lots of restaurants operating in Ho Chi Minh City. To satisfy the customers' needs, rest

The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist

aurants try to improve their quality of service and find out the heller ways to attract more customers. But it seems to he inefficient to keep old cus

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSỊ would like to express my appreciation to Dr. Tran Ha Minh Quan for his motivation, support. This thesis would not be completed Witho

The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist find the reason for the problem and discover the main factors influencing to customer loyalty in restaurant industry.On the other hand, one of the int

eresting tourist types is the Tourist Village. It exists as the resort or the simpler type: restaurant. If resorts mainly exist in the provinces, rest The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist

aurants of the tourist village popularly exist in Ho Chi Minh city. The restaurants of the tourist village possess some advantageous points compare to

The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist

the normal restaurants, such as: having a large square, can connect luxurious structure of the restaurant to the use of air, atmosphere and tree buil

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSỊ would like to express my appreciation to Dr. Tran Ha Minh Quan for his motivation, support. This thesis would not be completed Witho

The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist r may It be influenced by the common rules which have affected to restaurant industry or having another factors aiming ut the tourist village not? thi

s is a practical question and to supply a correct answer requires a research to show full of theoretical side, practical side.This thesis was conducte The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist

d aiming at solving these problems and used interview. A main survey was undertaken with a sample of 205 customers in two sites: rhe restaurant of Van

The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist

Thanh lòurist Village, rhe restaurant of Ian (Jang Tourist Village. The results reveal that customer satisfaction, the components of service quality

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSỊ would like to express my appreciation to Dr. Tran Ha Minh Quan for his motivation, support. This thesis would not be completed Witho

The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist ourist village in Ho Chi Minh city should consider the long term strategy as well as increasing marketing program.Key words:Customer loyalty, customer

satisfaction, the brand image of the restaurant.TABLE OF CONTENTSAcknowledgements...............................................................IAbst The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist

ract.......................................................................IITable of contents........................................................

The impact of customer satisfaction, service quality and brand image on customer loyalty towards the restaurants of the tourist

.................................IllCHAPTER I: LNTRODL'CTION1.1Research background.......................................................11.2Problem d

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSỊ would like to express my appreciation to Dr. Tran Ha Minh Quan for his motivation, support. This thesis would not be completed Witho

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSỊ would like to express my appreciation to Dr. Tran Ha Minh Quan for his motivation, support. This thesis would not be completed Witho

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