Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive )

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Nội dung chi tiết: Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive )

Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive )

Copyrighted MaterialsL>4V»>I Q »17 iụ Uw*« »1«Cormto.ftM*F.xd »«• ww»(•»EIGHTHEDITIONFOOD CHEMICALS CODEXFCC 8By authority of the United States Pharma

Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive ) acopeia! Convention. Prepared by the Council of Experts and published by the Board of TrusteesTHE UNITED STATES PHARMACOPEIAL CONVENTION 12601 Twinbro

ok Parkway, Rockville, MD 20852NOTICE AND WARNINGCompliance with federal Statue* and Other law*The fact that an article appears in the food Chemicals Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive )

Codex or its supplements does not exempt it from compliance with requirements of acts of Congress, with regulations and rulings issued by agencies of

Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive )

the United States Government under authority of these acts, or with requirements and regulations of governments in other countries as relevant.Concern

Copyrighted MaterialsL>4V»>I Q »17 iụ Uw*« »1«Cormto.ftM*F.xd »«• ww»(•»EIGHTHEDITIONFOOD CHEMICALS CODEXFCC 8By authority of the United States Pharma

Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive ) ay exist shall not be deemed, and is not intended as, a grant of, or authority to exercise, any right or privilege protected by such patent or tradema

rk. All such rights and privileges are vested in the patent or trademark owner, and no other person may exercise the same without express permission, Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive )

authority, or license secured from such patent or trademark owner.Concerning Use of FCC TextAttention is called to the fact that KC text is fully copy

Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive )

righted. Authors and others wishing to use portions of the text should request permission to do so from the Legal Department of the United States Phar

Copyrighted MaterialsL>4V»>I Q »17 iụ Uw*« »1«Cormto.ftM*F.xd »«• ww»(•»EIGHTHEDITIONFOOD CHEMICALS CODEXFCC 8By authority of the United States Pharma

Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive ) N 978-1-936424-05-4ISSN 2153-1412 (print)ISSN 2153-1455 (online)Printed in the United States by United Book Press, Inc., Baltimore, MDFCC 8Copyrighted

Materials c XI? 11« L'»M ỊtoM 1ĩaT»«TOJ Ccerwfcr H/MT.VÍ » C*| W*#» »AV MTVPreíace I VPrefaceFront MatterFCC 8I his section provides general informat Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive )

ion about the Eighth Edition of the Aood Chemicals Codex (ACC) and background information on the United States Pharmacopeia! Convention (USP). Additio

Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive )

nal information about the specific uses of this compendium is provided in the General Provisions and Requirements section (page 1).MISSIONACC is publi

Copyrighted MaterialsL>4V»>I Q »17 iụ Uw*« »1«Cormto.ftM*F.xd »«• ww»(•»EIGHTHEDITIONFOOD CHEMICALS CODEXFCC 8By authority of the United States Pharma

Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive ) help ensure the quality, safety, and benefit of medicines and foods.HISTORYFCC began after the passage of the 1958 rood Additives Amendment to the Uni

ted States (U.S.) Federal rood, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had, by regulations and informal statemen Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive )

ts, defined in general terms the quality requirements for food additives, food colors, substances generally recognized as safe for use in foods (GRAS)

Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive )

and other food chemicals in the US market prior to 1958 (prior-sanctioned articles), these requirements were not sufficiently specific to serve as re

Copyrighted MaterialsL>4V»>I Q »17 iụ Uw*« »1«Cormto.ftM*F.xd »«• ww»(•»EIGHTHEDITIONFOOD CHEMICALS CODEXFCC 8By authority of the United States Pharma

Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive ) parties recognized the need for a compendium of standards designed especially for food chemicals, comparable to the United States Pharmacopeia for dru

gs and the National Formulary for excipients, which would define the quality of food-grade chemicals in terms of identity, strength, and purity. I he Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive )

National Academy of Sciences (NAS) was requested to develop this compendium and published the first edition of the ACC in 1966. Subsequent editions we

Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive )

re published by the NAS in 1972, 1981, 1996, and 2003, through the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine (IOM), which formed a Committ

Copyrighted MaterialsL>4V»>I Q »17 iụ Uw*« »1«Cormto.ftM*F.xd »«• ww»(•»EIGHTHEDITIONFOOD CHEMICALS CODEXFCC 8By authority of the United States Pharma

Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive ) mited to chemicals added directly to foods to achieve a desired function. Subsequent editions added; (a) processing aids such as enzymes, exUaclion so

lvents, filler media, and boiler waler additives; (b) foods, such as fructose and dextrose; and (c) functional ingredients that affect not the foods t Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive )

o which they are added, but the human body when the food ts consumed. Over the years, rcc has become a comprehensive compendium of standards for these

Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive )

articles, collectively termed food ingredients. The introduction of new food ingredients as well as constant changes in manufacturing processes and a

Copyrighted MaterialsL>4V»>I Q »17 iụ Uw*« »1«Cormto.ftM*F.xd »«• ww»(•»EIGHTHEDITIONFOOD CHEMICALS CODEXFCC 8By authority of the United States Pharma

Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive ) han the United States, and its worldwide use, the KCcontains monographs for ingredients llwl may not be currently marketed in the United States.USP ac

quired FCC from the NAS in 2006 and assumed responsibility for its ongoing development and publication. Io continue the work of the Food and Nutrition Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive )

Board of IOM, USP formed a Food Ingredients Expert Committee within its Council of Experts. I his Expert Committee is responsible for approving all n

Food chemicals codex ( PDFDrive )

esv and revised standards in FCC.

Copyrighted MaterialsL>4V»>I Q »17 iụ Uw*« »1«Cormto.ftM*F.xd »«• ww»(•»EIGHTHEDITIONFOOD CHEMICALS CODEXFCC 8By authority of the United States Pharma

Copyrighted MaterialsL>4V»>I Q »17 iụ Uw*« »1«Cormto.ftM*F.xd »«• ww»(•»EIGHTHEDITIONFOOD CHEMICALS CODEXFCC 8By authority of the United States Pharma

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