Oxford english grammar part 2

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Oxford english grammar part 2

352SENTENCES AND CLAUSESA somewhat larger number of verbs may take as complement a bare infinitive clause with its own subject. They include ger, have

Oxford english grammar part 2e, let, make, feel, hear, see, watch, help:[33]Theoreticians would have US believe that if digital audio data are transmitted correctly, the resulting

audio must also be correct [W2B04017I[34][. .] what would make Guy de Maupassant decide to write through an Englishwoman (S1B02&90)[35]I let them hav Oxford english grammar part 2

e ten minutes to get there at Union Council yesterday and yxxj shouted at me [S1AO68450J[36]I had intended to take them dancing and to hear Cohn sing

Oxford english grammar part 2

but they wanted to see a film and so I was outnumbered. [W1BO0663I[37]Uhm <,) I saw Heidi get out{.) go and get a drink and I saw her climb in miss th

352SENTENCES AND CLAUSESA somewhat larger number of verbs may take as complement a bare infinitive clause with its own subject. They include ger, have

Oxford english grammar part 2 followed by either a bare infinitive clause or a to-infinitive clause:[39]Well a few drops helped you remember [S2A-O27-13][40]He’s a fifty-two-year-

old business man and hotelier <,) who helped to finance the United Somali Congress when it was first established in Rome IS28-023-79]Some verbs—but ag Oxford english grammar part 2

ain no adjectives or nouns—may take -ed participle clauses as complement. They include gel. have, make, feel, hear, see, watch, like, need, want.[41][

Oxford english grammar part 2

. .] the person who booked me in had his eyebrows shaved & replaced by straight black painted lines [ . Ị (W1B-011721[42]They will find great difficu

352SENTENCES AND CLAUSESA somewhat larger number of verbs may take as complement a bare infinitive clause with its own subject. They include ger, have

Oxford english grammar part 244]The council wants the proposals "abandoned" until a means IS found to replace temporary accommodation with permanent housing 1W2COOB8IMost of these

verbs also take bare infinitive clauses, which can serve as the corresponding actives of the -ed participle clauses:[42a] They will find great diffic Oxford english grammar part 2

ulty in making Those in authority know their wants.If the verbs cannot be complemented by bare infinitive clauses, to-infinitive clauses may serve the

Oxford english grammar part 2

same purpose:[44a] The council wants [people] to abandon the proposalsSome verbs may take -ing participle clauses as complements. With adjectives and

352SENTENCES AND CLAUSESA somewhat larger number of verbs may take as complement a bare infinitive clause with its own subject. They include ger, have

Oxford english grammar part 2erbs with subjectless -ing participle clauses as complementSUBORDINATE CLAUSESinclude rtvoid, (can't) bear, dislike. enjoy, hate, involve, like. love,

mean, (not/ mind, need, prefer, try.[45]Eleanor did not like talking about herself, and usually avoided personal questions. IW2MJ09-44)[46]The toys a Oxford english grammar part 2

lso enjoyed seeing you immensely. [W18014131* Many of the sameỊIr-[47]Depending on who comes, you'll possibly need to bring sleeping bags and I hope y

Oxford english grammar part 2

ou don't mind sleeping on the fleof IWIBOO-M 51[48]This evidence involved testing patients with spine severs. IW1AO17171[49]I’m sorry I missed hearing

352SENTENCES AND CLAUSESA somewhat larger number of verbs may take as complement a bare infinitive clause with its own subject. They include ger, have

Oxford english grammar part 2roduced food. [6SO927-CỮ91-[51]Twelve people also described going through a mock execution [S2AÁB4-9'][52]I don't know if you ever tried running a bus

iness but it's very difficult I$18-065-27] Oxford english grammar part 2

352SENTENCES AND CLAUSESA somewhat larger number of verbs may take as complement a bare infinitive clause with its own subject. They include ger, have

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