Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

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Nội dung chi tiết: Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

Speech and Language Processing: An introduction to natural language processing, caBputaticnal linguistics, and speech recognition. Daniel Juralsky 4 J

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1James H. Martin. Copyright © 200€, All rights reserved. Draft of June 25, 2007. Do not cite without permission.INTRODUCTIONDIALOGUE SYSTEMSnwciATCTiMS

WERMiDave Bowman, open the pod bay doors, HAL.HAL ■ I'm sorry Dave. I'm afraid I can’t do thatStanley Kubrick and Arthur c. Clarke, screenplay of 2001 Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

: A Space OdysseyThis book IS about a new interdisciplinary field variously called computer speech and language processing or human language technolog

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

y or natural language processing or computational linguistics. Tire goal of Illis new field is to get computers to perform useful tasks involving huma

Speech and Language Processing: An introduction to natural language processing, caBputaticnal linguistics, and speech recognition. Daniel Juralsky 4 J

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1One example of a useful such task is a conversational agent The HAL 9000 computer in Stanley Kubrick’s film 2001: A Space Odyssey is one of the most r

ecognizable characters in twentieth-century cinema. HAL IS an artificial agent capable of such advanced language-processing behavior as speaking and u Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

nderstanding English, and at a crucial moment in the plot, even reading lips. It is now clear that HAL’S creator Arthur c. Clarke was a little optimis

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

tic in predicting when an artificial agent such as HAL would be available. But just how far off was he ? What would it take to create at least the lan

Speech and Language Processing: An introduction to natural language processing, caBputaticnal linguistics, and speech recognition. Daniel Juralsky 4 J

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1 text we study the various components that make up modern conversational agents, including language input (automatic speech recognition and natural la

nguage understanding! and language output (natural language generation and speech synthesis).Let’s turn to another usefill language-related task, that Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

of making available to non-English-speaking leaders the vast amount of scientific information on the Web in English. Or translating for English speak

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

ers the hundreds of millions of Web pages written tn other languages like Chinese. The goal of machine translation IS to automatically translate a doc

Speech and Language Processing: An introduction to natural language processing, caBputaticnal linguistics, and speech recognition. Daniel Juralsky 4 J

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1l as important component tasks.Many other language processing tasks are also related to the Web. Another such task IS Web-based question answering. Th

is IS a generalization of simple web search, where instead of just typing keywords a user might ask complete questions, ranging from easy to hard, lik Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

e the following:Chapter 1. Introduction•What does “divergent" mean?•What year was Abraham Lincoln bom?•How many states were in the United States that

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

year?•How much Chinese silk was exported to England by the end of the 1 Sth century?•What do scientists think about the ethics of human cloning'’Some

Speech and Language Processing: An introduction to natural language processing, caBputaticnal linguistics, and speech recognition. Daniel Juralsky 4 J

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1 more complicated questions might require extracting information that is embedded in other text on a Web page, or doing inference (drawing conclusions

based on known facts), or synthesizing and summarizing information from multiple sources or web pages. In this text we study the various components t Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

hat make up modem understanding systems of this kind, including information extraction, word sense disambiguation, and so on.Although the subfields an

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

d problems we've described above are all very far from completely solved, these are all very active research areas and many technologies are already a

Speech and Language Processing: An introduction to natural language processing, caBputaticnal linguistics, and speech recognition. Daniel Juralsky 4 J

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1l correction, grammar checking, and so on), as well as the mathematical models that will be introduced throughout the book.1.1 Knowledge in Speech and

Language ProcessingWliat distinguishes language processing applications from other data processing systems is their use of knowledge of language. Con Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

sider the Unix wc program. which is used to count the total number of bytes, words, and lines in a text file. When used to count bytes and lines, wc i

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

s an ordinary' data processing application. However, when It is used to count the words in a file it requires knowledge about what it means to be a wo

Speech and Language Processing: An introduction to natural language processing, caBputaticnal linguistics, and speech recognition. Daniel Juralsky 4 J

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1anguage. Sophisticated conversational agents like HAL. or machine translation systems, or robust question-answering systems, require much broader and

deeper knowledge of language. To get a feeling for the scope and kind of required knowledge, considei some of wliat HAL would need to know to engage i Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

n the dialogue that begins this chapter, or for a question answering system to answer one of the questions above.HAL must be able to recognize words f

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

rom an audio signal and to generate an audio signal from a sequence of words. These tasks of speech recognition and speech synthesis tasks require kno

Speech and Language Processing: An introduction to natural language processing, caBputaticnal linguistics, and speech recognition. Daniel Juralsky 4 J

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1Note also that unlike Star Trek's Commander Data. HAL is capable of producing contractions like 1 'nt and can't. Producing and recognizing these and o

ther variations of individual words (eg.. recognizing that doors IS plural) requires knowledge about morphology. the way words break down into compone Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

nt parts that carry meanings like singular versus plural.Section 1.1 Knowledge in Speech and Language ProcessingMoving beyond individual words. IL\L m

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

ust use structural knowledge to properly string together the words that constitute its response. For example. HAL must know that the following sequenc

Speech and Language Processing: An introduction to natural language processing, caBputaticnal linguistics, and speech recognition. Daniel Juralsky 4 J

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1Dave I’m can't.rhe knowledge needed Io order and group words together comes under the heading of syntax.Now consider a question answering system deali

ng with the following question:•How much Chinese silk was exported to Western Europe by the end of the 18th century?In order to answer this question w Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

e need to know something about lexical semantics. the meaning of all the words (export. or silk) as well as compositional semantics (what exactly cons

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

titutes Western Europe as opposed to Eastern or Southern Europe, what does end mean when combined with rhe I Sth century. We also need to know somethi

Speech and Language Processing: An introduction to natural language processing, caBputaticnal linguistics, and speech recognition. Daniel Juralsky 4 J

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1oint, and not a description of the agent, as the by-phrase is in the following sentence:•How much Chinese silk was exported to Western Eur ope by sout

hern merchants?We also need the kind of knowledge that lets HAL determine that Dave's utterance is a request for action, as opposed to a simple statem Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

ent about the world or a question about the door, as in the following variations of his original statementREQUEST:HAL, open the pod bay door.STATE MEN

Speech and language processing an introduction to natural language processing part 1

T:HAL, the pod bay doõr I 5 open

Speech and Language Processing: An introduction to natural language processing, caBputaticnal linguistics, and speech recognition. Daniel Juralsky 4 J

Speech and Language Processing: An introduction to natural language processing, caBputaticnal linguistics, and speech recognition. Daniel Juralsky 4 J

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