U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

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Nội dung chi tiết: U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

U.S. and Global MediaPerspectives on Afghanistan:Evaluating the Roles of the United states and the united Nations in Preserving World PeaceMatt McCler

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on AfghanistanrnanMatt TraversoTim Mattran37960EDGEBruce LusignanPart I: The Legacy of American Involvement in Afghanistan According to the American Media By Matt M

cClernanI. IntroAfghanistan was a neutral country in the 20th century, receiving aid from the United States and Soviet Union untilthe 1970s. In the 19 U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

70s, Afganistan's King Muhammad Zahir Khan was forced to deal with serious economic problems caused in large part by a severe national drought. These

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

economic problems caused a general unrest among the people of Afghanistan, and in July of 1973 a group of young military officers took things into the

U.S. and Global MediaPerspectives on Afghanistan:Evaluating the Roles of the United states and the united Nations in Preserving World PeaceMatt McCler

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistanan, becoming president and prime minister. Daud's reign was short-lived; in Afghanistan's coup d'etat of 1978, Daud was deposed by a group led by Noor

Mohammed Taraki, who instituted Marxist reforms and aligned the country more closely with the Soviet Union. These events marked the beginning of what U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

would become known as the Afghanistan War, a devastating conflict between anticommunist Muslim Afghan guerrillas (mujahadeen) and soviet forces and A

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

fghan government.Mohammed Taraki was killed in September of 1979 and Hafizullah Amin took power. With Amin taking the throne, the USSR did not hesitat

U.S. and Global MediaPerspectives on Afghanistan:Evaluating the Roles of the United states and the united Nations in Preserving World PeaceMatt McCler

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistanna and Saudi Arabia, channeled funds through Pakistan tothe mujahadeen. The civil war ensued, and through the course of this war over six million peop

le of the Afghanistan population fled the country, giving it the largest refugee population of any country in the world.By 1991-92, the US finally rea U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

ched an agreement with the USSR that neither would continue to supply aid to any faction in Afghanistan, out of these previously US funded factions ro

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

se the Taliban, an armed Aghan faction which apparently was an Islamic movement. The Taliban, funded by the CIA during this war, fought with other fac

U.S. and Global MediaPerspectives on Afghanistan:Evaluating the Roles of the United states and the united Nations in Preserving World PeaceMatt McCler

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan. The Taliban did not really exist as a coherent politico-military faction or movement before late 1994; prior to this time, they were members of othe

r factions such as Harakat-e Islam! and Mohammad Nab! Mohammad!, or operated independently without a centralized command center.In September of 2001, U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

in a severe blow to the Northern Alliance, Massoud died as a result of a suicide bomb attack by assassins posing as Arab journalists. Two days later t

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

errorist assaults were launched on the Pentagon and worldTrade Center (9/11); bin Laden was involved in the planning of both. Naturally these attacks

U.S. and Global MediaPerspectives on Afghanistan:Evaluating the Roles of the United states and the united Nations in Preserving World PeaceMatt McCler

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistans and forces in response to the Taliban's refusal of turning in bin Laden. The United States began providing financial aid and other assistance to the

Northern Alliance and other opposition groups. Assisted by U.S. air strikes, opposition forces eradicated Al Qaeda and Taliban forces from Afghanista U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

n's major urban areas in November and December, often aided by the defection of forces allied with the Taliban. Several thousand U.S. troops began ent

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

ering the country in November, mainly to concentrate on the search for bin Laden and Taliban leader Mullah Muhammad Omar and to deal with what was lef

U.S. and Global MediaPerspectives on Afghanistan:Evaluating the Roles of the United states and the united Nations in Preserving World PeaceMatt McCler

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistanonference in Bonn, Germany. By January of 2002, the Taliban and Al Qaeda were largely defeated, although most of their leaders and unknown numbers of

their forces remained at large. Fighting continued on a sporadic basis, with occasional real battles, as occurrednear Gardez in Mar., 2002. The countr U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

y itself largely reverted to the control of the regional warlords who held power before the Taliban, and their forces again engaged in fighting each o

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

ther at times. NATO nations provided forces for various military, peacekeeping, and humanitarian operations. Numerous other nations contributed humani

U.S. and Global MediaPerspectives on Afghanistan:Evaluating the Roles of the United states and the united Nations in Preserving World PeaceMatt McCler

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan the Taliban, and the United States).In June of 2002, Muhammad Zahir Khan, the former king, returned to the country from exile to convene a traditiona

l Afghan grand council to establish a transitional government. Karzai was elected president (for a two-year term):selling Karzai to the Afghans as a n U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

ational leader was simpler. A hereditary tribal chief, the urbane, multilingual Karzai enjoyed a reputation for integrity and was a member of Afghanis

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

tan's largest ethnic community, the Pashtuns. The United States preferred a Pashtun leader to win support from an ethnic group that formed the core of

U.S. and Global MediaPerspectives on Afghanistan:Evaluating the Roles of the United states and the united Nations in Preserving World PeaceMatt McCler

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistanmasse after his return as close to one million Afghan refugees returned from Pakistan. Nonetheless, nearly fivemillion Afghan refugees remain, the lar

gest number in theworld.II. America's Media and Expectations of US InvolvementThe majority of the American media seems to concur that winning peace in U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

Afghanistan is absolutely necessary, as is leaving behind a solid government. The important focus here is that the American media largely disregards

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

the United Nations' involvement in the Middle East and Afghanistan in particular. The United States media often refers to the situations in Afghanista

U.S. and Global MediaPerspectives on Afghanistan:Evaluating the Roles of the United states and the united Nations in Preserving World PeaceMatt McCler

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan. There has certainly been a call for other members of the UN to donate their troops and have a stake in the affairs abroad, but this has not received

as much attention as is justly due. It appears as though the united States media either is not concerned quite as much with the UN's involvement in t U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

hese conflicts or has decided that these issues are the united States' issues. Likewise it still remains to be clear as to how exactly our media sees

U.S.and Global Media Perspectives on Afghanistan

the resolution of conflicts in Afghanistan taking place. Some publications have stated that American troops should be removed because of the seemingly

U.S. and Global MediaPerspectives on Afghanistan:Evaluating the Roles of the United states and the united Nations in Preserving World PeaceMatt McCler

U.S. and Global MediaPerspectives on Afghanistan:Evaluating the Roles of the United states and the united Nations in Preserving World PeaceMatt McCler

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