Unit 1 international trade

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Nội dung chi tiết: Unit 1 international trade

Unit 1 international trade

Unit 1: International TradeWordsDefinitionExample/Usage in EnglishVietnamese meaning1Absolute advantageThe ability of a country, individual, company o

Unit 1 international tradeor region to produce a good or sen ice at a lower cost per unit than the cost at which any other entity produces that good or service.The United State

s produces 700 million gallons of wine per year, while Italy produces 4 billion. Italy has an absolute advantage because it produces many more gallons Unit 1 international trade

of wine (the output) in the same amount of time (the input) as the United States.ƯU the truyệt dõi2AcceptanceA contractual agreement on a time draft

Unit 1 international trade

or sight draft to pay the amount due at a specified date.International trade is facilitated by banks enacting banker’s acceptances, thereby guaranteei

Unit 1: International TradeWordsDefinitionExample/Usage in EnglishVietnamese meaning1Absolute advantageThe ability of a country, individual, company o

Unit 1 international tradereign bank by notifying the exporter that the credit has been opened in his or her favor.The advising bank authenticates the L/C and sends the benefic

iary the detail.Ngân hàng xác nhận4AmendmentProposed change to a letter of credit.A common type of amendment is to extend the term of a contract. An a Unit 1 international trade

mendment also change pricing, deadlines or ownership rights.Sự sừa dõi bõ sung5AntidumpingTo selling goods abroad at below cost priceVietnam is impose

Unit 1 international trade

d antidumping tariff on shrimp.Chõng phá giá6Applicant (for L/C)In the documentary credit process, normally the buyer or importer, who applies for a l

Unit 1: International TradeWordsDefinitionExample/Usage in EnglishVietnamese meaning1Absolute advantageThe ability of a country, individual, company o

Unit 1 international trade sightPhrase indicating that payment on a draft or other negotiable instrument is due upon presentation or demand.The sight draft is presented to the

importer with the shipping document, and the importer pays immediately or ‘at sight’Ngay khi trình ra8ArbitrageThe process of buying FOREIGN EXCHANGE, Unit 1 international trade

stocks, bonds and other commodities in one market and immediately selling them in another market at higher prices.A person buys one dollar at the pri

Unit 1 international trade

ce of 20.000 VND and sell it at 22.000 VND. 2.000 is the profit from arbitrage.Kinh doanh chênh lệch giá9AuthenticateTo prove that something is genuin

Unit 1: International TradeWordsDefinitionExample/Usage in EnglishVietnamese meaning1Absolute advantageThe ability of a country, individual, company o

Unit 1 international tradest of the world. BOP accounting serv es to highlight a country's compeliliv e strengths and weaknesses, and helps in achieving balanced economic-growt

h.11 you want to know how much your company has spent through the year you will need to look through your balance of payments.Các cân thanh toán11Bala Unit 1 international trade

nce of tradeThe accounts setting out a country’s total imports and exportsBalance of Trade in Vietnam averaged -430.19 USD Million from 1990 until 201

Unit 1 international trade

5c.án cân thương mại12BankAn establishment aut horized by a government to accept deposits, pay interest, clear checks, make loans, act as an intermedi

Unit 1: International TradeWordsDefinitionExample/Usage in EnglishVietnamese meaning1Absolute advantageThe ability of a country, individual, company o

Unit 1 international tradeto the bank to take some money out of my account.Ngân hàng13BarterTrade in which merchandise is exchanged directly for Other merchandise without use o

l money.He didn’t have enough money to buy a new bike so he created an ad in the newspaper offering to barter his couch lor one.ĩĩàng đôi hàng14Benefi Unit 1 international trade

ciaryThe person in whose favor a LETTER OF CREDIT is issued or a DRAFT is drawn.The advising bank authenticates the letter of credit and sends the ben

Unit 1 international trade

eficiary (the seller) the details.Người thụ hưởng15Bill of exchangeA written, unconditional order by one party (the drawer) to another (the drawee) to

Unit 1: International TradeWordsDefinitionExample/Usage in EnglishVietnamese meaning1Absolute advantageThe ability of a country, individual, company o

Unit 1 international tradell of exchange is guaranteed if it is accepted by a well-known bank.Hói phiẽu16Bill of ladingA document issued by a carrier, or its agent, to the ship

per as a contract of carriage of goods. It is also a receipt for cargo ac cepted for transportation, and must be presented for taking delivery at the Unit 1 international trade

destinationWe were required to use a bill of lading in our commerce transactions with the international shipper in our business dealings.Vận đơn hàng

Unit 1 international trade

hóa17Binding contractAn agreement in writ ing between two or more individuals or e ntities in which a court can impose penalties in the event one part

Unit 1: International TradeWordsDefinitionExample/Usage in EnglishVietnamese meaning1Absolute advantageThe ability of a country, individual, company o

Unit 1 international trade không thê hủy nganghis or her promise as set forth in the signed document.18Bonded warehouseWarehouse authorized by a customs authority for storage o

f goods on which payment of duties is deferred until the goods are removed for entry into the commerce of the country or exported from the country.You Unit 1 international trade

need to make sure that everything is always up to code in your bonded warehouse so that no disasters happen.Kho lưu hái quan19BoycottA refusal to dea

Unit 1 international trade

l commercially with a person, firm or country.The Treasury Department has published its quarterly list of countries that require or may require partic

Unit 1: International TradeWordsDefinitionExample/Usage in EnglishVietnamese meaning1Absolute advantageThe ability of a country, individual, company o

Unit 1 international tradedomestic investors s ell off their assets in a particular country because they no longer perceive it as a safe investment.Money is leaving China faste

r than ever, according to a Bloomberg gauge tracking capital flows.Sự chày vổn ra nước ngoài21Cash in advancePayment for goods in which the price is p Unit 1 international trade

aid in full before shipment is made.Cash in advance is used where there is political unrest or new familial-customer.ứng trước tiền măt22Certificate o

Unit 1 international trade

f inspectionA document certifying that merchandise was in good condition immediately prior to its shipment.Exporters are advised that shipments of reg

Unit 1: International TradeWordsDefinitionExample/Usage in EnglishVietnamese meaning1Absolute advantageThe ability of a country, individual, company o

Unit 1 international trade kiẽm tra23Certificate of originA document, certifying the country of origin of specified goods.When looking at certificate of origin, they saw JapanG

iấy chứng nhận xuất xứ24CommissionMutually agreed upon, or fixed by custom or law, fe e accruing to an agent, broker, or salesperson for facilitating, Unit 1 international trade

initiating, and/or executing a c ommercial transaction.You get a 10% commission on everything you sell.Tiên hoa hông

Unit 1: International TradeWordsDefinitionExample/Usage in EnglishVietnamese meaning1Absolute advantageThe ability of a country, individual, company o

Unit 1: International TradeWordsDefinitionExample/Usage in EnglishVietnamese meaning1Absolute advantageThe ability of a country, individual, company o

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