2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

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Nội dung chi tiết: 2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

Speth, John D., 2018. A New Look at Old Assumptions: Paleomdian Communal Bison Hunting. Mobility, and stone Tool Technology. In The Archaeology of Lar

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions rge-Scale Manipulation of Prey: The Economic and Social Dynamics of Mass Hunting, edited by Kristen Carlson and Leland c Bement, pp. 161-285. Universi

ty Press of Colorado. Boulder, co.8I am honored to have been asked to write a concluding chapter for this wonderful collection of papers on communal h 2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

unting. My only regret is that I wasn’t able to be at the actual session where these papers were presented, or at the informal discussions that surely

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

followed. Communal hunting has always been one of my favorite topics, one that began during my graduate student days when George Prison and I overlap

Speth, John D., 2018. A New Look at Old Assumptions: Paleomdian Communal Bison Hunting. Mobility, and stone Tool Technology. In The Archaeology of Lar

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions Eastern Middle Paleolithic, and knew next to nothing about either communal bison kills or Paleoindians, I found George’s work on both topics to be ca

ptivating, a fascination that played an important role in my eventual conversion” from stones to bones and my lifelong interest in many of the other t 2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

opics touched upon in this chapter.Presentations at symposia by discussants, and their concluding chapters in the volumes that often result, can come

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

in many different forms. Some sim-ply recapitulate what the authors have already said. I know from my own experience that I tend to “zone out” when di

Speth, John D., 2018. A New Look at Old Assumptions: Paleomdian Communal Bison Hunting. Mobility, and stone Tool Technology. In The Archaeology of Lar

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions in print. Or the discussant can launch into a diatribe about all that he or she (usually the former) sees as wrong in the session, and I find “contrib

utions" of thatA New Look at OldAssumptionsPaleoindian CommunalBison Hunting, Mobility, and Stone Tool TechnologyJohn D. SpethDOI: 10.5876/97816073268 2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

23x008161sort to be counterproductive, if not downright off-putting. So the problem is to find a way to relate ones comments to broader themes of the

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

session and the volume, but in such a way that they don't simply reiterate what has already been said, and that (one hopes) will add something that is

Speth, John D., 2018. A New Look at Old Assumptions: Paleomdian Communal Bison Hunting. Mobility, and stone Tool Technology. In The Archaeology of Lar

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions is one, so not surprisingly I found I had to be selective. I want to emphasize at the outset, however, that there is no hidden agenda implied by the p

articular topics I have chosen and those that I have omitted. Quite the contrary, my choices simply reflect the intersection of the book’s contents wi 2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

th the path along which my own thinking has been going of late, and hence topics about which I might be able to say something that is not already “old

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

hat." However, a bit like the “Surgeon General’s Warning,” I should also add that many of my thoughts these days, and hence what I have written here,

Speth, John D., 2018. A New Look at Old Assumptions: Paleomdian Communal Bison Hunting. Mobility, and stone Tool Technology. In The Archaeology of Lar

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions ns, particularly those seemingly unassailable ones that are seldom pur under rhe spotlight.Inadequate attention to assumptions was always a pet peeve

of mine with Processualisni during the heady days of the “New Archaeology.” Too much emphasis was put on “testing” and “confirming" hypotheses. I alwa 2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

ys had the nagging feeling that if one already knew the answer at the start, the outcome wasn’t going to be very interesting or informative, because t

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

o me the real issue was not whether you found what you expected to find (there was a good chance that was equifinality, anyway), but whether the initi

Speth, John D., 2018. A New Look at Old Assumptions: Paleomdian Communal Bison Hunting. Mobility, and stone Tool Technology. In The Archaeology of Lar

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions ew “theory” that happened to be the bandwagon at the moment, or from “inherited wisdom” that was largely immune from examination. Thus, we tested hypo

theses about whether society “X” was patrilocal or matrilocal, but never really asked what postmarital residence was really all about, or why anyone s 2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

hould be interested in it in the first place. The focus was squarely on the “testing" end of things, usually with no alternative or competing hypothes

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

es offered should the “preferred” one fail, and I'm willing to bet that nine times our of ten if the results of the “test" turned out negative, we nev

Speth, John D., 2018. A New Look at Old Assumptions: Paleomdian Communal Bison Hunting. Mobility, and stone Tool Technology. In The Archaeology of Lar

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions ut others that clearly don’t. That s when you are forced back to the “drawing boards” and have to start questioning the basic assumptions that you beg

an with. To say rhe least,162 JOHN D, SPETHthat stage can be very frustrating, akin to beating your head against the proverbial wall. But it can also 2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

be an exciting and rewarding point in one’s thinking, because the new framework that eventually (one hopes) surfaces is often quite unexpected, even c

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

ounterintuitive, and may well lead to all sorts of new and productive avenues of research. Unfortunately, for junior scholars who are struggling to ge

Speth, John D., 2018. A New Look at Old Assumptions: Paleomdian Communal Bison Hunting. Mobility, and stone Tool Technology. In The Archaeology of Lar

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions ght bulb never goes oft'when you want it to, or when you need it.In any case, what follows arc a few ideas that have been gestating lor quite some tim

e in my own thinking and that were sparked anew by chapters in the present volume. They don’t all deal directly with communal hunting, nor do they all 2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

deal with Palcoindians, but in one way or another they arc all concerned with the assumptions we make in reconstructing the lifeways of hunting peopl

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

es in the past. As this chapter unfolds, I hope at a minimum that 1 have succeeded in weaving them together into something that is reasonably coherent

Speth, John D., 2018. A New Look at Old Assumptions: Paleomdian Communal Bison Hunting. Mobility, and stone Tool Technology. In The Archaeology of Lar

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions ge part because they run counter to much mainstream thinking in the field today. Ĩ offer them, not out of any conviction that they are right, bur as “

food for thought." If nothing else, I hope they help convince the reader that there is still much we can learn by questioning some of the basic assump 2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

tions regarding communal hunting and related issues of technology, mobility, and land use that we all too often simply take for granted.THE TIME-DEPTH

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

OF COMMUNAL BISON HUNTINGSince many of the chapters in this volume arc concerned in one way or another with bison hunting in North America, let me be

Speth, John D., 2018. A New Look at Old Assumptions: Paleomdian Communal Bison Hunting. Mobility, and stone Tool Technology. In The Archaeology of Lar

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions ntessential kill sites, emblematic of communal hunting worldwide. In the classic northern Plains kills, dozens, even hundreds oi animals were driven o

ff cliffs, and into an amazing variety of traps including sinkholes, artificially constructed corrals, steep-sided deadend arroyos, parabolic sand dun 2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

es, snowdrifts, and rivers (Kornfeld, Prison, and Larson 2010). Hundreds oi these kills have been documented, scores sampled, and many thoroughly exca

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

vated and reported in marvelously derailed books and monographs (c.g., Bement 1999; Prison 1974,1996; Prison and Stanford 1982; Meltzer 2006; Wheat 19

Speth, John D., 2018. A New Look at Old Assumptions: Paleomdian Communal Bison Hunting. Mobility, and stone Tool Technology. In The Archaeology of Lar

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions NS 163data we can approximate the time of year when the drives took place. Thanks to the pioneering work of Joe Ben Wheat at Olsen-Chubbuck in Colorad

o and George Prison at a number of kills in Wyoming and Montana, both scholars weaving together insights from the rich ethnohistoric record and the fi 2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

ndings of archaeology, as well as information from wildlife biolog}' and etholog}-, we now have sophisticated models of how the animals were manipulat

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

ed into these traps and some idea of the reasons why the animals were hunted at particular times of year (see Kornfeld, Prison, and Larson 2010).These

Speth, John D., 2018. A New Look at Old Assumptions: Paleomdian Communal Bison Hunting. Mobility, and stone Tool Technology. In The Archaeology of Lar

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions leoindian period, 12,000 years ago or more (Bement and Carter 2010, 2015). Yet, despite the romance and mystique of the Paleoindian period, by Old Wor

ld standards these intrepid hunters of the Great Plains are essentially the distant “backwoods” cousins of Prepottery Neolithic protoagriculturists in 2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

the Near East, peoples who were already living year-round in villages, some of them exceptionally large, constructing monumental shrines and other ar

2018 speth a new look at old assumptions

chitectural features, and well on their way toward domesticating both plants and animals (e.g., Dietrich et al. 2012). Communal bison hunting actually

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