A short treatise on the equivariant degr
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A short treatise on the equivariant degr
A short treatise on the equivariant degree theory and its applicationsJournal of Fixed Point Theory and ApplicationsISSN 1661-7738Volume 8Number 1J. F A short treatise on the equivariant degr Fixed Point Theory Appl.(2010) 8:1-74DOI 10.1007/S11784-010-0033-9Journal ofFixed Point Theoryand ApplicationsSpringerYour article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Basel AG. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic A short treatise on the equivariant degr repositories. If you wish to self-archive your work, please use the accepted author’s version for posting to your own website or your institution’s rA short treatise on the equivariant degr
epository. You may further deposit the accepted author’s version on a funder’s repository at a funder's request, provided it is not made publicly avaiA short treatise on the equivariant degree theory and its applicationsJournal of Fixed Point Theory and ApplicationsISSN 1661-7738Volume 8Number 1J. F A short treatise on the equivariant degr /sll 784-010-0)33-9Published online October 27. 2010© Springer Basel AG 2010A short treatise on the equivariant degree theory and its applicationsZalman Balanov. Wieslaw Krawcewicz. Slawomir Rybicki and Heinrich SteinleinDedicated to Stephen SmaleAbstract. The aim of this survey is to give a profoun A short treatise on the equivariant degr d introduction to equivariant degree theory, avoiding as far as possible technical details and highly theoretical background. We describe the equivariA short treatise on the equivariant degr
ant degree and its relation to the Brouvjer degree for several classes of symmetry groups, including also the equivariant gradient degree, and particuA short treatise on the equivariant degree theory and its applicationsJournal of Fixed Point Theory and ApplicationsISSN 1661-7738Volume 8Number 1J. F A short treatise on the equivariant degr s. The paper concludes with a brief sketch of the construction and interpretation of the equivariant degree.Mathematics Subject Classification (2010). Primary 47H11; Secondary 34C60, 37G40. 70F10, 92CT5.Keywords. Equivariant (gradient) degree, Burnside ring, multiplicativ-ity. recurrence formula, ba A short treatise on the equivariant degr sic degree. Euler ring, equivariant Hopf bifurcation, legged locomotion, Lennard Jones 3-body problem, delay system of variational type, Newtonian sysA short treatise on the equivariant degr
tem.The author of this book considers this work to be the shorter the better.Who finds this book to be too long now. can be sure that it will become sA short treatise on the equivariant degree theory and its applicationsJournal of Fixed Point Theory and ApplicationsISSN 1661-7738Volume 8Number 1J. F A short treatise on the equivariant degr dedAuthor's personal2z. Balanov et al.JFPTAA short treatise on the equivariant degree theory and its applicationsJournal of Fixed Point Theory and ApplicationsISSN 1661-7738Volume 8Number 1J. FGọi ngay
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