A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory

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Nội dung chi tiết: A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory

A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory

arXivrl002.036ÓV 1 [astro-ph.IM] 1 Feb 2010A Study of the Effect of Molecular and Aerosol Conditions in the Atmosphere on Air Fluorescence Measurement

A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory ts at the Pierre Auger ObservatoryThe Pierre Auger Collaboration.1. Abraham*, p. Abreu71, M. Aglietta64, c. Aguirre’2, E.J. Ahn*7, I). Allard31, I. Al

lekotte1, J. Allen00, .1. Alvarez-Muniz78, M. Ambrosio4*, L. Anchordoqui104, s. Andringa71, A. Anzalone53, c. Aramo48, E. Arganda75,K.Arisaka05, F. Ar A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory

queros75, T. Asch3*, II. Asorey1. p. Assis71, J. Aublin33, M. Ave37,96, G. Avila10, T. Backer42, D. Badagnani6. K.B. Barber11,A.F. Barbosa14, S.I..C.

A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory

Barroso20, B. Baughman02, p. Batileo85, J.J. Beatty02, T. Bean31, B.R. Becker101. K.H. Becker36, A. Bellétoile34, J.A. Bellido11, s. BenZvi108, c. Ber

arXivrl002.036ÓV 1 [astro-ph.IM] 1 Feb 2010A Study of the Effect of Molecular and Aerosol Conditions in the Atmosphere on Air Fluorescence Measurement

A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory azi33, R. Bonino64, N. Borodai00, .1. Brack*5, p. Brogueira71, w.c. Brown*0, R. Bruijn81, p. Buchholz42,A. Bueno77, R.E. Burton*3, N.G. Busca31, K.s.

Caballero-Mora”,L.Caramete30, R. Caruso50, A. Castellina54, o. Catalano53, L. Cazon06,R.Coster51. J. Chauvin34. A. (-hiavassa"’4, J.A. ChinellatcjJ8, A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory

A. Chou*7 00, .1. Chudolw27. .1. Chye*° d. R.w. Clay", E. Colombo2, R. ConceMj&i71,F.Contreras0, II. Cook*’, J. Coppens05’07, A. Cordier32, Ư. Cotti03

A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory

, s. Coutu03, C.E. Covault*3, A. Creusot73, A. Criss03. J. Cronin06,A. Curntiu30, s. Dagoret-Campagne32, R. Dallier35, K. Panmiller37, B.R. Dawson11,

arXivrl002.036ÓV 1 [astro-ph.IM] 1 Feb 2010A Study of the Effect of Molecular and Aerosol Conditions in the Atmosphere on Air Fluorescence Measurement

A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory , V. de Souza16, K.D. de Vries66, G. Decerprit3’, L. delPeral76, o. Deligny30, A. Della Selva1*, C. Delle Fratte40, H. Dembinski’", c. Di Giulio40, J.

c. Diaz' *. P.N. Diep106, c. Dobrigkcit ’*. J.c. D’Olivo0-’. P.N. Dong’05, A. Dorofeev85, J.c. dos Anjos14, M.T. Dova6, D. D’Urao4*,I.Dutan30, M.A. Du A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory

Vernois08, J. Ebr27, R. Engel37, M. Erdmann*1, c.o. Escobar1*, A. Etchegoyen2, p. Fax I San Luis06,78, II. Falcke65,68,G.Farrar00, AC. Fauth’*. N. Faz

A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory

zini87, F. Ferrer*3. A. Ferrero2. B. Fick*0, A. Filevich2, A. Filipcic72, , I. Fleck42, s. Fliescher40, C.E. Fracchiolla*5, E.D. Fraenkel00, w. Fulgio

arXivrl002.036ÓV 1 [astro-ph.IM] 1 Feb 2010A Study of the Effect of Molecular and Aerosol Conditions in the Atmosphere on Air Fluorescence Measurement

A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory Giaccari47, M. Giller70, II. Glass*7.L.M. Goggin104. M.S. Gohl’01, G. Gohip’, F. Gomez Albarracin6. M. Gomez Berisso’, p. Goncalves71, D. Gonzalez41,

J.G. Gonzalez77,88, D. Góra41’60,A. Gorgi54, p. Gouffon17, S.R. Gozzini*1, E. Grashorn02, s. Grebe65,M.Grigat40, A.F. Grillo55. Y. Guardincerri4, F. G A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory

uarino48, G.p. Guedes10,J.Gutierrez76, J.D. Hague101, V. Halcnka2*, p. Hansen0, D. Harari1,s. Harmsma00 07, J.L. Ilarton*6. A. Haungs37. M.D. Healy05,

A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory

T. Hebbeker40,G.Hebrero70, D. Heck37, c. Hojvnt*7” v.c. Holmes11, p. Homola00,Preprint mbmitted to Asiropart. Phựx.February i. 20Í0A.Tamashiro7, A. T

arXivrl002.036ÓV 1 [astro-ph.IM] 1 Feb 2010A Study of the Effect of Molecular and Aerosol Conditions in the Atmosphere on Air Fluorescence Measurement

A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory ermans67,65. w. Tkaczyk70, C.J. Todero Peixoto22,B.Tomé71, A. Tonachini61, I. Torres59, p. Travnicck27, D.B. lYidapalli17, G. ’lYistram31, E. Trovato6

0, M. Tueros6, R. Ulrich37. M. Unger37.M. Urban32. J.F. Valdés Galicia64, 1. Valino37. L. Valore48, A.M. van den Berg66. J.R. Vázquez75, R.A. Vdzquez7 A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory

8,1). Veberid73-72, A. Velarde13,T.Venters96. V. Verzi19, M. Videla8. L. Villasenor63, s. Vorobiov73,1.. Voyvodic37 *, II. Wahlberg6. p. Wahrlich11, o

A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory

. Wainberg2, I). Warner36,Ấ.A. Watson31, s. Wester hofF103, B.J. Whelan11^ G. Wieczorek70,L. Wiencke84, B. Wilczynska69, H. Wilczynski69, T. Winchen46

arXivrl002.036ÓV 1 [astro-ph.IM] 1 Feb 2010A Study of the Effect of Molecular and Aerosol Conditions in the Atmosphere on Air Fluorescence Measurement

A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory °°, A. Zepeda60, M. Ziolkowski421Centro Atdmico Bariloche and Institute Balseiro (CNEA-UNCuyo-CONICET), San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina2Centro Atóm

ioo Constituyentes (Comisión Nacional de Energia Atomica/CONICET/UTN-FRBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina A study of the effect of molecular and aerosol conditions in the atmosphere on air fluorescence measurements at the pierre auger observatory

arXivrl002.036ÓV 1 [astro-ph.IM] 1 Feb 2010A Study of the Effect of Molecular and Aerosol Conditions in the Atmosphere on Air Fluorescence Measurement

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