English teaching resourcesmore grammar games
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English teaching resourcesmore grammar games
CLICK HERE TO ’MORE GRAMMAR GAMESCognitive, affective and movement activities for EFL studentsMARIO RINVOLUCRI AND PAUL DAVIS”COSMOPOLITAN” k (, Prywa English teaching resourcesmore grammar games atna Szkola Jẹzyków Obcych 45- 061 Opole, ul. Katowicka 39 tel./lax 54-87-73 tel. 53--86-91 do 97 w. 380o CAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITY PRESStr If—IContentsMap of the book IntroductionV ixSECTION 11.1Betting on grammar horses1COMPETITIVE GAMES1.2Happy grammar families51.3Grammar Reversi81.4Three from six gram English teaching resourcesmore grammar games mar quiz191.5Present perfect love story211.6Spoof241.7Student created text261.8Speed2819I challenge301.1The triangle game32SECTION 22.1One becomes twoEnglish teaching resourcesmore grammar games
34COGNITIVE GAMES2.2Mind-reading36(SILENT WAY)2.3Weed-read372.4Don't 'she' me402.5Final word422.6DIY word order442.7Body tense map462.8Shunting words4CLICK HERE TO ’MORE GRAMMAR GAMESCognitive, affective and movement activities for EFL studentsMARIO RINVOLUCRI AND PAUL DAVIS”COSMOPOLITAN” k (, Prywa English teaching resourcesmore grammar games uestions60GRAMMAR3.3Did you write that?613.4Who wrote what about me?62CLICK HERE TO ’MORE GRAMMAR GAMESCognitive, affective and movement activities for EFL studentsMARIO RINVOLUCRI AND PAUL DAVIS”COSMOPOLITAN” k (, PrywaGọi ngay
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