Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

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Nội dung chi tiết: Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CORONA VIRUS IN THE WORLD AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE CHINA ECONOMYDi.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The University of Agric

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china culture PeshawaiEmail:- dikhanfi FaisalStudent ofB .Sc Hons Agriculture. The University of Agriculture PeshawarABSTRACTThe study was ea

rned out since 3. March. 2020. The major objective was that to see the epidemiology of corona vims 111 the world and Its effects on the China economy. Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

Secondary data was used and total 15 articles were downloaded from the net and read again and again and draw the conclusion about epidemiology of the

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

corona virus in the world and checked Its effects on China economy. The result indicates that the virus was spread from the Hunan Sea food market Chi

EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CORONA VIRUS IN THE WORLD AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE CHINA ECONOMYDi.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The University of Agric

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china try of the world now try how to control the situation but the main epicenter is the China City Wuhan province Hoebi. The China government have sealed

the boundaries of this city and no one has right to cross the boundaries of this city in China. They all are locked in the homes for protection purpos Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

e and China all Health departments are engaged 111 health senices to infected community of the country. Majority Health servants have been affected by

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

this virus but the people of the health services try how to control the situation. The trend is now-on the declined while new cases were also appeare

EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CORONA VIRUS IN THE WORLD AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE CHINA ECONOMYDi.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The University of Agric

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china roy the whole world All schools and colleges have been closed and there is a ban on all social activities in the country. No factory was run for the p

urpose of production and all airports of the country have been sealed while all outsiders have been banned for entering into China The China country i Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

s in a position of hustle and bustle. All developmental programs of the country have been closed for further activates of development. Due this panic

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

the country inflation rate of the goods are very high which reached to 50%. The growth of the economy is also on the declined at 2% which was 6% in th

EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CORONA VIRUS IN THE WORLD AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE CHINA ECONOMYDi.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The University of Agric

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china is 111 a trouble because they have sealed their airports and no one have light to come from China or someone go toThis preprint research paper has not

been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at: Similarly the vims leached to every corner of the world and Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

indifferent countries the trend is different of the infected people. The number of South Korea infected person is seconded in the world and followed b

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

y Iran. Japan. United State. Thailand. Denmark, Ireland etc. These countries have great traded activities with the china and because of this those cou

EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CORONA VIRUS IN THE WORLD AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE CHINA ECONOMYDi.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The University of Agric

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china d for its control and it is reported that the world scientist are busy in vaccine discovery and it is the possibility that in one year the vaccine wil

l be discovered. No proper treatment in the world liave been identified for this vims controlling but the infected people only are kept 111 hospital a Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

nd only first aid applied to them and the people who immunity power IS high who very easily recovered from the virus. The study further explaui that t

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

he vims sever attack is on the old people whose age IS above so while below 9-15 years infection IS less than the other age people. Through social con

EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CORONA VIRUS IN THE WORLD AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE CHINA ECONOMYDi.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The University of Agric

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china s was carried out by traveling from one country to another. It was also found that the transmitting source is the Hoebi Province and Wuhan City in the

world The study filrther clarified that the whole world is in the panic and everyone try how to control the situation On the basis of problems the st Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

udy recommend that all airports of the world should be closed and entry from one country to other country should be banned: Plastic clothe and facemas

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

k should be wore for Its transition from one person to another: Food Items should be checked by food inspector; All boundaries of all countries of the

EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CORONA VIRUS IN THE WORLD AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE CHINA ECONOMYDi.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The University of Agric

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china r in this panic and tenor time. World scientist should try for discovery of vaccine: More fluids should be provided to china and also provided good Do

ctors by WHO for this problem solution: Help mostly on humanitarian basses: Keep the infected person in warm room and should be treated well; Always w Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

ear the facemask and plastic cloths when contact to infected persons in the hospital; Through ail craft, food and medicine should be provided to affec

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

ted country of the world for food and medicine crisis’s; All countries of the world population virus test is requested for its best controlKey Words:-

EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CORONA VIRUS IN THE WORLD AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE CHINA ECONOMYDi.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The University of Agric

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china contact the vims transfer from one person to other and create the panic which in the long mil affect the economy of the country. Tile transformation o

f virus was started from the see food market Wuhan city provinceThis preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at. Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china All vims of the world directly link with this city and there majority people have been died which covered 81 p

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

ercent of the whole number of death ill the country, hl the start the rumor was spread by Dr.Li who give tins message on tire E dial while administrat

EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CORONA VIRUS IN THE WORLD AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE CHINA ECONOMYDi.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The University of Agric

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china SARS was identified by Doctor which have kill so many person in the Wuhan city province llocbi. The message reached to each comer of the w orld and a

panic was raised by world community. Large number of death was announced by media in the Wuhan city. When the number increase more then the WHO decla Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

red emergency in rhe world. The panic in other countries of the world was not huge but latter on the number of the infected person in other countries

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

of the world were also increased. Among these countries South Korea. Japan. Tian, Saudi Arabia. Afghanistan. United State. Ireland, Afghanistan, Pakis

EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CORONA VIRUS IN THE WORLD AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE CHINA ECONOMYDi.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The University of Agric

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china ese countries, rhe number in South Korea was greater than the other countries of the world which follow ed by h

erson were affected 111 these slup winch is still stay on then own places try. rhe problem IS now very dangerous and munber of affectee day by day inc Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

reasing in different countries of rhe world So its good solution is required. The world scientist day and night work for vaccine discovery while still

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

no vaccine has been discovered by any scientist The problem of the China is on the decline but other countries of the world panic day by day increasi

EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CORONA VIRUS IN THE WORLD AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE CHINA ECONOMYDi.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The University of Agric

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china s in China is closed. All countries entry is banned in China. .All factories are closed and the export and import both are highly affected The China m

ostly imported the oil from oil countries. So now to this panic the import has been closed and it is a very great threat to the world economy. Nor onl Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

y China economy have been highly affected while rhe economy of all world countries have been negatively affected by this panic which have been started

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

from rhe C hina Wuhan City province Hoebi. Seeing to its importance the present study was arranged to examine the epidemiology of corona V uus ill th

EPIDEMIOLOGY OF CORONA VIRUS IN THE WORLD AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE CHINA ECONOMYDi.Naushad KhanInstitute of Development Studies. The University of Agric

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china oaded from the net and read ill depth and draw the conclusion according to the objectives of the study All articles were read again and again and anal

yzed the situation about the whole world andprint research paper has nChina economy to what extent Corona virus have been disfributed in tile world an Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

d what type effect is fell on the economy of China.3RE\ IEW OF ARTIC LES ABOUT CORONA MRUS EPIDEMOLOGY AND ITS EFFECT ON CHINA ECONOMYa. Cohen and Kup

Epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effect on economy in china

fersclunidt (25th Feb. 2020) reported that global march of COVID-19 is beginning to look unstoppable. In just the past week, a countrywide outbreak Si

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