International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

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Nội dung chi tiết: International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Pros and Cons for Investorsby Ray Ball*Sidney Davidson Professor of Accounting Graduate School of

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors Business University of Chicago5807 s. Woodlawn AveChicago, IL 60637Tel. (773) 834 5941 raw bailCg %sb. "Chicago. ed"AcknowledgmentsThis paper is base

d on the PD Leake Lecture delivered on 8 September 2005 at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, which can be accessed at http: International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

.'' cbp index.cfm. It draws extensively on the framework in Ball (1995) and benefited from comments by Steve Zeff. Financial support fr

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

om the PD Leake Trust and the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago is gratefully acknowledged.1AbstractAccounting in shaped by eco

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Pros and Cons for Investorsby Ray Ball*Sidney Davidson Professor of Accounting Graduate School of

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors nformation processing costs) makes increased integration of financial reporting standards and practice almost inevitable. But most market and politica

l forces will remain local for the foreseeable future, so it is unclear how much convergence in actual financial reporting practice will (or should) o International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

ccur. Furthermore, there is little settled theory' or evidence on which to build an assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of uniform accounti

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

ng rules within a country, let alone internationally. The pros and cons of IFRS therefore are somewhat conjectural, the unbridled enthusiasm of allege

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Pros and Cons for Investorsby Ray Ball*Sidney Davidson Professor of Accounting Graduate School of

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors omprehensive set of “high quality" IFRS standards, in persuading almost 100 countries to adopt them, and in obtaining convergence in standards with im

portant non-adopters (notably, the U.S.). On the “con" side, I envisage problems with the cuưent fascination of the IASB (and the FASB) with "fair val International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

ue accounting." A deeper concern is that there inevitably will be substantial differences among countries in implementation of IFRS, which now risk be

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

ing concealed by a veneer of uniformity. The notion that uniform standards alone will produce uniform financial reporting seems naive. In addition. I

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Pros and Cons for Investorsby Ray Ball*Sidney Davidson Professor of Accounting Graduate School of

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors d I sincerely thank the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales lor inviting me to do so. PD Leake was an early contributor to a then

fledgling but now mature accounting literature. His work on goodwill (Leake 192 la.b) stands apart from its contemporaries, so it is an honour to cele International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

brate the contributions of such a pioneer. My introduction to Leake's work came from a review article (Carsberg 1966) that Ĩ read almost forty years a

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

go. Ironically, the review was published in a journal 1 now co-edit (Journal of Accounting Research), and was written by a man who later became a pion

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Pros and Cons for Investorsby Ray Ball*Sidney Davidson Professor of Accounting Graduate School of

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors ernational Accounting (here in London, at London Business School). It truly is a small world in many ways - which goes a long way to explaining the cu

rrent interest in international standards.International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are forefront on the immediate agenda because, starting i International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

n 2005. listed companies in Europe I nion countries are required to report consolidated financial statements prepared according to IFRS. At the time o

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

f speaking, companies arc preparing for the release of then first full-ycar 11RS-compliant financial statements. Investors have seen interim reports b

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Pros and Cons for Investorsby Ray Ball*Sidney Davidson Professor of Accounting Graduate School of

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors ages of IFRS for investors (the specific topic of this lecture) arc a matter of current conjecture. 1 shall try to shed some light on lire topic but,

as the saying goes, only time will tell.1.1.OutlineI begin with a description of IFRS and their history, and warn that there is little settled theory International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

or evidence on which to build an assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of uniform accounting rules within a country, let alone internationall

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

y. The pros and cons of IFRS therefore are somewhat conjectural, the unbridled enthusiasm of allegedly altruistic proponents notwithstanding. I then o

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Pros and Cons for Investorsby Ray Ball*Sidney Davidson Professor of Accounting Graduate School of

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors ccess has been achieved in developing a comprehensive set of "high quality" standards and in persuading almost 100 countries to adopt them. On the “co

n" side, a deep concern is that the differences in financial reporting quality that are inevitable among countries have been pushed down to the level International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

of implementation, and now will be concealed by a veneer of uniformity. The notion that uniform standards alone will produce uniform financial reporti

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

ng seems naive, if only because it ignores deep-rooted political and economic factors that influence the incentives of financial statement preparers a

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Pros and Cons for Investorsby Ray Ball*Sidney Davidson Professor of Accounting Graduate School of

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors lue accounting." In addition, I express several longer inn concerns.2. BACKGROUND2.1.What are IFRS?IFRS are accounting lilies ("standards") issued by

the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). an independent organization based in London, UK. They•>purport to be a set of rules that ideally International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

would apply equally to financial reporting bypublic companies worldwide. Between 1973 and 2000, international standards were issued by the IASB's pred

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

ecessor organization, the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), a body established in 1973 by the professional accountancy bodies in Au

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Pros and Cons for Investorsby Ray Ball*Sidney Davidson Professor of Accounting Graduate School of

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors were described as "International Accounting Standards" (IAS). Since April 2001. this rule-making function has been taken over by a newly-reconstituted

IASB.1 * 3 The IASB describes its rules under the new label "International Financial Reporting Standards" (IFRS), though it continues to recognize (a International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

ccept as legitimate) the prior rules (IAS) issued by the old standard-setter (IASC)? The IASB is better-funded, better-stalled and more independent th

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

an its predecessor, the IASC. Nevertheless, there has been substantial continuity across time in its viewpoint and in its accounting standards.'2.2.Br

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Pros and Cons for Investorsby Ray Ball*Sidney Davidson Professor of Accounting Graduate School of

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors ence much of what I have to say is speculative. There simply is not much hard evidence or resolved theory to help.This was an unsettled issue when I w

as an accounting student, over forty' years ago. A successful push for mandating uniformity at a national level occurred around the turn of the twenti International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

eth century. National uniformity was a central theme of the first1 The International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) Foundation was incorporated

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

in 2001 as a not-for-profit corporation in the State of Delaware. US. The IASC Foundation is the legal parent of the International Accounting Standar

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Pros and Cons for Investorsby Ray Ball*Sidney Davidson Professor of Accounting Graduate School of

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors about histoiv.asp.3Congress of Accountants in 1904/ A century- later, there is an analogous push for mandating uniformity at an international le

vel, but in the meantime no substantial, sealed body of evidence or literature has emerged in favour - or against - uniformity in accounting standards International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

, at least to my knowledge.4 5There thus is good reason (and. I will argue below, some evidence) to be skeptical of the strong claims that its advocat

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors

es make for a single global set of accounting standards. So while this means Europe's adoption of IFRS is a leap of faith, it also means it is a Brave

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Pros and Cons for Investorsby Ray Ball*Sidney Davidson Professor of Accounting Graduate School of

International financial reporting standard pros and cons for inventors me limited evidence) than by a robust, directly-relevant body of research.2.3.Some Thoughts on the Role of Mandatory Uniform Accounting Standards

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