Orality and universality in search of a

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Nội dung chi tiết: Orality and universality in search of a

Orality and universality in search of a

Université Sorbonne Paris Cité Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3ED 514 : EDEAGE (Etudes Anglophones, Gennanophones et Européennes) EA 4398 : PRISME

Orality and universality in search of a ES (Langues, Textes, Arts et Cultures du Monde Anglophone)These de doctorat en etudes anglophones (traductologie)Tiffane LEVICKOrality and Universalit

y: In Search of a Global Youth Speak in TranslationVOLUME 1These dirigée par Pr. Clíona NI RIORDAINSoutenue le 30 novembre 2018Jury:Pr. Christine BERT Orality and universality in search of a

HIN, Université Paris Nanterre (rapporteur)Dr Leah GERBER, Monash University (rapporteur)Pr. Duncan LARGE, University of East AngliaPr. Cliona NI RIOR

Orality and universality in search of a

DAIN, Universite Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3Pr. Bruno PONCHARAL, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3ResumeOralité et universalité : à la recherche d’un

Université Sorbonne Paris Cité Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3ED 514 : EDEAGE (Etudes Anglophones, Gennanophones et Européennes) EA 4398 : PRISME

Orality and universality in search of a ux volumes, elle étudie des questions liées à la traduction de 1’argot tel qu’utilise dans des oeuvres de fiction. Le premier comprend un commentaire

critique compose de trois parties, et le second line traduction en anglais du roman Moi non (P. Goujon, Gallimard, 2003). L'intrigue du roman se đérou Orality and universality in search of a

lant en banlieue parisienne, le commentaire explore la faẹon dont les jeunes adultes marginalises peuvent s’exprimer par 1’emploi de 1'argot, line var

Orality and universality in search of a

iété linguistique non-standard. Cette variété est souvent representative dun lieu precis et d’une identité particulière, participant à un ensemble de

Université Sorbonne Paris Cité Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3ED 514 : EDEAGE (Etudes Anglophones, Gennanophones et Européennes) EA 4398 : PRISME

Orality and universality in search of a retes et abstraites quand on decide de la transcrire et de la traduire dans line oeuvre de fiction. Souvent, le traducteur a recours à 1’emploi dune l

angue standard OU à I'litilisation dun argot dit « equivalent ». La traduction proposée de Moi non s’inscrit dans line methode alternative qui sinspir Orality and universality in search of a

e d’un style informel ainsi que de precedes creatifs que I on pent notamment employer dans le rap et dans rélaboration de nouvelles expressions argoti

Orality and universality in search of a

ques. Préiérant éviter de situer la traduction dans line aire géographique specifique, cette traduction invite à explorer les points communs de lensem

Université Sorbonne Paris Cité Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3ED 514 : EDEAGE (Etudes Anglophones, Gennanophones et Européennes) EA 4398 : PRISME

Orality and universality in search of a native de la traduction de 1’argot d’un roman, et de la comparer avec 1’approche empruntee par les traducteurs de textes similaires.Mots-clés :traduct

ion, sociolinguistique, banlieue, argot, rap, languenon-standard, oralité3AbstractOralily and Universality: In Search of a Global Youlh Speak in Trans Orality and universality in search of a

lationThis thesis is the fruit of a research project which marries translation practice and theory. Separated into two volumes, it explores questions

Orality and universality in search of a

related to the translation of slang in fictional texts. The first volume is a critical commentary composed of three parts, and the second a translatio

Université Sorbonne Paris Cité Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3ED 514 : EDEAGE (Etudes Anglophones, Gennanophones et Européennes) EA 4398 : PRISME

Orality and universality in search of a ponent investigates the way in which marginalised youth can express themselves through slang, a variety of non-standard language. Often representative

of a specific place and identity, slang constitutes one of many forms of expression that contribute to setting marginalised youth apart from dominant Orality and universality in search of a

groups. Such use of language raises a number of questions, both concrete and abstract in nature, when one decides to transcribe and translate it in a

Orality and universality in search of a

work of fiction. Translators often employ standard language to render this voice in the translated text or otherwise make use of an “equivalent" slan

Université Sorbonne Paris Cité Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3ED 514 : EDEAGE (Etudes Anglophones, Gennanophones et Européennes) EA 4398 : PRISME

Orality and universality in search of a ices employed in rap lyrics and in the creation of slang words and expressions. In an effort to avoid suggesting a specific setting outside of the ban

lieue, this translation seeks to identify and harness features of English shared by young people throughout the Anglosphcre. This thesis thus represen Orality and universality in search of a

ts an opportunity to ensure the coherence and the logic of this alternative approach to translating slang in an entire novel, and to compare this appr

Orality and universality in search of a

oach with that adopted by the translators of similar texts.Keywords:translation, sociolinguistics, banlieue, slang, rap, non-standard language, oralit

Université Sorbonne Paris Cité Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3ED 514 : EDEAGE (Etudes Anglophones, Gennanophones et Européennes) EA 4398 : PRISME

Orality and universality in search of a itment to both my project and my wellbeing; for guiding me without ever directing me, couching criticism in hints or humour; and for constantly reassu

ring me that my quiet voice was worth raising. I feel immensely privileged to have been your first PhD the Conseil de 1’Ecole Doctorale Orality and universality in search of a

514 for awarding me a doctoral contract in 2015 and for providing me with additional funding to attend conferences in France and abroad over the three

Orality and universality in search of a

years of this Leah Gerber, for first introducing me to theories of translation at Monash University in 2011, and to Isabelle Genin, Yves Le

Université Sorbonne Paris Cité Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3ED 514 : EDEAGE (Etudes Anglophones, Gennanophones et Européennes) EA 4398 : PRISME

Orality and universality in search of a es I attended at the Sorbonne Nouvelle in 2009-10, and between 2012 and 2014. Your teaching laid the foundations for the thoughts I have thread throug

h this Patrick Goujon, for encouraging me to pull his novel to pieces, literally and figuratively, and for always offering stimulating co Orality and universality in search of a the people who took the time to proofread parts of the translation or the thesis, especially Elizabeth Bryer, Jemma Dunnill, Lamia Dz

Orality and universality in search of a

anouni, Yann Garandel, Camille Hanuise, Fleur Heaney, Blair Hunniford, Morgan Levick, Marine Riou, and Sally Whittier McCallum, as well as to the acad

Université Sorbonne Paris Cité Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3ED 514 : EDEAGE (Etudes Anglophones, Gennanophones et Européennes) EA 4398 : PRISME

Orality and universality in search of a an Pickford, Bruno Poncharal, Alexandra Poulain, and Rita the Société des Anglicistes de 1'Enseignement Supérieur for funding my trip to

attend the Bread Loaf Translators’ Conference at Middlebury College, where I met so many people who offered advice and encouragement for my translatio Orality and universality in search of a

n of Moi non.5

Université Sorbonne Paris Cité Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3ED 514 : EDEAGE (Etudes Anglophones, Gennanophones et Européennes) EA 4398 : PRISME

Université Sorbonne Paris Cité Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3ED 514 : EDEAGE (Etudes Anglophones, Gennanophones et Européennes) EA 4398 : PRISME

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