Reverse engineering for beginners en

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Nội dung chi tiết: Reverse engineering for beginners en

Reverse engineering for beginners en

Reverse Engineering for BeginnersDennis YurichevReverse Engineering for BeginnersDennis Yurichev©2013-2015. Dennis Yurichev.Thi

Reverse engineering for beginners en is work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http: //

creativecommons. org/licenses/by- nc - nd/3.0/.Text version (November 25, 2015).The latest version (and Russian edition) of this text accessible at be Reverse engineering for beginners en An e-book reader version is also available.There is also a LITE-version (introductory short version), intended for those who want a very q

Reverse engineering for beginners en

uick introduction to the basics of reverse engineering: beginners.reYou can also follow me on twitter to get information about updates of this text: @

Reverse Engineering for BeginnersDennis YurichevReverse Engineering for BeginnersDennis Yurichev©2013-2015. Dennis Yurichev.Thi

Reverse engineering for beginners en Abridged contentsICode patterns1IIImportant fundamentals450IIISlightly more advanced examples439IVJava586VFinding important/interesting stuff in the c

ode624VIOS-specific647VIITools701„___________________. 3VIIIExamples of real-world REtasks707IXExamples of reversing proprietary file formats822XOther Reverse engineering for beginners en

things855XIBooks/blogs worth reading871Afterword876Appendix878Acronyms used908•'Reverie EngineeringIICONTENTSContents

Reverse Engineering for BeginnersDennis YurichevReverse Engineering for BeginnersDennis Yurichev©2013-2015. Dennis Yurichev.Thi

Reverse Engineering for BeginnersDennis YurichevReverse Engineering for BeginnersDennis Yurichev©2013-2015. Dennis Yurichev.Thi

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