Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

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Nội dung chi tiết: Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

Hindiwi Publishing CorporationScience and Technology of Nuclear InstallationsVolume 2014. Article ID 345252.41 pages http:,'.'' 10.1155,'2O

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation O14.'345252HindawiReview Article"mTc Generator Development: Up-to-Date "mTc Recovery Technologies for Increasing the Effectiveness of 99Mo utilisation

Van So I.eMEDISOLEC and CYCLWHARM Ltd., 14(1) Dwyer Street, Gymea, NSW 2227, AustraliaCorrespondence Jioukl l>e addressed Io Van So Ije; vansoleOlti'g Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

maiLcomReceived 30 lune 2013; Accepted 5 August 2013; Published 16 January 2014Academic Editor: Pablo CristiniCopyright •& 201'1 Van So lot. Tills is

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

an open access article distributed under tile Creative Commons Attribution I juense. which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in

Hindiwi Publishing CorporationScience and Technology of Nuclear InstallationsVolume 2014. Article ID 345252.41 pages http:,'.'' 10.1155,'2O

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation dale lor increasing the effectiveness of WMo utilisation is performed in the formal of detailed description OÍ the features and technical performance

of the technological group; of the ".Mo production and1c recovery, lhe latest results of the endeavour in this held arc also surveyed in regard ofthe Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

technical solution for overcoming the shortage of ".Mo supply. The technological topics arc grouped and discussed in a way to relied the similarity in

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

the technological process of each group. Tile Ibllowing groups are included in this review which are high specific activity "Mo: the current issues I

Hindiwi Publishing CorporationScience and Technology of Nuclear InstallationsVolume 2014. Article ID 345252.41 pages http:,'.'' 10.1155,'2O

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation specific activity "Mo: the "Mo production based on neutron capture and accelerators and the direct production of ' 1c and the methods of increasing t

he specific activity of "Mo using Szilard-Chalmers reaction and high electric power isotopic separator; up-to-date technologies of 1c recovery from lo Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

w specific activity "Mo: the solvent extraction based “Tc generator, the sublimation methods íiir "Mo/^'Tc separation, the electrochemical method lor

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

" 'Tc recovery, and the column chromatographic methods for ""’Tc recovery. Resides the traditional "”Tc generator systems, the integrated ""Tc generat

Hindiwi Publishing CorporationScience and Technology of Nuclear InstallationsVolume 2014. Article ID 345252.41 pages http:,'.'' 10.1155,'2O

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation icture of real generator systems. These systems arc the technetium selective sorbent column-based generators, the high Mo-loading capacity column-base

d integrated 1c generator systems which include the saline eluted generator systems, and the nonsaline aqueous and organic solvent eluent eluted gener Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

ator systems using high Mo loading capacity molybdategel am] recently developed sorbent columns. "TnTc concentration methods used in the ""Tc recovery

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

from low specific activity "Mo are also discussed with detailed process diagrams which are surveyed in two groups for "mTc concentration from the sal

Hindiwi Publishing CorporationScience and Technology of Nuclear InstallationsVolume 2014. Article ID 345252.41 pages http:,'.'' 10.1155,'2O

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation versus Mo-loading capacity of generator column produced using low specific activity "Mil source are briefly reported. Together with the theoretical as

pects of w"‘Tc/’,Mo and sorbent chemistry, these evaluation/assessment processes will be useful for any further development in the field of the "mTc r Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

ecovery ansi "Mo/WnTc generator production.1. IntroductionThe development of the original ■WmTc generator was carried out by Walter Tucker and Margare

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

t Greens as part of the isotope development program at Brookhaven National Laboratory in 1958 11|. *’mTc is currently used in 80-85% of diagnostic ima

Hindiwi Publishing CorporationScience and Technology of Nuclear InstallationsVolume 2014. Article ID 345252.41 pages http:,'.'' 10.1155,'2O

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation arent nuclide **Mo. **Mo nuclide decays to ‘WmTc with an efficiency ofabout 88.6% and the remaining 11.4% decays directly to "Tc. A *>mTc generator, o

r colloquially a “technetium cow,” is a device used to extract the w'nTc pertechnetate generated from the radioactive decay of "Mo (T|» = 66.7 h). As Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

such, it can be easily transported over long distances to radiopharmacies where its decay product ”mTc (Tl/2 = 6 h) is extracted for daily use. "Mo so

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

urces used in different "mTc generators are of variable specific activity (SA) depending on the production methods applied. Based on the nuclear react

Hindiwi Publishing CorporationScience and Technology of Nuclear InstallationsVolume 2014. Article ID 345252.41 pages http:,'.'' 10.1155,'2O

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation (*) The injection activity dose (mCi 'Tc> normally delivered in 1 ml. solution of the “""Tc-based radiopharmaceutical [167|.Organ""Tc radiopharmaceut

icalInjection activity dose (’)Organ""Tc radiopharmaceuticalInjection activity dose (’)Brain**"Tc-ECD10-20 mCiw’*Tc-.MAG35-15 ma**BTc-«rctcc (HmPAO)10 Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

-2 maw"Tc-DTPA5-15 maw”Tc-MAA2-4 mCtKidneyw“Tc-Gluccptatc5-15 maLung^Tc-ơrPA aerosol30 mCi/3 mL (10 mCi/mL)**"Tc-DMSA2-5 mCi'""Tc-lechncgas100-250 mCi

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

/mLSkeleton""fc-MDP10-20 maIhyroidIc-pertcchnetatc5-10 ma^Ic-HDP10-20 mCiLiver"■Tc-IDA5-10 ma'Nmlc-Sc$tamibi10-30 mCiw“ Tc-sulfur/albumine colloid5 15

Hindiwi Publishing CorporationScience and Technology of Nuclear InstallationsVolume 2014. Article ID 345252.41 pages http:,'.'' 10.1155,'2O

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation 20 mGavailable today, two types of 99 Mo sources of significantly different SA values (low and high SA) can be achieved using different "Mo productio

n ways. Accordingly. ",nTc generators using low or high SA 99 Mo should be produced by suitable technologies to make them acceptable for nuclear medic Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

ine uses. Hie safe utilisation of the ""'Tc generators is definitely controlled by the quality factors required by the health authorities. However, th

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

e acceptability of the "mTc generator to be used in nuclear diagnostic procedures, the effective utilisation of "raTc generator, and the quality of"“T

Hindiwi Publishing CorporationScience and Technology of Nuclear InstallationsVolume 2014. Article ID 345252.41 pages http:,'.'' 10.1155,'2O

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation "'"Tc cluatc/solution. I his also means that the efficacy of the "n:Tc generator used in nuclear medicine depends on the "mTc concentration of the sol

ution eluted from the generator, because the volume of a given injection dose of "mTc based radiopharmaceutical is limited. The current clinical appli Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

cations of "niTc are shown in Table 1. As shown, the injection dose activity of "m Ic-bascd radiopharmaceutical delivered in I ml. solution is an impo

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

rtant factor in determining the efficacy of the "'"Tc solution produced from the generators. So it is clear that the "'"Tc concentration of the soluti

Hindiwi Publishing CorporationScience and Technology of Nuclear InstallationsVolume 2014. Article ID 345252.41 pages http:,'.'' 10.1155,'2O

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation gh specific activity "Mo or any "Mo source of low specific activity. It is realised that a complete review on the "Mo and ""Tc production/developmcnt

may contribute and stimulate the continuing efforts to understand the technological issues and find out the ways to produce a medically acceptable >>M Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

o/99,”Tc generator and to overcome the shortage/crisis of "Mo/^Tc supply. So this review is to give a complete survey on the technological issues rela

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

ted to the production and development of high and low specific activity "Mo and to the up-to day "‘"'Tc recovery technologies, which are carried out i

Hindiwi Publishing CorporationScience and Technology of Nuclear InstallationsVolume 2014. Article ID 345252.41 pages http:,'.'' 10.1155,'2O

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation n process and for the Tc-elution capability versus Mo-loading capacity ofthe generator column produced using (n,y)"Mo (or any low specific activity ".

Mo source) arc briefly reported. Together with the theoretical aspects of 99"'Tc/99Mo and sorbent chemistry, these evalualion/assessmenl processes cou Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

ld be useful lor any further development in the field of the "®Tc recovery and "Mo/"mTc generator production. Hie achievements galh ered worldwide are

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

extracted as the demonstrative examples of today progress in the field of common interest as well.2. High Specific Activity wMo: Current Issues of Pr

Hindiwi Publishing CorporationScience and Technology of Nuclear InstallationsVolume 2014. Article ID 345252.41 pages http:,'.'' 10.1155,'2O

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation fission. Hie fission cross section for thermal fission of 2K’U is of approximately 600 barns. 37 barns of this amount result in the probability of a

"Mo atom being created per each fission event. In essence, each one hundred fission events yields about six atoms of 99Mo (6.1% fission yield). Presen Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

tly, global demand for "n'Tc is met primarily by producing high specific activity (SA) 99 Mo from nuclear fission of ?KU and using mainly five governm

Tc generator development up to date tc recovery technologies for increasing the effectiveness of m o utilisation

ent-owned and funded research reactors (NRli, Canada; IIFR, the Nctherland; BR2, Belgium: Osiris, France; Safari, South Africa). Alter neutron bombard

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