The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

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Nội dung chi tiết: The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

Running head: THE EXPRESSION OF SCHIZOTYPY IN THE DAILY LIVES OF -ARTISTSThe Expression of Schizotypy in the Daily Lives of ArtistsNicola J. HoltUnive

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists ersity of the West of EnglandAuthor NoteNicola J. Holt. University of the West of England.This project was supported by an Early Career Research Start

er Grant from the University of the West of England.Correspondence concerning this article should Ik* addressed to Dr Nicola J. Holt. Department of He The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

alth and Social Sciences. University of the West of England. Irenchay Campus. Coldharbour Laue. Bristol. BS16 1QY. Email: Nicola, holt (a

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

ning head: THE EXPRESSION OF SCHIZOTYPY IN THE DAILY LIVES OF ARTISTSAbstractA considerable amount of research suggests that positive schizotypy (cogn

Running head: THE EXPRESSION OF SCHIZOTYPY IN THE DAILY LIVES OF -ARTISTSThe Expression of Schizotypy in the Daily Lives of ArtistsNicola J. HoltUnive

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists schizotypy might be expressed 111 the creative process, the experience sampling method was used to explore the experiential correlates of schizotypy

in a sample of artists Artists (;V = 41) were sampled over a week-long period, answering questions at random intervals that related to mood, cognition The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

, state of consciousness and behaviour, resulting in reports on 2495 experiences. The sample scored significantly higher than normative samples on pos

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

itive, but not negative, schizotypy, supporting previous research on the role of healthy schizotypy’ 111 creativity. Multi-level modelling demonstrate

Running head: THE EXPRESSION OF SCHIZOTYPY IN THE DAILY LIVES OF -ARTISTSThe Expression of Schizotypy in the Daily Lives of ArtistsNicola J. HoltUnive

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists d experience, internal dialogue, vivid imagery, distractibility, introspection and high self-esteem. Positive schizotypy (but not other dimensions of

schizotypy) was also a significant predictor of artmaking and inspiration in daily life. Random intercept and slope models suggested that positive sch The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

izotypy was associated with greater increases in positive affect and self-esteem during or following art-making, supporting an ‘affective hypothesis’

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

for the relationship between schizotypy and artistic involvement. This study supports previous research linking positive schizoty py with artistic cre

Running head: THE EXPRESSION OF SCHIZOTYPY IN THE DAILY LIVES OF -ARTISTSThe Expression of Schizotypy in the Daily Lives of ArtistsNicola J. HoltUnive

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists em. Further, art-making may sen e a therapeutic function for artists high in positive schizotypy.Keywords: schizotypy, art. creativity, flow state, po

sitive affect, experience samplingmethodologyTHE EXPRESSION OF SCHIZOTYPY IN THE DAILY LIVES OF ARTISTSIntroductionSchizotypy. particularly positive s The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

chizotypy (cognitive and perceptual aberrations, such as pseudo-hallucinations and déjã vu). has been consistently associated with involvement in the

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

arts (Burch. Pavelis. Hemsley & Corr. 2006; Gibson. Folley & Park, 2009; Nettle. 2006; Rawlings & Locarnini. 2008). However, little is known about how

Running head: THE EXPRESSION OF SCHIZOTYPY IN THE DAILY LIVES OF -ARTISTSThe Expression of Schizotypy in the Daily Lives of ArtistsNicola J. HoltUnive

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists ive advantage (Richards. 2000-2001). The cunent study aims to gam an understanding of this by using the experience sampling method (ESM). examining th

e links between schizotypy and everyday conscious experience in a sample of practicing artists.Schizotypy is the presence of experiences and behaviour The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

s that are analogous, at a subclinical level, with those of schizophrenia (Mason Á Claridge, 2015). Schizotypy is multidimensional and includes positi

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

ve, negative, disorganised and impulsive symptoms (Mason. Clandge, & Jackson. 1995). Positive schizotypy includes perceptual-cognitive aberrations suc

Running head: THE EXPRESSION OF SCHIZOTYPY IN THE DAILY LIVES OF -ARTISTSThe Expression of Schizotypy in the Daily Lives of ArtistsNicola J. HoltUnive

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists izotypy is typified by anhedonia: a lack of enjoyment derived from social interaction, withdrawal from emotional and physical intimacy. Hat affect and

a lack of sensory and aesthetic pleasure (Mason & Claridge. 2015). Disorganised symptoms include difficulties with attention, concentration and decis The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

ion-making, while impulsivity includes risk taking and uninhibited behaviour (Mason & Claridge. 2015). These dimensions of schizotypy have different i

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

mplications for cognitive functioning, well-being and creativity (Holt. 2015) In particular, negative schizotypy has been associated with lower-levels

Running head: THE EXPRESSION OF SCHIZOTYPY IN THE DAILY LIVES OF -ARTISTSThe Expression of Schizotypy in the Daily Lives of ArtistsNicola J. HoltUnive

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists tive schizotypy has been inconsistently associated with well3THE EXPRESSION OF SCHIZOTYPY IN THE DAILY LIVES OF ARTISTSbeing and executive functioning

, and correlates positively with creativity (Abbott. Do & Byrne. 2012; Acai X- Sen. 2013; Dilin cl al.. 2002: Mohr & Clandgc; 2015; labak & Weisman de The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

Mamani, 2013).Positive schizotypy has been associated with V aiious measures of crcaliv ily, including originality on word association tasks, figural

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

preference and creative invoh cinciil, especially in the arts (Mohr et al., 2001: Nettle, 2006; Schuldberg, 2000-2001). The latter finding is particu

Running head: THE EXPRESSION OF SCHIZOTYPY IN THE DAILY LIVES OF -ARTISTSThe Expression of Schizotypy in the Daily Lives of ArtistsNicola J. HoltUnive

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists Gibson et al., 2009: Nettle, 2006; O'Reilly, Dunbar & Bentall. 2001; Rawlings & Locamini, 2008) or significantly higher than published norms (Ando. Cl

aridge & Clark. 2011; Mason. Morl & Woo. 2015). hl these studies, ‘artist’ has been operationally defined in diverse ways, including classical music s The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

tudents (Gibson et al.. 2009) and self-defined artists at a professional or hobbyist level 111 the visual aits and poetry (Nettle, 2006). Various expl

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

anations for the link between positive schizotypy and artistic involvement have been made in the literature, including cognitive (Eysenck. 1993). moti

Running head: THE EXPRESSION OF SCHIZOTYPY IN THE DAILY LIVES OF -ARTISTSThe Expression of Schizotypy in the Daily Lives of ArtistsNicola J. HoltUnive

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists s that the making of‘remote associations’ or ‘over inclusive thinking’ underpins both schizotypal and creative ideation, leading lo delusional thought

s ill the context of psychopathology, and original thoughts dial facilitate the creative process (Eysenck. 199.3). This hypothesis draws upon associat The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

ional models of creativity, where creativity is defined as lhe adaptive combination of remote associative elements, the more remote the association, t

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

he more creative the idea (Mednick. 1962; Martindale. 1999). Parallels have been draw'll betw een the making of such remote associations and idiosyncr

Running head: THE EXPRESSION OF SCHIZOTYPY IN THE DAILY LIVES OF -ARTISTSThe Expression of Schizotypy in the Daily Lives of ArtistsNicola J. HoltUnive

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists EXPRESSION OF SCHIZOTYPY IN THE DAILY LIVES OF ARTISTSdis inhibit ion (the ineffective screening of‘irrelevant’ stimuli from attention) explains some

of the shared variance between creative achievement and schizotypy (at least in high IQ samples) (Carson. Peterson & Higgins. 2003: Eysenck. 1993; Moh The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

r et al.. 2001). Further, daydreaming, characterised by focusing on internal stimuli (typified by visual imagery, memories, fantasies of possible even

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

ts and internal monologues) (Singer. 1966), appeals to be predictive of both schizotypy (Koffel & Watson. 2009) and creativity (Lynn & Rliue, 1986; va

Running head: THE EXPRESSION OF SCHIZOTYPY IN THE DAILY LIVES OF -ARTISTSThe Expression of Schizotypy in the Daily Lives of ArtistsNicola J. HoltUnive

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists to find an association between cognitive components of creativity and schizotypy (eg., Burch et al.. 2006; Gibson et al.. 2009; Schuldberg. 1990; Wut

hrich & Bates. 2001). Nevertheless, rhe ‘cognitive hy pothesis’ proposes that positive schizotypy leads to original ideas and or vivid daydreams that The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

could form the basis for an original artistic product.Based on the unreliability of creative cognition as a predictor of positive schizotypy (e.g., Bu

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

rch et al.. 2006). motivational (O'Reilly et al.. 2001) and affective factors (Claridge & Blakey. 2009; Nettle. 2001) have been proposed to explain th

Running head: THE EXPRESSION OF SCHIZOTYPY IN THE DAILY LIVES OF -ARTISTSThe Expression of Schizotypy in the Daily Lives of ArtistsNicola J. HoltUnive

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists icantly and positively correlate with cyclothymia. Claridge and Blakey (2009) suggest that heightened experiences of positive affect and motivation mi

ght drive the creative process for those scoring highly on positive schizotypy. Motivation and moderate positive moods (especially positive and ‘appro The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

ach’ emotions, such as joy) do appear to facilitate creativity (Baas. De Dreu & Nijstad. 2008: Davis. 2009); findings which have been explained by dop

The expression of schizotypy in the daily lives of artists

aminergic models (Chermahini & Hommel. 2010). which are also implicated in schizoty py (Mohr & Ettinger. 2014). O'Reilly et al. (2001) further postula

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