Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

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Nội dung chi tiết: Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

Trust in Trade - studying the Causal Role of Trust on Public Support for FreeTrade in a Field Survey ExperimentQuynli Nguyen and Thomas BeniauerETH Zu

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment urich, http: www.ib.ethz.chAbstractWhile most explanations of individual trade policy preferences center on the re-distributional implications of trad

e, recent research is particularly interested in the role of non-economic determinants. We join the latter hue of work by studying the effect of a fun Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

damental socio-psychological determinant of trade preferences: generalized social trust. The hypothesized causal effect of social trust IS tested 111

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

a field survey experiment that combines a voluntary contiibution game with a survey. The empirical work was carried out in Hanoi. Vietnam. The finding

Trust in Trade - studying the Causal Role of Trust on Public Support for FreeTrade in a Field Survey ExperimentQuynli Nguyen and Thomas BeniauerETH Zu

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment most economists agree that trade liberalization is desirable because It is widely believed to increase economic growth. there is considerable disconte

nt with free trade among the mass public in many countries (Rodrik 1997; Stiglitz 2002). The main reason, according to standard political economy theo Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

ries, is that international trade has re-distributional economic consequences (Rogowski 1990; Stolper and Samuelson 1941). Ideally, everyone in societ

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

y will benefit directly or indirectly from free trade. But some benefit more than others, and some lose. This, in turn, results in sentiments of relat

Trust in Trade - studying the Causal Role of Trust on Public Support for FreeTrade in a Field Survey ExperimentQuynli Nguyen and Thomas BeniauerETH Zu

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment hat explanations focusing on the re-distributional implications of trade offer only limited insights (Hainmueller and Hiscox 2006; Kaltenthaler et al.

2004; Lu et al. 2012; Mansfield and Mutz 2009; Margaht 2012; Rlio and Tomz 2012). One widely cited criticism is that these explanatory models make ve Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

nstrong. and probably uniealistic. assumptions about the ability of individuals to understand the economic implications of trade. More specifically. I

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

t appears unlikely that individuals are capable of systematically drawing conclusions from such an economic calculus about what policies are better, e

Trust in Trade - studying the Causal Role of Trust on Public Support for FreeTrade in a Field Survey ExperimentQuynli Nguyen and Thomas BeniauerETH Zu

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment ade, individuals are likely to use cognitive shortcuts or cues when forming preferences (Herrmann et al. 2001; Hicks et al. 2013; Kaltenthaler and Mil

ler, forthcoming. Kocher and Mmushkm 2007). Such behavior is particularly likely when it conies to issues that involve complex linkages between causes Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

and effects.Research on sociotropic trade preferences has identified one possibility in this regard. According to this literature individuals rely on

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

easily observable macro-economic outcomes (communicated by the mass media) when evaluating the pros and cons of international trade(Kinder and Kiewie

Trust in Trade - studying the Causal Role of Trust on Public Support for FreeTrade in a Field Survey ExperimentQuynli Nguyen and Thomas BeniauerETH Zu

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment and political ideology have a significant impact on trade preferences. These studies show that, foi instance, nationalism and environmentalism tend to

be associated with more protectionist attitudes, whereas cosmopolitanism is associated with pro-trade preferences (Bechtel et al. 2011: Hainmueller a Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

nd Hiscox 2006. Kaltenthaler et al. 2004. Mayda and Rodlik 2005; O'Rourke and Sinnott 2001). We contribute to this line of research by focusing on wha

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

t we consider to be a fundamental socio-psychological factor shaping trade preferences, namely generalized social trust.Trust is important 111 virtual

Trust in Trade - studying the Causal Role of Trust on Public Support for FreeTrade in a Field Survey ExperimentQuynli Nguyen and Thomas BeniauerETH Zu

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment society ." (Snnmel 1950:326). More specifically, trust is widely regarded as having a positive effect on economic performance (Arrow 1972, Fukuyama 19

95). The mam reason is that trust decreases transaction costs associated with interacting with others. It facilitates coordinated actions and reduces Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

the need for monitoring, litigation, and enforcement mechanisms, thus contributing to greater efficiency in economic exchanges (Putnam 1993: 167). Not

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

surprisingly then, negative economic events, such as the collapse of large firms usually trigger intense public debates about whether political and e

Trust in Trade - studying the Causal Role of Trust on Public Support for FreeTrade in a Field Survey ExperimentQuynli Nguyen and Thomas BeniauerETH Zu

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment eal political and economic consequences. For instance, a loss of trust 111 the viability of the financial sector can cause bank runs as well as large

capital movements. Moreover, to the extent trust 111 policy makers and institutions that are regarded as responsible for the international trading sys Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

tem declines, demands for economic closure (protectionism) are likely to increase.Electronic copy available at: th

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

is paper we are interested in whether generalized social trust affects attitudes towards free trade. Generalized social trust can be defined as a trus

Trust in Trade - studying the Causal Role of Trust on Public Support for FreeTrade in a Field Survey ExperimentQuynli Nguyen and Thomas BeniauerETH Zu

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment ontracting and enforcement (Coleman 1990; Mayer et al. 1995). Trust 111 specific types of actors such as policy makers or economic institutions IS lik

ely to be relevant for public support for trade policy as well. However, generalized social trust can be regarded as a more fundamental socio-psycholo Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

gical variable that affects the way people think about foreign trade. Building on previous research on social trust we develop an argument on why gene

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

ralized social trust is likely to have a positive effect on support for free trade.Reviewing the relevant literature we find that only two studies hav

Trust in Trade - studying the Causal Role of Trust on Public Support for FreeTrade in a Field Survey ExperimentQuynli Nguyen and Thomas BeniauerETH Zu

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment for the hypothesized positive effect of social trust on public support for international trade, the observed correlations do not allow for robust cau

sal inference. This limitation arises from the fact that there is an endogeneity issue when regressing “attitudes on attitudes”. Arguably the most app Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

ropriate method for resolving this problem is an experimental approach in which endogeneity can be avoided by design (Fehr et al. 2002: 521). We thus

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

examine the causal role of social trust on individual trade preferences based on a field survey expel iment. Specifically, we implemented an interacti

Trust in Trade - studying the Causal Role of Trust on Public Support for FreeTrade in a Field Survey ExperimentQuynli Nguyen and Thomas BeniauerETH Zu

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment ed to induce high (low) levels of trust. To our knowledge, this paper reports on the first experimental test of whether social tnist has a positive ef

fect on trade policy preferences.To account for the multidimensionality of individual trade preferences, we decompose the concept into some of its key Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

components for which we can separately test the impact of4Electronic copy available at: trust. This setup depa

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

rts from the standard approach in previous studies, which has mainly relied on a single survey Item to capture public support for or opposition to tra

Trust in Trade - studying the Causal Role of Trust on Public Support for FreeTrade in a Field Survey ExperimentQuynli Nguyen and Thomas BeniauerETH Zu

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment Vietnam, a country 111 the midst of a major transition from central planning to a market-oriented economy. Given the country’s relatively short exper

ience with market liberalization. It is likely that public opinion on trade liberalization is very much in flux. We expect that the latter condition w Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

ill facilitate effective experimental manipulations when studying the causal role of social trust on trade preferences. In contrast, in advanced indus

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

trialized countries, including the United States, on which the majority of studies on trade preferences focus and where public debate on trade issues

Trust in Trade - studying the Causal Role of Trust on Public Support for FreeTrade in a Field Survey ExperimentQuynli Nguyen and Thomas BeniauerETH Zu

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment -cost environment. which allows us to implement a logistically very challenging experimental design with a representative sample drawn from the greate

r Hanoi area, which includes both urban and rural districts. Compared to standaid lab experiments with university students, our design thus aims at en Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

hanced realism and external validity of causal inferences. An observational (noil-experimental) benchmark study based on a representative sample drawn

Trust in trade study the casual role of trust on public sport for free trust in a field survey experiment

from the population of Vietnam as a whole, which we have also implemented, shows that social trust is significantly and positively correlated with fr

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