A guide todevelop KAP survey

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Nội dung chi tiết: A guide todevelop KAP survey

A guide todevelop KAP survey

Advocacy, communication and social mobilization for TB controlA GUIDETO DEVELOPING KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE SURVEYSOrganization StOp(QPai1ners

A guide todevelop KAP survey shiDWHO Library Cataloguing-mPuWication DataAdvocacy, communication and social mobilization for T8 control: a guide to developing knowledge, attitude

and practice surveysWHO/HTM/STB/2008.461 Tuberculosis prevention and control 2. Behavior therapy. 3-Paticnt advocacy. 4 Consumer participation. I .Wor A guide todevelop KAP survey

ld Health Organization. II.StopTB PartnershipISBN 978 92 4159617 6(NLM classification: WF 200)© World Health Organization 2008All right-, reserved. Pu

A guide todevelop KAP survey

blic atlcxis of the World I tealth Organization can he obtained from Wl 10 Press World I leallti Organization, 20 Avenue A{)fXd. 1211 Geneva 2/ Switze

Advocacy, communication and social mobilization for TB controlA GUIDETO DEVELOPING KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE SURVEYSOrganization StOp(QPai1ners

A guide todevelop KAP survey s — whether for sale or for ncxiccirnrnerc Lil distribution -sỈKXild he addressed Io Wl IO the afxn-e address (fax: 14122 /914806.e mail fier

rnis-.lonsgawhu.lnt).The designations employed and the presentation ot the material in this publication do not imply the expression ot any opinion wha A guide todevelop KAP survey

tsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status ot any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or con

A guide todevelop KAP survey

cerning the delimitation ot its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted I: ACS on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full

Advocacy, communication and social mobilization for TB controlA GUIDETO DEVELOPING KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE SURVEYSOrganization StOp(QPai1ners

A guide todevelop KAP survey leallh Organlz.ll Inn In prefereni e toothers Ilf .1 similar nature that are not mentioned. I rrexs and omissions rxr epled, the names of proprietary

produi tsaredistinguished by initial rapltal lettersAll reasonable prei auliexis have been taken Jjy (hr World I leallh Organization to verify the in A guide todevelop KAP survey

formation contained in this publit at ion. I lowever. the puhlrJird material is being distributed without warranty of any kind either expressed or imp

A guide todevelop KAP survey

lied, the responsibility for thr interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World I lealth Organization he lia

Advocacy, communication and social mobilization for TB controlA GUIDETO DEVELOPING KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE SURVEYSOrganization StOp(QPai1ners

A guide todevelop KAP survey ublication: PATH/Siri Wood. Jianhua Yang.Design and layout by Thierry Cail ler. Switzerland.Advocacy, communication and social mobilization for TB con

trolA GUIDETO DEVELOPING KNOWLEDGE, JrATTITODE AND PRACTICE SURVEYSTABLE OF CONTENTSAbbreviations and acronyms2Step 5: Analyse the data37Acknowledgmen A guide todevelop KAP survey

ts3A. Enter and clean the data37About this guide4B. Implement a data analysis plan37C. Interpret the findings38Executive summary5Step 6: Use the data3

A guide todevelop KAP survey

9Introduction6A. translate findings into ac t ion39A. What is a KAP survey?6B. Wrile the survey report39B. Why conduct a KAP survey?6c. Disseminate fi

Advocacy, communication and social mobilization for TB controlA GUIDETO DEVELOPING KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE SURVEYSOrganization StOp(QPai1ners

Advocacy, communication and social mobilization for TB controlA GUIDETO DEVELOPING KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE SURVEYSOrganization StOp(QPai1ners

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