Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

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Nội dung chi tiết: Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

Abstract of Thesis Entitled:CONFUCIANISM AND CONSTITUTIONALISM IN VIETNAMSubmitted byBUI NGOC SONFor the Degree of Doctor of Philosophyat THE UNIVERSI

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam ITY OF HONG KONGin June 2013Early twenty first century Vletnam has witnessed the emergence of constitutional discourse in line with some ideas and ins

titutions of western libeial constitutionalism. This movement has unfortunately led rhe constitutional discourse to underestimation of the relevance o Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

f the local culture.In Vietnam. Confucianism is an integral component of the national culture. It has a long tradition and has continued to influence

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

on different aspects of the modem society in the nation As constitutionalism must be ultimately underpinned by culture values and political tradition,

Abstract of Thesis Entitled:CONFUCIANISM AND CONSTITUTIONALISM IN VIETNAMSubmitted byBUI NGOC SONFor the Degree of Doctor of Philosophyat THE UNIVERSI

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam o the relationship between Confucianism and constitutionalism. It supports the integratiomst approach, which attempts to many the best elements of Con

fucianism with the best elements of westernconstitutionalism to produce a distinctive form of constitutionalism suitable to the local context. However Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

, to cany out the integrationist project, it is important to determine what can be integrated, and to do this, the integiationist approach must be com

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

bined and balanced with the indigenist and Clitical approaches. On the side of Confucianism, it is necessary to identify constitutionalist elements, a

Abstract of Thesis Entitled:CONFUCIANISM AND CONSTITUTIONALISM IN VIETNAMSubmitted byBUI NGOC SONFor the Degree of Doctor of Philosophyat THE UNIVERSI

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam ionalism, it is necessary to. from a critical view, identify Its disadvantages and advantages so as to select the most suitable elements for the integ

ratiomst project.General speaking, this study defends the thesis of the positive relationship of Confucianism to constitutionalism with particular ref Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

erence to the case of Vietnam. The study firstly systematically discovers classical philosophical foundations of Confucian constitutionalism. It then

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

examines the practice of Confucian constitutionalism m imperial Vietnam Subsequently, it demonstrates the antecedent projects of integration of Confuc

Abstract of Thesis Entitled:CONFUCIANISM AND CONSTITUTIONALISM IN VIETNAMSubmitted byBUI NGOC SONFor the Degree of Doctor of Philosophyat THE UNIVERSI

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam cianism and western constitutionalism in contemporary Vietnam by proposing the Constitutional Academy as a mixed model of constitutional enforcement.T

ins inquiry IS significant in several ways. Firstly, it contributes to OIU better understanding of the history and development of Confucianism, consti Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

tutionalism, and their relationship 111 Vietnam. Secondly. It can further enhance the scholarship of the intellectual foundations and experimentations

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

of constitutionalism in pie-modern East Asia. Finally, the findings 111 this study can have implications for Birther reflection on the global expansi

Abstract of Thesis Entitled:CONFUCIANISM AND CONSTITUTIONALISM IN VIETNAMSubmitted byBUI NGOC SONFor the Degree of Doctor of Philosophyat THE UNIVERSI

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam ANISM AND CONSTITUTIONALISM IN VIETNAMSubmitted byBUI NGOC SONPhD thesisA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree o

f Doctor of Philosophy atTĨĨE UNIVERSITY OE ĨĨ0NG KONG41426DeclarationI declare that this thesis represents my own work, except where due acknowledgem Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

ent is made, and that It has not been previously included 111 a thesis, dissertation or report submitted to this University or to any other institutio

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

n for a degree, diploma or other qualifications.Bui Ngoc SonAcknowledgementsI greatly appreciate the University of Hong Kong for giving me the opportu

Abstract of Thesis Entitled:CONFUCIANISM AND CONSTITUTIONALISM IN VIETNAMSubmitted byBUI NGOC SONFor the Degree of Doctor of Philosophyat THE UNIVERSI

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam te on doing research without wonying about financial matters.I live in a cultural context where the role of teacher is particularly emphasized. A Viet

namese proverb says: "Không thầy đồ mày làm nên" ("Without your teacher, you cannot be successfill.” Another Vietnamese Confucian-derived proverb sugg Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

ests: "Tôn sư trọng đạo" (Be deferential to teacher and respectfill to morality). In accordance with that tradition. I believe that my work cannot be

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

accomplished without my supervisor. Prof Albert Chen at the University of Hong Kong. Therefore. I express the deepest gratitude to him His outstanding

Abstract of Thesis Entitled:CONFUCIANISM AND CONSTITUTIONALISM IN VIETNAMSubmitted byBUI NGOC SONFor the Degree of Doctor of Philosophyat THE UNIVERSI

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam nhanced my confidence 111 the possible role of Confucianism 111 the field of constitutional law. He has been patient enough to read carefully every wo

rd I have written and provided me with productive comments. He has also been kind enough to introduce me to other scholars of similar research interes Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

ts. His kindly introduction has helped secure my visitorship outside Hong Kong dining the time of my doctoral study. In short, it has been my greatest

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

fortune to study under his instruction.A part from my supervisor, I wish to thank other faculty members of The University of Hong Hong Faculty of Law

Abstract of Thesis Entitled:CONFUCIANISM AND CONSTITUTIONALISM IN VIETNAMSubmitted byBUI NGOC SONFor the Degree of Doctor of Philosophyat THE UNIVERSI

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam Mortis. Professor Benny Y. T. Tai. Professor Fu Hualing. and Professor Zheng Ge.I am also grateful to Professor William Alford of Harvard University f

or his sponsorship of my visitorship there. Thanks are also due to librarian Phan Tin Ngọc Chan of Harvard-Yenching Library for the assistance of find Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

ing materials.iiI also deeply express my thanks to Professor Mark Sidel of Wisconsin-Madison Law School for his supportive letters for my study at the

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

University of Hong Kong and my visit at Harvard Law School and for his excellent studies of Vietnamese constitutional law from which I have benefited

Abstract of Thesis Entitled:CONFUCIANISM AND CONSTITUTIONALISM IN VIETNAMSubmitted byBUI NGOC SONFor the Degree of Doctor of Philosophyat THE UNIVERSI

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam r Jolin Gillespie at Monash University for their usefill comments on my works.In addition. I truly appreciate the support of the Australian Journal of

Legal Philosophy, the National Taiwan University Law Review. the Journal of Oriental Studies, the Chinese Journal of Comparative Law for the publicat Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

ion of my articles which ar e extracted from my dissertation. I also thank the anonymous reviewers of these journals for then constructive criticisms

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

and comments.In Vietnam. I greatly appreciate the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam for supporting my study at University of Hong Kong I a

Abstract of Thesis Entitled:CONFUCIANISM AND CONSTITUTIONALISM IN VIETNAMSubmitted byBUI NGOC SONFor the Degree of Doctor of Philosophyat THE UNIVERSI

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam guyen Đăng Dung. Trằn Ngọc Đường. Phạm Duy Nglìỉa. Pham Hĩm Nghị. Nguyễn Như Phát. Phạm Hồng Thái. Đào Trí ức. Vồ Khánh Vinh, and others. I also want

to thank the United Nations Development Program 111 Hanoi and particularly Its expert Nicholas Booth for financial support for publication of my Vietn Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam

amese book on Vietnam’s constitutional revision whose significant parts have been developed during the time I have studied at the University of Hong K

Confucianism and constitutionalism in vietnam


Abstract of Thesis Entitled:CONFUCIANISM AND CONSTITUTIONALISM IN VIETNAMSubmitted byBUI NGOC SONFor the Degree of Doctor of Philosophyat THE UNIVERSI

Abstract of Thesis Entitled:CONFUCIANISM AND CONSTITUTIONALISM IN VIETNAMSubmitted byBUI NGOC SONFor the Degree of Doctor of Philosophyat THE UNIVERSI

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