Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

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Nội dung chi tiết: Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONHaving committed “renovation process" in 1986, Vietnam lias been making a lot of advances in every field of social life. Together

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university r with the development of society and the practical need for international conununication in the process of global integration, foreign language learn

ing, particularly English, has become more important. It is not uncommon; therefore, that English lias been a compulsory subject at almost every unive Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

rsity. Besides, the tendency of recruiting more and more native teachers of English (NTEs) lias been displayed at dozens of universities, colleges and

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

foreign language centers throughout the country. NTEs are believed to play a crucial role in English teaching in Vietnam. As a result. Vietnamese stu

CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONHaving committed “renovation process" in 1986, Vietnam lias been making a lot of advances in every field of social life. Together

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university her in terms of teaching style (Cano. Garton & Raven. 1992). There has not been any research related to the difference in teaching style between NTEs

and VTEs, however. Accordingly, the focus of this study is to find out if there are any differences in teaching style between NTEs and VTEs.1.1BACKGRO Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

UND OF THE PROBLEMThe recent literature on language learning and teaching lias provided a considerable amount of information on the teacher's teaching

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

style. Cano et al. (1992) suggested that agricultural education pre-service teacher differ in learning styles, personality styles and thefr preferred

CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONHaving committed “renovation process" in 1986, Vietnam lias been making a lot of advances in every field of social life. Together

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university ly, discussion and other student-focused approaches are more likely to be utilized by woman teacher, while thefr male counterparts prefer lecture and

computer-assisted methods. Grasha (2002) identified five teaching styles such as Expert (transmitter of information). Formal Authority (sets standard Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

and defines acceptable ways of doing things); Personal Model (teaches by illustration and dfrect example); Facilitator (guides1and directs by asking q

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

uestions, exploring options, suggesting alternatives): Delegator (develops students' ability to ftuiction autonomously). Utilizing the instrument call

CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONHaving committed “renovation process" in 1986, Vietnam lias been making a lot of advances in every field of social life. Together

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university n than other teachers. Besides, those two teaching styles were also found in more advanced courses. Moreover, female teachers were reported somewhat l

ower scores on the Expert and Formal Authority and somewhat higher scores on the Facilitator and Delegator. Furthermore, Expert style was used more fr Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

equently by teachers in the mathematics computer sciences and art music theater. It was utilized less often by those in humanities and education, howe

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

ver. The Formal Authority was found to appear in foreign language education and business administration. Meanwhile, education, humanities and theater

CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONHaving committed “renovation process" in 1986, Vietnam lias been making a lot of advances in every field of social life. Together

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university the classroom of mathematics/computer science than in other academic areas" (Grasha. 2002. p.167).The above-mentioned researches have centered on the

different teaching styles employed by a variety of teachers. Thus, while this study is not aimed to break new ground, it is hoped that it will provid Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

e additional data in this area, extending any understanding which is already achieved.1.2PURPOSE OF THE STUDYThis study will identify whether there ar

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

e any differences in teaching style between N’TEs and VTEs. If the answer is yes. what would they be? As far as the research is concerned, this study

CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONHaving committed “renovation process" in 1986, Vietnam lias been making a lot of advances in every field of social life. Together

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university d to be able to offer some recommendations upon improving English teaching at AGU as well as to help managers at the university in providing the best

English teaching for the students.21.3RESEARCH ỌIT.STĨONTo guide this study, the following research question will be investigated:Are there any differ Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

ences in the English teaching styles between XTEs and VTEs regarding classroom management, error correction, leaching methods, communicative activitie

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

s, and leaching aids use?1.4SIGNIFICANCE OE THE STĨ DYAs il is mentioned above, the study focuses on exploring whether there arc any differences in te

CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONHaving committed “renovation process" in 1986, Vietnam lias been making a lot of advances in every field of social life. Together

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university e. it is hoped that the study will lie probably providing additional data which can lend some support to the issue. And having clear ideas of the dive

rsity in the teaching styles between NTEs and VTEs can assist managers in working out appropriate policies to enhance the quality of teaching English Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

to Vietnamese students, more specifically students at AGƯ.1.5METHODOLOGYThe participants of the research consists of 06 NTEs. about 6 VTEs. and some 1

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

30 students from senior, junior, sophomore and freshmen English major classes. The teachers are teaching English major classes at AGU and the students

CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONHaving committed “renovation process" in 1986, Vietnam lias been making a lot of advances in every field of social life. Together

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university ntering the university. Sharing the common experience of these 7 years of English learning, they, therefore, already had a relative good command of ba

sic structures of English and were gaining more knowledge of English, leading to the degree in 4 years. None of them had ever been to an English-speak Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

ing country. Thus. English is dealt with totally F.FL. They were all Vietnamese learners of English, so Vietnamese-their mother tongue was predominant

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

ly used in daily life. T.ast but not least, they are following the same curriculum and being taught by the same groups of teachers.3The data were coll

CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONHaving committed “renovation process" in 1986, Vietnam lias been making a lot of advances in every field of social life. Together

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university utilized to collect data which will be reserved for examining the difference in teaching styles employed by NTEs and VTEs. Classroom observations and

group interviews provided evidence validating the respondents' answers.1.6LIMITATIONA limitation of this study is the sample size, which includes a s Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

mall amount of language teachers from one institution only. Therefore, it is not representative of the language teachers at Large, and the findings at

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

this stage should not be generalized to larger population. Besides, the researcher lives in Kien Giang province, so it is hard for the researcher to

CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONHaving committed “renovation process" in 1986, Vietnam lias been making a lot of advances in every field of social life. Together

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university earcher to ask for permission to interview all of them. .Moreover, different classes have different schedules, so it is not easy for the researcher to

approach students to collect data.1.7DELIMITATIONIt needs to be acknowledged, at this point, this is a case study, so the findings can be applied to Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

AGƯ only. Teachers are believed to vary in terms of many factors such as teaching styles, personality style and learning style. Accordingly, the study

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

is particularly dealing with NTEs and VTEs. who are teaching English majors at AGU. As mentioned above, the study is narrowed down in the scope of AG

CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONHaving committed “renovation process" in 1986, Vietnam lias been making a lot of advances in every field of social life. Together

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university hing methods, conununicative activities, teaching aids use. Besides, they are teaching English in the same conditions such as dealing with the same cu

rriculum, working with the same learners and to name just a few. Thus, the generalizability centers on this specific group of teachers.1.8ORGANIZATION Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

OF THE THESISThis thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 provides the setting of the study. It briefly presents the introduction of the research

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

, the background of the problem, the research question, the scope of the study, the significance of the study, the methodology.4the limits of the stud

CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONHaving committed “renovation process" in 1986, Vietnam lias been making a lot of advances in every field of social life. Together

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university et been done about the topic so far. indicating the gap that the present thesis hopes to bridge. Chapter 3 presents the research methodology in terms

of sampling, instrumentation, data collection and data analysis. Chapter 4 is the most important part of this research. In this chapter, the research Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

findings will be described, and the discussion about the finding will also be presented. A conclusion will be drawn in chapter 5 together with some re

Differences in the teaching styles beteen native and non native teachers of english a case study at an giang university

commendations for improvement. Also, some limitations during this research will be brought into concern and specified. Moreover, the further researche

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