Direct growth of graphitic carbon

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Nội dung chi tiết: Direct growth of graphitic carbon

Direct growth of graphitic carbon

UNIVERSITY OF NAMURResearch Center for the Physics of Matter and RadiationLaboratoire de Physique des Matériaux ElectroniquesDIRECT GROWTH OF GRAPHITI

Direct growth of graphitic carbon IC CARBON/GRAPHENE ON Si(lll) BY USING ELECTRON BEAM EVAPORATIONPresented by Trung T. PHAMDissertationFor the Degree of DOCTOR IN SCIENCESJury Members

:President: Professor Laurent HOUSSIAU (University of Namur)Examiners: Doctor Jacques DUMONT (R & D Centre. AGC Glass Europe)Professor Jean-Marc THEML Direct growth of graphitic carbon

1N (University of Aix Marseille)Professor Olivier DEPARIS (University of Namur)Supervisor: Professor Robert SPORKEN (University of Namur)42292Acknowle

Direct growth of graphitic carbon

dgmentsFirst. I would like to sincerely thank my supervisor, Robert SPORKEX. for welcoming arid giving me the opportunity to do research in his labora

UNIVERSITY OF NAMURResearch Center for the Physics of Matter and RadiationLaboratoire de Physique des Matériaux ElectroniquesDIRECT GROWTH OF GRAPHITI

Direct growth of graphitic carbon r, I am very’ grateful to him for all his help about our family reunion (my wife and my daughter). We are very happy to live together in Belgium. 1'hi

s will be the most memorable time in our living abroad. Thanks to that. I have had a good motivation to complete my PhD thesis.Next. I also would like Direct growth of graphitic carbon

to thank•Vietnam International Education Development (VIED) for financial support during my four-year PhD study in Belgium. In particular. 1 am very

Direct growth of graphitic carbon

appreciated Director of VIED, Mr. Vang X. NGUYEN, for his valuable advices and enthusiastic encouragements.•The university of Technology and Education

UNIVERSITY OF NAMURResearch Center for the Physics of Matter and RadiationLaboratoire de Physique des Matériaux ElectroniquesDIRECT GROWTH OF GRAPHITI

Direct growth of graphitic carbon atory (I.PME), I would like to say the most thankful words to•Etienne GENNAR1 for technical support ill time and other help for our living. A funny me

mber who often makes a lol of rememberable jokes. Thanks so much!•Fernande FRISING and Jean-Pierre VAN ROY for the valuable encouragements.•Frédéric . Direct growth of graphitic carbon

JOUCKEN, a friendly colleague, his numerous scientific advices ami fruitful discussions helped me a lol during these 4 years of research.•Dodji AM0UZ0

Direct growth of graphitic carbon

U ami Paul TIIIRY for helpful discussions.Among the members of Namur University, many thanks go toi•Ma<- MƯGƯMAODERHA Cubaka for guiding me in technic

UNIVERSITY OF NAMURResearch Center for the Physics of Matter and RadiationLaboratoire de Physique des Matériaux ElectroniquesDIRECT GROWTH OF GRAPHITI

Direct growth of graphitic carbon r helping in Raman measurement, guiding me for doing graphene transfer and nice discussions.•Francesca CECCIIET for helping ill AFM analyses and usefi

d discussions.•Benjamin BERA for helping ill Magnetron sputtering of S1O2 on my samples and discussions.•.Jacques GHI.ISEN for helping CPS analyses in Direct growth of graphitic carbon

Hamburg. Alexandre FELTEN, Laurent NITTLER, Pierre LOUETTE for XPS and Jean-Francois COLOM ER for SEM measurements.•Jean-Paul LEONIS for assisting rh

Direct growth of graphitic carbon

e paperworks whenever I met problems.•Mrs. Cathy JENTGEN, Mrs. Florence COLLOT and Mr. Charles DEBOIS for their arrangement, of our accommodation at a

UNIVERSITY OF NAMURResearch Center for the Physics of Matter and RadiationLaboratoire de Physique des Matériaux ElectroniquesDIRECT GROWTH OF GRAPHITI

Direct growth of graphitic carbon , Sébastien FANIEL for Raman and HR-SEM annalvses with useful discussions and Jean-Pierre RASKIN, Pierre-Antoine HADDAD for training on fabrication of

graphene field-effect transistors at WINFAB in University Catholique de Louvain (UC1.) with interesting discussions/suggcstions.Ill addition, I would Direct growth of graphitic carbon

also like to thank all members of the jury for having kindly accepted to evaluate my work and the University of Namur for funding conferences, worksh

Direct growth of graphitic carbon

ops and scientific stays.Last but not least ill my heart, all my thankfulness to my little family (my wife - Nuong and my daughter - Nguyen), my fathe

UNIVERSITY OF NAMURResearch Center for the Physics of Matter and RadiationLaboratoire de Physique des Matériaux ElectroniquesDIRECT GROWTH OF GRAPHITI

UNIVERSITY OF NAMURResearch Center for the Physics of Matter and RadiationLaboratoire de Physique des Matériaux ElectroniquesDIRECT GROWTH OF GRAPHITI

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