English articles in compaison with vietnamese equivalent expressions

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Nội dung chi tiết: English articles in compaison with vietnamese equivalent expressions

English articles in compaison with vietnamese equivalent expressions

VINH UNIVERSITYGRADUATION THESISAcknowledgementsThe material in this study was originally developed over more than one year and during this time I rec

English articles in compaison with vietnamese equivalent expressions ceived a lot of help and encouragement from my teachers, my friends and my family.rd like to express my great gratitude to my supervisor, Ms Nguyền Th

ị Tường who help me much in constructing the outline, collecting data and material and completing the study. I also would like to thank Mr Chris who h English articles in compaison with vietnamese equivalent expressions

elp me a lot solve problems I have meet.I owe a particular debt to a few of the teachers in the Department of Foreign Languages.I should like to thank

English articles in compaison with vietnamese equivalent expressions

some of my friends for giving me materials, encouragement and ideas.Finally. I want to express my thanks to the members in my family for all they hav

VINH UNIVERSITYGRADUATION THESISAcknowledgementsThe material in this study was originally developed over more than one year and during this time I rec

English articles in compaison with vietnamese equivalent expressions TRODUCTION1I.The reasons for choosing the topic 1 II.The aims of choosing the topic 2 III.The methods of the study 2 IV.The main contents of the thesi

s 3 PART B.CONTENTS4Chapter I : The use of English articles4I.Characteristics of articles 4 II.Form and common Hiles5III. The use of indefinite articl English articles in compaison with vietnamese equivalent expressions

es “a/an"9IV. The use of definite article “the”13A. The with common Hiles13B The with some special cases15c. The with some common expressions18D. The

English articles in compaison with vietnamese equivalent expressions

with some names of proper nouns20Chapter II. The omission of article “the”24I. Some common lilies24II. The omission of article “the” in some special e

VINH UNIVERSITYGRADUATION THESISAcknowledgementsThe material in this study was originally developed over more than one year and during this time I rec

English articles in compaison with vietnamese equivalent expressions he” in names of proper nouns30Chapter TIT. Both definite article and zero article33some special casesChaptcrlV. English articles in comparison »ith Vi

etnamese 38 equivalent expressionsI.Indefinite articles “a/an” in comparison with Vietnamese equivalent 39 expressionsII.lite omission of article “the English articles in compaison with vietnamese equivalent expressions

” in comparison with Vietnamese equivalent 42 expressions

VINH UNIVERSITYGRADUATION THESISAcknowledgementsThe material in this study was originally developed over more than one year and during this time I rec

VINH UNIVERSITYGRADUATION THESISAcknowledgementsThe material in this study was originally developed over more than one year and during this time I rec

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