Global communication and collaboration

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Nội dung chi tiết: Global communication and collaboration

Global communication and collaboration

Klaus-Dieter GronwaldGlobal Communicationand CollaborationGlobal Project Management, Global Sourcing, Cross-Cultural CompetenciesKlaus-Dieter Gronwald

Global communication and collaboration dGlobal Communication and CollaborationGlobal Project Management, Global Sourcing, Cross-Cultural Competencies0 SpringerKlaus-Dieter GrunwaldSchool of

EngineeringUniversity of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern SwitzerlandWindisch, Luzern. SwitzerlandISBN 978-3-662-53149-5 ISBN 978-3-662-53150-1 Global communication and collaboration

(eBook)DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-53150-1Library of Congress Control Number: 2016963587Springerۥ Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017This work is subject to

Global communication and collaboration

copyright. All rights arc reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation,

Klaus-Dieter GronwaldGlobal Communicationand CollaborationGlobal Project Management, Global Sourcing, Cross-Cultural CompetenciesKlaus-Dieter Gronwald

Global communication and collaboration storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.The use of

general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific sta Global communication and collaboration

tement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.The publisher, the authors and

Global communication and collaboration

the editors arc safe to assume that the advice and information in this book arc believed to be into and accurate at the date of publication. Neither

Klaus-Dieter GronwaldGlobal Communicationand CollaborationGlobal Project Management, Global Sourcing, Cross-Cultural CompetenciesKlaus-Dieter Gronwald

Global communication and collaboration missions that may have been made.Printed on acid-free paperThis Springer imprint is published by springer NatureThe registered company is springer-Vcr

lag GmbH Berlin HeidelbergThe registered company address is: Hcidclbcrgcr Platz 3. 14197 Berlin. GermanyForỉngeAlexandraVictoriaPrefaceWith a decade o Global communication and collaboration

f experience working for two India-based global services providers, as Head Enterprise Application Services Europe at Wipro Technologies and as Countr

Global communication and collaboration

y Manager Germany at Mahindra Satyam (today Tech Mahindra), complemented by a couple of years with the Germany-based IT business software company SAP

Klaus-Dieter GronwaldGlobal Communicationand CollaborationGlobal Project Management, Global Sourcing, Cross-Cultural CompetenciesKlaus-Dieter Gronwald

Global communication and collaboration with emerging economies from Bangalore to Cochin, from Hyderabad to Chennai dominated by cross-cultural challenges from Abu Dhabi to Helsinki, from S

tanford to Beijing, from Zurich to Sydney concluding that perception and prejudice are dominating when we start forming global teams.At the India Week Global communication and collaboration

Hamburg (Germany) 2011 was an event organized by the Hamburg German Indian Society and the German Indian Round Table (GIRT) with the title "Dance wit

Global communication and collaboration

h the Tiger - The Indian Tiger has aw akened. Whoever wants to compete with him needs to sharpen his claws”. When I showed it to my Indian colleagues,

Klaus-Dieter GronwaldGlobal Communicationand CollaborationGlobal Project Management, Global Sourcing, Cross-Cultural CompetenciesKlaus-Dieter Gronwald

Global communication and collaboration ional bird of India”. There is obviously a significant difference how we perceive people from other cultures and how they perceive themselves and how

they believe the rest of the world perceives them. India's Ministry of Tourism has been running a campaign "Incredible India” over the years. One of t Global communication and collaboration

heir advertisements shows the close-up of a tiger's face with the headline "Not all Indians are polite, hospitable and vegetarian”, assuming, that the

Global communication and collaboration

rest of the w orld shares their sense of humor. At least the Germans might take this serious.At the same event, there was a session w ith the title “

Klaus-Dieter GronwaldGlobal Communicationand CollaborationGlobal Project Management, Global Sourcing, Cross-Cultural CompetenciesKlaus-Dieter Gronwald

Global communication and collaboration SMEs and start-ups and representatives from the Federation of India Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FICCI). The Indian delegation offered "huge opport

unities for German SMEs doing business in Rural India”, implicitly assuming, that the Germans knew about Rural India. The Germans were very interested Global communication and collaboration

, implicitly assuming that the Indians knew about Rural Germany, so it could not be that different. The result of the eventvii

Klaus-Dieter GronwaldGlobal Communicationand CollaborationGlobal Project Management, Global Sourcing, Cross-Cultural CompetenciesKlaus-Dieter Gronwald

Klaus-Dieter GronwaldGlobal Communicationand CollaborationGlobal Project Management, Global Sourcing, Cross-Cultural CompetenciesKlaus-Dieter Gronwald

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