Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

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Nội dung chi tiết: Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

Policy Research Working Paper5730Political Economy of the Mining Sector in GhanaJoseph AyeeTina SoreideG. R ShuklaTuan Minh I.eThe World BankAfrica Re

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana egionPublic Sector Reform and Capacity Building Unit40725Polio- Research Working Paper 5730AbstractWith a focus on the institutional set-up and the po

litical environment as central to understanding and rectifying the poor impact of mining on Ghana's economic development, this paper highlights the vu Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

lnerabilities in mining sector governance along the industry value chain. The authors explain why it has been difficult to implement policies that wou

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

ld have improved social welfare. They find that incentive problems in institutions directly or peripherally involved in mining governance are a major

Policy Research Working Paper5730Political Economy of the Mining Sector in GhanaJoseph AyeeTina SoreideG. R ShuklaTuan Minh I.eThe World BankAfrica Re

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana , lackof transparency, and weak institutional capacity at the political and regulatory levels. The paper argues that the net impact of mining on econo

mic development is likely to be enhanced with appropriate reforms in governance. Most importantly, there should be a greater awareness of incentive pr Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

oblems at the political level and their possible implications for sector performance and the economy at large. The set of checks and balances, as stip

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

ulated by the Constitution, have to be reinforced. Furthermore, capacity building at different levels and institutions is needed and should be combine

Policy Research Working Paper5730Political Economy of the Mining Sector in GhanaJoseph AyeeTina SoreideG. R ShuklaTuan Minh I.eThe World BankAfrica Re

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana ica Region. It is part of a larger effort by the World Bank to provide open access to its research and make a contribution to development policy discu

ssions around the world. Policy Research Working Papers arc also posted on the Web at The author may be contacted at rIeCdw Political economy of the mining sector in ghana hdicy Research Working Riper Series disseminules the finding ofwork in progress 10 encourage the exchange of ideas about development

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

issues. An objective of the tenet is to get the finding out quickly. even if the presentations are less than fully polished. the papers carry the name

Policy Research Working Paper5730Political Economy of the Mining Sector in GhanaJoseph AyeeTina SoreideG. R ShuklaTuan Minh I.eThe World BankAfrica Re

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana ors. '{hey do not nxvessartfy represent the views of the International Rank for Recemstnution and DevelopmerufWorld Bank and its affiliated organizati

ons. or those of the Exccunte Directors of the World Bank or the govern merits they represent.Produced by the Research Support TeamPolitical Economy o Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

f the Mining Sector in GhanaJoseph Ayee, Tina Sore ide, c. p. Sbukfa, and Pnan Minh LrJoseph Arce is Professor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor. University

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; 'lĩna Soreidc is an Economist and Senior R«">rairliri al the Chi. Micbelscn Institute, Norway; G. p. Shukla is Profess

Policy Research Working Paper5730Political Economy of the Mining Sector in GhanaJoseph AyeeTina SoreideG. R ShuklaTuan Minh I.eThe World BankAfrica Re

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana heir gratitude to Anand Rajaram (Sector Manager, Ari PR) for lus active guidance and encouragement of the political economy program in Africa, and sug

gested editonal revisions to tins paper Tile authors also wish to acknowledge the extremely usefill advice and country knowledge provided by Ishac Diw Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

an (Country Director), Katherine Bam (then Senior Operations Officer), and the Ghana country management team. Management support from Sudlur Shctty an

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

d Marcelo Giugalc (successive Dưectors, Africa PREM) and Deborah Wetzel and Linda van Gelder (successive Dưectors, Public Sector Governance) is gratef

Policy Research Working Paper5730Political Economy of the Mining Sector in GhanaJoseph AyeeTina SoreideG. R ShuklaTuan Minh I.eThe World BankAfrica Re

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana ira, Thad Dunning, Verena Fritz, Charles McPherson, Alexandra Gillies, Adnan Vatansever, and other colleagues at the World Bank and IMF who have gener

ously attended working sessions and provided insightful comments.The paper is part of the World Bank’s flagship research on political economy of natur Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

al resource management. The authors acknowledge the generous funding by the Bank Netherlands Partnership Program and the Governance Partnership Facili

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

ty which supported tills research. Tile paper does not reflect the official views of the World Bank, its Executive Board, member governments, or any o

Policy Research Working Paper5730Political Economy of the Mining Sector in GhanaJoseph AyeeTina SoreideG. R ShuklaTuan Minh I.eThe World BankAfrica Re

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana neral endowment that led to the country being known in colonial times as the Gold Coast and despite being Africa’s second largest gold producer after

South Africa, modern day Ghana has not succeeded in translating its mineral wealth into overall economic development. The net impact of the muung sect Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

or on Ghana’s development has been relatively modest. Tins fact has been recognized by the Government and IS also manifested in increasing public disc

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

ontent with the sector. Tile environmental consequences of mining, especially of the old mines, arc substantial, while transfers from the sector to th

Policy Research Working Paper5730Political Economy of the Mining Sector in GhanaJoseph AyeeTina SoreideG. R ShuklaTuan Minh I.eThe World BankAfrica Re

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana titutional set-up and the political environment as central to understanding and rectifying the poor impact of mining on Ghana’s economic development,

this paper higlilights the vulnerabilities U1 mining sector governance along the industry value chain and attempts to explain why it has been difficul Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

t to implement policies that would have improved social welfare. Incentive problems in institutions directly or peripherally involved in mining govern

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

ance are clearly a major factor in tlũs explanation as are an excessively centralized policy-making process, a powerfill executive president, strong p

Policy Research Working Paper5730Political Economy of the Mining Sector in GhanaJoseph AyeeTina SoreideG. R ShuklaTuan Minh I.eThe World BankAfrica Re

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana complex political and institutional cliallenges, there are a number of opportunities that may facilitate an improvement in the governance of the mini

ng sector They include (i) the shift in power after the 2008 election to the National Democratic Congress, which may allow the government to explore p Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

ractical ways of implementing its election manifesto; (ii) the apparent willingness on the part of some of the larger mining companies to review the t

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

erms of then investment agreements; (ill) the constructive initiatives from the National Coalition on Muling and the Commission on Human Rights and Ad

Policy Research Working Paper5730Political Economy of the Mining Sector in GhanaJoseph AyeeTina SoreideG. R ShuklaTuan Minh I.eThe World BankAfrica Re

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana generated by Oil discover}- to review the challenges in the mining sector and draw policy lessons to avoid pitfalls and thereby make oil and mineral

resources welfare-enhancing.The paper argues that the net impact of mining on economic development is likely to be enhanced with appropriate reforms i Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

n governance. Most importantly, there should be a greater awareness of incentive problems at the political level and theữ possible implications for se

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana

ctor performance and the economy at Luge. The set of checks and balances, as stipulated by the Constitution, have to be reinforced. Besides, capacity

Policy Research Working Paper5730Political Economy of the Mining Sector in GhanaJoseph AyeeTina SoreideG. R ShuklaTuan Minh I.eThe World BankAfrica Re

Political economy of the mining sector in ghana entsI.INTRODUCTION........................................................................6

Policy Research Working Paper5730Political Economy of the Mining Sector in GhanaJoseph AyeeTina SoreideG. R ShuklaTuan Minh I.eThe World BankAfrica Re

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