Study of straw tube trackers for the comet experiment

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Nội dung chi tiết: Study of straw tube trackers for the comet experiment

Study of straw tube trackers for the comet experiment

Study of Straw Tube Trackers for The COMET ExperimentMaster of PhysicsNguyen Minh TruongDepart ment of Physics, Graduate School of ScienceOsaka Univer

Study of straw tube trackers for the comet experiment rsity, JapanJuly 31** 2012AbstractA straw tube tracker is one of the two particle detector of the COMET (The coherent Muon to Electron TYansition) exp

eriment, which will lx* located in J-PARC to search for the muons to electrons (/i~ - e~ conversion) that is a lepton number violation process. Since Study of straw tube trackers for the comet experiment

electron of //“ - e~ conversion have low energy of 105 MeV. multiple scattering can dominate energy resolution of detector. Therefore, it is important

Study of straw tube trackers for the comet experiment

to reduce the tracker’s material and the tracker should operate in vacuum. In order to achieve these requirements, we design the straw tube tracker w

Study of Straw Tube Trackers for The COMET ExperimentMaster of PhysicsNguyen Minh TruongDepart ment of Physics, Graduate School of ScienceOsaka Univer

Study of straw tube trackers for the comet experiment aw tube tracker.iiAcknowledgements“ First of all. I would like to express my sincere thanks to people who supported me in the development of my thesis

. I'm grateful for all (he support and motivation of my supervisor from the Osaka University. Prof. Y.Kuno. He allowed my attend to his group and left Study of straw tube trackers for the comet experiment

, me to myself with his proper advice. Thank you for providing me the brain power to study in physics. I also thank Prof. s. Mihara and Prof. II. Nish

Study of straw tube trackers for the comet experiment

iguchi for their education of experimental basis for me. I appreciate their interest in my work, as well as their advice and patience as this thesis e

Study of Straw Tube Trackers for The COMET ExperimentMaster of PhysicsNguyen Minh TruongDepart ment of Physics, Graduate School of ScienceOsaka Univer

Study of straw tube trackers for the comet experiment was needed. I also was supported by many friends in Kuno group. I am grateful to them. At last, I would like to thank my family for their unlimited su

pport . ■■iiiContentsAbstractiiAcknowledgementsiiiList of TablesviList of Figuresvii1COMET EXPERIMENT ATJ-PARC11.1Introduction........................ Study of straw tube trackers for the comet experiment

................... 11.2Theoretical Motivation................................. 21.3fi~ -> e~ conversion .................................. 61.4Overvi

Study of straw tube trackers for the comet experiment

ew of The COMET Experiment ..................... 121.5Pulsed Proton Beam.................................... 141.6Muon Stopping Target................

Study of Straw Tube Trackers for The COMET ExperimentMaster of PhysicsNguyen Minh TruongDepart ment of Physics, Graduate School of ScienceOsaka Univer

Study of straw tube trackers for the comet experiment .... 20iv2.3Principal operation of the straws tube tracker...................... 273Study of Prototype Straw Tube Tracker353.1Overview of Prototype St

raw Thbe Tracker............................ 353.2Study the sag of the wire........................................... 403.3Gas gain study............ Study of straw tube trackers for the comet experiment

.......................................... 433.4Efficiency of straw tube tracker.................................... 46

Study of Straw Tube Trackers for The COMET ExperimentMaster of PhysicsNguyen Minh TruongDepart ment of Physics, Graduate School of ScienceOsaka Univer

Study of Straw Tube Trackers for The COMET ExperimentMaster of PhysicsNguyen Minh TruongDepart ment of Physics, Graduate School of ScienceOsaka Univer

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