The effects of guidee extensive reading on efl students reading comprehension and motivation an action research study at class k50a5, national economics university
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The effects of guidee extensive reading on efl students reading comprehension and motivation an action research study at class k50a5, national economics university
https://khothuvien.cori!NGLViị N ■: Hí ĨÍỈAMIỊị* HE EFFECTS OF GUHIEO EXTEND VE REaữỉNG 05'1 Ji'i'L N ỉ VOỈĨN rs RF COAsFREftENSiON .V‘ MOĩiVATỈON; an The effects of guidee extensive reading on efl students reading comprehension and motivation an action research study at class k50a5, national economics university n ACíỉON RESEARCH savoy Ạ-ĩj Cí .-ASS K50A5, NATIONAL ECONCMiCS IÍMVRRSH ĩ., ỉĩis ưltta • n 0 ) ft fA jRT?ẠL FVLFU. iVĨENT EM E>; r s FOK ífỉE »ỄXí.aF.E r>FFASTER (N3í0*1 hoc Ha NoíIIIIIIIỊỊIIIỊIIỊIIHIII t4>&i42479Hièsạì írsmÍMr .Z^r.O9MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGHAN The effects of guidee extensive reading on efl students reading comprehension and motivation an action research study at class k50a5, national economics university OI UNIVERSITYtĩRUNSĨÃMĨMỎN6 TMTKÍHỂRNN-VH nước UGOAlT4T\ _^4ỊÌ__NGUYEN THI THANHTHE EFFECTS OF GUIDED EXTENSIVE READING ON EFL STUDENTS’ READING COMPRThe effects of guidee extensive reading on efl students reading comprehension and motivation an action research study at class k50a5, national economics university
EHENSION AND MOTIVATION: AN ACTION RESEARCH STUDY AT CLASS K50A5, NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY.SUBMITTED IN PAR DAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOhttps://khothuvien.cori!NGLViị N ■: Hí ĨÍỈAMIỊị* HE EFFECTS OF GUHIEO EXTEND VE REaữỉNG 05'1 Ji'i'L N ỉ VOỈĨN rs RF COAsFREftENSiON .V‘ MOĩiVATỈON; an The effects of guidee extensive reading on efl students reading comprehension and motivation an action research study at class k50a5, national economics university ects of guided extensive reading on EFL students' reading comprehension and motivation: An action research study at class K50A5, National Economics University” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in TESOL is the results of my work, except where other The effects of guidee extensive reading on efl students reading comprehension and motivation an action research study at class k50a5, national economics university wise acknow ledged, and that this thesis or any part of the same has not been submitted for a higher degree to any other university or institution.TheThe effects of guidee extensive reading on efl students reading comprehension and motivation an action research study at class k50a5, national economics university
research reported in this thesis was approved by Hanoi University.Signed:Dated:ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI am most grateful to my supervisor. Dr. Nguyen Due flhttps://khothuvien.cori!NGLViị N ■: Hí ĨÍỈAMIỊị* HE EFFECTS OF GUHIEO EXTEND VE REaữỉNG 05'1 Ji'i'L N ỉ VOỈĨN rs RF COAsFREftENSiON .V‘ MOĩiVATỈON; an The effects of guidee extensive reading on efl students reading comprehension and motivation an action research study at class k50a5, national economics university his thesis. Without his precious support and invaluable guidance, this thesis would never have been completed.I would like to take this opportunity to express my special thanks to Mrs. Nguyen Thai Ha (MA) from the Department of Post Graduate Studies of Hanoi University for her interesting and inform The effects of guidee extensive reading on efl students reading comprehension and motivation an action research study at class k50a5, national economics university ative lecturers prior the information of the idea for this study as well as her later valuable guidance, encouragement and advice during the implementThe effects of guidee extensive reading on efl students reading comprehension and motivation an action research study at class k50a5, national economics university
ation of the study.1 also would like to send my thanks to all die lecturers from the Department of Post Graduate Studies of Hanoi University who have https://khothuvien.cori!NGLViị N ■: Hí ĨÍỈAMIỊị* HE EFFECTS OF GUHIEO EXTEND VE REaữỉNG 05'1 Ji'i'L N ỉ VOỈĨN rs RF COAsFREftENSiON .V‘ MOĩiVATỈON; an The effects of guidee extensive reading on efl students reading comprehension and motivation an action research study at class k50a5, national economics university nts of National Economics University for their willingness to participate in this study. Without their help, this project could not have been so successful.Finally, my sincere thanks also go to my family and friends whose support has been of great significance to the success of my thesis. The effects of guidee extensive reading on efl students reading comprehension and motivation an action research study at class k50a5, national economics university https://khothuvien.cori!NGLViị N ■: Hí ĨÍỈAMIỊị* HE EFFECTS OF GUHIEO EXTEND VE REaữỉNG 05'1 Ji'i'L N ỉ VOỈĨN rs RF COAsFREftENSiON .V‘ MOĩiVATỈON; anGọi ngay
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