Visual cognition an introduction

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Nội dung chi tiết: Visual cognition an introduction

Visual cognition an introduction

Cognition. 18 (198 'r) 1-63Visual cognition: An introduction*STEVEN PINKERMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAbstractThis article is a tutorial over

Visual cognition an introduction rview of a sample of central issues in visual cognition, focusing on the recognition of shapes and the representation of objects and spatial relations

in perception and imagery. Brief reviews of the state of the art are presented, followed by more extensive presentations of contemporary theories, fi Visual cognition an introduction

ndings, and open issues. I discuss various theories of shape recognition, such as template, feature, Fourier, structural description, Marr-Nishi-hara,

Visual cognition an introduction

and massively parallel models, and issues such as the reference frames, primitives, top-down processing, and computational architectures used in spat

Cognition. 18 (198 'r) 1-63Visual cognition: An introduction*STEVEN PINKERMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAbstractThis article is a tutorial over

Visual cognition an introduction erception, image transformations, computational complexities of image processing, neuropsychological issues, and possible functions of imagery. Connec

tions between theories of recognition and of imagery, and the relevance of the papers contained in this issue to the topics discussed, are emphasized Visual cognition an introduction

throughout.Recognizing and reasoning about the visual environment is something that people do extraordinarily well: it is often said that in these abi

Visual cognition an introduction

lities an average three-yeai old makes the most sophisticated computer vision system look embarrassingly inept. Our hominid ancestors fabricated and u

Cognition. 18 (198 'r) 1-63Visual cognition: An introduction*STEVEN PINKERMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAbstractThis article is a tutorial over

Visual cognition an introduction of sophisticated faculties allowing us to recognize objects and their physical properties, to bring complex knowledge to bear on familiar objects and

scenes, to•Preparation of this paper was supported by NSF grants BNS 82-16546 and 82-09540. by NIH erant 1R01HD18381-01, and by a grant from the S’.o Visual cognition an introduction

an Foundation awarded to the M?T Center for Cognitive Science . I thank Donald Hoffman, Stephen Kos..lyn. Jacques Mehler. Larry Parsons. Whitman Richa

Visual cognition an introduction

rds, and Ed Smith for thei'" detailed comments on an earlier draft, and Kathleen Murphy and Rosemary Krawczyk for assistance in preparing the manuscri

Cognition. 18 (198 'r) 1-63Visual cognition: An introduction*STEVEN PINKERMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAbstractThis article is a tutorial over

Visual cognition an introduction r Seouoia/Printed in The Netherlands2 s. Pinkernegotiate environments skillfully, and to reason about the possible physical interactions among objects

present and absent. Thus visual cognition, no less than language or logic, may be a talent that is central to our understanding of human intelligence Visual cognition an introduction

(Jackendoff, 1983; Johnson-Laird, 1983; Shepard and Cooper, 1982).Within the last 10 years there has been a great increase in our understanding of vi

Visual cognition an introduction

sual cognitive abilities. We have seen not only new empirical demonstrations, but also genuinely new theoretical proposals and a new degree of explici

Cognition. 18 (198 'r) 1-63Visual cognition: An introduction*STEVEN PINKERMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAbstractThis article is a tutorial over

Visual cognition an introduction ous place within cognitive psychology and within the cognitive psychology curriculum. Virtually without exception, the material on shape recognition f

ound in introductory textbooks in cognitive psychology would be entirely familiar to a researcher or graduate student of 20 or 25 years ago. Moreover, Visual cognition an introduction

the theoretical discussions of visual imagery are cast in the same loose metaphorical vocabulary that had earned the concept a bad name in psychology

Visual cognition an introduction

and philosophy for much of this century. I also have the impression that much of the writing pertaining to visual cognition among researchers who are

Cognition. 18 (198 'r) 1-63Visual cognition: An introduction*STEVEN PINKERMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAbstractThis article is a tutorial over

Visual cognition an introduction n processing psychology, is informed by the somewhat antiquated and imprecise discussions of visual cognition found in the textbooks.The purpose of th

is special issue of Cognition is to highlight a sample of theoretical and empirical work that is on the cutting edge of research on visual cognition. Visual cognition an introduction

The papers in this issue, though by no means a representative sample, illustrate some of the questions, techniques, and types of theory that character

Visual cognition an introduction

ize the modern study of visual cognition. The purpose of this introductory paper is to introduce students and researchers in neighboring disciplines t

Cognition. 18 (198 'r) 1-63Visual cognition: An introduction*STEVEN PINKERMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAbstractThis article is a tutorial over

Visual cognition an introduction o bridge the gap between the discussions of visual cognition found in textbooks and the level of discussion found in contemporary work.Visual cognitio

n can be conveniently divided into two subtopics. The first is the representation of information concerning the visual world currently before a person Visual cognition an introduction

. When we behave in certain ways or change our knowledge about the world in response to visual input, what guides our behavior or thought is rarely so

Visual cognition an introduction

me simple physical property of the input such as*overall brightness or contrast. Rather, vision guides US because it lets us know that we are in the p

Cognition. 18 (198 'r) 1-63Visual cognition: An introduction*STEVEN PINKERMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAbstractThis article is a tutorial over

Visual cognition an introduction al recognition' is the process that allows US to determine onVisual cognition 3the basis of retinal input that particular shapes, configurations of sh

apes, objects, scenes, and their properties are before US.The second subtopic is the process of remembering or reasoning about shapes or objects that Visual cognition an introduction

are not currently before US but must be retrieved from memory or constructed from a description. This is usually associated with the topic of ‘visual

Visual cognition an introduction

imagery’. This tutorial paper is divided into two major sections, devoted to the representation and recognition of shape, and to visual imagery. Each

Cognition. 18 (198 'r) 1-63Visual cognition: An introduction*STEVEN PINKERMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAbstractThis article is a tutorial over

Visual cognition an introduction ortant open issues that will be foci of research during the coming years.Visual recognitionShape recognition is a difficult problem because the immedi

ate input to the visual system (the spatial distribution of intensity and wavelength across the retinas—hereafter, the “retinal array”) is related to Visual cognition an introduction

particular objects in highly variable ways. The retinal image projected by an object—say. a notebook—is displaced, dilated or contracted, or rotated o

Visual cognition an introduction

n the retina when we move our eyes, ourselves, or the book; if the motion has a component in depth, then the retinal shape of the image changes and pa

Cognition. 18 (198 'r) 1-63Visual cognition: An introduction*STEVEN PINKERMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAbstractThis article is a tutorial over

Visual cognition an introduction of its finer details are lost. If the book is in a complex visual context, parts may be occluded, and the edges of the book may not be physically dis

tinguishable from the edges and surface details of surrounding objects, nor from the scratches, surface markings, shadows, and reflections on the book Visual cognition an introduction

itself.Most theories of shape recognition deal with the indirect and ambiguous mapping between object and retinal image in the fo'.icwing way. In lon

Visual cognition an introduction

g-term memory there is a set of representations of objects that have associated with them information about their shapes. The information does not con

Cognition. 18 (198 'r) 1-63Visual cognition: An introduction*STEVEN PINKERMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAbstractThis article is a tutorial over

Visual cognition an introduction the object in all its guises. During recognition, the retinal image is converted into the same format as is used in long-term memory, and the memory

representation that matches the input the closest is selected. Different theories of shape recognition make different assumptions about the long-term Visual cognition an introduction

memory representations involved, in particular, how many representations a single object will have, which class of objects will be mapped onto a singl

Visual cognition an introduction

e representation, and what the format of the representation is (i.e. which primitive symbols can be found4 s. Pinkerin a representation, and what kind

Cognition. 18 (198 'r) 1-63Visual cognition: An introduction*STEVEN PINKERMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyAbstractThis article is a tutorial over

Visual cognition an introduction ng, contrast enhancement, detection of edges) prior to matching, and in terms of how the retinal input or memory representations are transformed to br

ing them into closer correspondence. And they differ in terms of the metric of goodness of fit that determines which memory representation fits the in Visual cognition an introduction

put best when none of them fits it exactly.Traditional theories of shape recognitionCognitive psychology textbooks almost invariably describe the same

Visual cognition an introduction

three or so models in their chapters on pattern recognition. Each of these models is fundamentally inadequate. However, they are not always inadequat

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