De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

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Nội dung chi tiết: De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

https://khothu vien .comde facto Mesoscopic Superconducting Vortices Revealed by Scanning SQUID Microscopy(7ỀM SQUIDVu The Dang *7 T Xy43132Doctoral T

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis) Thesis at Osaka Prefecture UniversityABSTRACTIn 1957. Abrikosov [ 1J pioneered a frontier of type II bulk superconductors, and found a feature that vo

rtices prefer to form a triangular lattice in a superconductor due to a repulsive interaction between neighboring vortices. However, in a mesoscopic s De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

uperconductor with a size comparable to the coherence length ệ or the magnetic penetration depth À. there is competition between the vortex-vortex int

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

eractions, leading to a triangular vortex lattice, and the vortex-boundary interaction, imposing a particular configuration on vortices. Therefore, st

https://khothu vien .comde facto Mesoscopic Superconducting Vortices Revealed by Scanning SQUID Microscopy(7ỀM SQUIDVu The Dang *7 T Xy43132Doctoral T

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis) crowed vortices and the boundary. This subject has been explored to elucidate various exotic vortex states, which cannot be seen in a bulk supercondu

ctor in the past. As a continuation of studying the novel of vortex states in preceding studies [2-4], we investigated the configuration of vortices i De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

n a regular concave decagon. We found that vortex distribution in a star plate tends to share with one of five symmetric axes of the star [5]. By intr

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

oducing an artificial pin at the center of the star plate, the vortex distribution is modified by the interaction between pinning center and vortices

https://khothu vien .comde facto Mesoscopic Superconducting Vortices Revealed by Scanning SQUID Microscopy(7ỀM SQUIDVu The Dang *7 T Xy43132Doctoral T

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis) e) [7], we broke the symmetry of a superconductor disk with infinite degrees of freedom. We investigated a role of the sectoral defect for vortices to

enter the circle because it seems to be a preferential gate to enter the circle. The vortex configuration becomes from a shell structure of the circl De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

e to an arc structure of the Pacman-shapcd pattern [8]. We used a pick-up coil in a SQUID microscope which scans in the AT plane to observe vortices i

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

n the star-shaped plate and the Pacman-shapcd plate, rhe predictions from by the nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau (GL) calculations gave US the configuration

https://khothu vien .comde facto Mesoscopic Superconducting Vortices Revealed by Scanning SQUID Microscopy(7ỀM SQUIDVu The Dang *7 T Xy43132Doctoral T

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis) ve the clear vortex images when it was used to obtain their configuration such as a small Pacman plate. Therefore, we started to develop our own scann

ing SQUID microscope equipped with a vector pickup coil [1 1 13], We plan to achieve the high sensitivity, the high spatial resolution, thei I Abstrac De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

tvector field mapping function instead of scaler field mapping by using new scanning SQUID microscopy. We fabricated the vector sensor by the use of t

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

he Nb multi-layer fabrication process of the superconductive foundry of AIST. named GRAVITY. We placed the position of three pickup coils along a sing

https://khothu vien .comde facto Mesoscopic Superconducting Vortices Revealed by Scanning SQUID Microscopy(7ỀM SQUIDVu The Dang *7 T Xy43132Doctoral T

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis) ween the -Vcoil and the z coil and a distance between the J* coil and the z coil are the same at the integral multiples of a scanning step to ensure e

asier image processing in constructing vector field mapping [14]. We designed the SQUID readout circuit by using a gradiometer structure to reduce the De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

influence of environment noise in a vector scanning SQUID sensor, where a pickup coil is either in a single-turn coil or in a multiple-turn coil. In

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

order to investigate the characteristics of each vector SQUID sensor, the measurement system is constructed by ourselves by paying careful attentions

https://khothu vien .comde facto Mesoscopic Superconducting Vortices Revealed by Scanning SQUID Microscopy(7ỀM SQUIDVu The Dang *7 T Xy43132Doctoral T

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis) or the measurements of voltage and cunent. to control the measurement from a computer, and to control the temperature. This has been very lime consumi

ng to complete the measurement system, but we finally succeeded in completing the system. The fundamental characteristics of our SQUID sensors were in De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

good agreement with our design parameters, and we were successful to confirm a proper operation of our SQUID sensor [11], Scanning vector SQUID micro

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

scopy is under construction by using a 3-channel SQUID readout circuit (Magnicon Inc.), an AT'Zpiezo-driven scanner (Attocube Inc.), and a Gifford-McM

https://khothu vien .comde facto Mesoscopic Superconducting Vortices Revealed by Scanning SQUID Microscopy(7ỀM SQUIDVu The Dang *7 T Xy43132Doctoral T

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis) irmed that the U-

platform of a commercial scanning SQUID sensor (SQM-2000, Seiko Instalment Inc.) to test our new SQUID sensor while the measurement channel is limite De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

d to one. We use a single FLL channel three times to observe an vortex image independently by using one of the X, Y and z pick-up coils. Judging from

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

each component image of a vortex, we consider that our sensor is able to measure a vector magnetic field when it is installed in our new vector SQUID

https://khothu vien .comde facto Mesoscopic Superconducting Vortices Revealed by Scanning SQUID Microscopy(7ỀM SQUIDVu The Dang *7 T Xy43132Doctoral T

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis) nt component to obtain a local magnetic field vector.This thesis is composed of six chapters:Chapter 1provides an overview about the history and basic

properties of superconductivity, rhe core theoretical framework fordescribing the phenomenological properties of superconductivity such as the London De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

theory7 and Ginzburg-Landau (GL) theory arc presented in order to explain a difference between typc-l and lypc-il superconductors and related vortex

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

properties. In view of the vortex state in a mesoscopic superconducting system, we would like to summarize the preceding studies on vortex states in c

https://khothu vien .comde facto Mesoscopic Superconducting Vortices Revealed by Scanning SQUID Microscopy(7ỀM SQUIDVu The Dang *7 T Xy43132Doctoral T

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis) l as describing the operation of our conventional scanning SQUID microscope (SSM) for direct observations of vortex states.Chapter 2presents the vorte

x states in a regular concave decagon which has ten edges and two sets of five vertices revealed by a scanning SQUID microscope. Especially, a role of De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

concave inner angle (> 180 degrees) seems to be interesting to understand how to penetrate for vortices into a restricted regime. We also fabricate a

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

n artificial pin at the center of the star-shaped plate to study an interaction between a pinning center and vortices which appear when the external m

https://khothu vien .comde facto Mesoscopic Superconducting Vortices Revealed by Scanning SQUID Microscopy(7ỀM SQUIDVu The Dang *7 T Xy43132Doctoral T

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis) ions based on the nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau (GL) equation.Chapter 3presents a novel vortex states observed in a circular disk with a sectoral deficit

(a Pacman shape) [7J. in which the symmetry of infinite degrees of freedom is broken in the modified geometry of a superconductor disk. This acts to m De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

odify the vortex states from a shell structure of vortex distribution in a perfect superconducting disk to an exotic arc-like structure. In addition,

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

a deep deficit of the disk works as a preferential gate for vortices to enter the inside of the Pacman plate, and strongly influences to the formation

https://khothu vien .comde facto Mesoscopic Superconducting Vortices Revealed by Scanning SQUID Microscopy(7ỀM SQUIDVu The Dang *7 T Xy43132Doctoral T

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis) ng SQUID microscope but also by theoretical calculations using the nonlineariii I AbstractGinzburg-Landau (GL) equation. We confirm that theoretical p

redictions and experimental obsen-ations are in good agreement with each other. We also found that the numerical method of the inverse Biot-Savart law De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

works to improve a spatial resolution of image taken by the scanning SQUID microscope developed by Hayashi et al. [14].Chapter 4shows the details of

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

our proposition to develop a novel vector scanning SQUID system, which aims at fabricating SQUID sensors with high-sensitivity for magnetic fields and

https://khothu vien .comde facto Mesoscopic Superconducting Vortices Revealed by Scanning SQUID Microscopy(7ỀM SQUIDVu The Dang *7 T Xy43132Doctoral T

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis) sor [15] with the screening parameter of de SQUID sensor Pl=\ and the Stewart-McCumber parameter Pc - 0.7. The positions of the X coil, the y coil, an

d the z coil were placed so as to be located their centers along the same line. This is necessary so that the three coils are kept at the same height De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

from sample surface during scanning. A separation between the neighboring coils is chosen as an integer multiple of a scanning step so that the recons

De facto mesoscopic superconducting vortices revealed by scanning SQUID microscopy (thesis)

truction of vector magnetic field images can be done rather easily. With the aid of the multi-layer Nb technology, we designed the SQUID sensor layout

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