Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

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Nội dung chi tiết: Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS......ỈO03.....I hereby state that, I, La Thi Hong Phan, being the candidate for the degree of Master of TESOL. accept

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province the requirements of the University relating to the retention and use of Master’s Thesis deposited in the Library.In terms of these conditions. I agre

e that the original of my thesis deposited in the Library should be accessible for the purpose of study and research, in accordance with the normal co Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

nditions established by the Library for care. loan, or reproduction of thesis.Ho Chi Minh City, December. 2019La Thi Hong PhaniiACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis t

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

hesis could never have been finished without the helpful support of those to whom I would like to express my grateful thanks.First of all. I would lik

RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS......ỈO03.....I hereby state that, I, La Thi Hong Phan, being the candidate for the degree of Master of TESOL. accept

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province vely and encouraged me with comprehensive guidance as well as solemn criticism throughout the time I did my thesis.My special thanks are reserved for

my MTESOL classmates, who shared the happiness and difficulties with me in different courses. I will hardly forget the memories and funny pictures tha Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

t we all took together.I am also gratefill to the high school managing board, the English teaching staff and all the 11* graders in the academic year

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

of 2018 - 2019 at Can Giuoc high school in Long An province, whose willingness, enthusiasm, and encouragement supported me so much.I would like to exp

RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS......ỈO03.....I hereby state that, I, La Thi Hong Phan, being the candidate for the degree of Master of TESOL. accept

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province ome difficulties on the way of doing thesis.Last but not least. I owe a debt of gratitude to my parents, my relatives and especially my little daughte

r who always stayed by my side and gave me both material and spiritual support in order that I could stand firm in the face of difficulties and overco Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

me them to see a positively brighter future.iiiABSTRACTTeaching writing with indirect coded feedback for high school students in order lo help them de

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

velop then long-term writing skills is the main concern of this thesis. Exploring the experiment with the application of direct written feedback and i

RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS......ỈO03.....I hereby state that, I, La Thi Hong Phan, being the candidate for the degree of Master of TESOL. accept

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province skills for language teachers arc what the thesis aims al.The study is an explanatory and exploratory one with the assistance of quantitative figures.

The study was conducted on 70 high school students of grade 11 at Can Giuoc high school in Can Giuoc district. Long An province. The participants were Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

divided into two groups named the experimental and control group. The experimental group was taught with indirect coded feedback whereas the control

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

group was taught with direct written feedback during eighteen weeks. During the training course, both groups took the same pre-test, post-test and pra

RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS......ỈO03.....I hereby state that, I, La Thi Hong Phan, being the candidate for the degree of Master of TESOL. accept

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province edback in their writing class. The result reveals that the teachers and students successfully applied indirect coded feedback in their writing class r

egardless of some difficulties that they encountered during the training process such as the lack of lime for students’ practice and the small scale o Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

f participants. Additionally, students in experimental group showed positive attitudes towards the effectiveness of indirect coded feedback on their w

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

riting skills.Based on the findings coming from the real factors of both teachers and students, suggestions are made to provide some kind of reference

RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS......ỈO03.....I hereby state that, I, La Thi Hong Phan, being the candidate for the degree of Master of TESOL. accept

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province direct coded feedback. El L writing skills, grade 11 students.ivTÓM TẮTDạy kĩ năng viết sử dụng phương pháp sữa lồi gián tiếp bảng kí hiệu cho học sin

h phồ thòng dê giúp học sinh có thê phát triên kì năng viết lâu dài lả vấn dể chỉnh được quan tâm trong bài nghiên cứu nãy. Nghiên cứu những bài kiêm Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

tra cái mà đtrợc áp dụng phương pháp sửa lồi gián tiếp trong hai lớp thực nghiệm, sim tam quan diêm cùa hoc sinh về quá trinh hoc và tim ra những cách

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

đê nàng cao việc dạy kĩ năng viết cho giáo viên tiếng Anh lã những mục tiêu chính cùa bâi nghiên cứu này.Bài nghiên cứu là một quá trinh giái thích v

RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS......ỈO03.....I hereby state that, I, La Thi Hong Phan, being the candidate for the degree of Master of TESOL. accept

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province trong hai lớp ở trường THPT Can Giuộc. Học sinh được chia thành hai nhóm, nhóm được dạy với phương pháp sữa lỗi trực tiếp và nhóm đực dạy với phương

pháp sửa lổi gián tiếp bảng ki hiệu. Trong suốt 18 tuần cũa quá trinh thực nghiệm, hai nhóm củng làm bài kiềm tra dầu khóai kiểm tra cuối khóa và các Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

bãi luyện tập đê đánh giá sư tiến bò cùa hai nhóm. Trước khi học sinh lâm bài kiêm tra cuối khóa, học sinh trong nhóm thực nghiệm sẻ trà lời báng câu

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

hỏi đẻ thè hiện thái độ của học sinh với quá trinh đtrợc dạy với phương pháp sữa lỗi gián tiếp. Kết quá thể hiện răng giáo viên vã học sinh đã áp dụng

RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS......ỈO03.....I hereby state that, I, La Thi Hong Phan, being the candidate for the degree of Master of TESOL. accept

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province ho học sinh luyện tập và số lượng ít học sinh tham gia trong bài nghiên cứu. Tuy nhiên, khi dược dạy với phương pháp sứa lỗi gián tiếp, học sinh thể h

iên được sư tiến bộ trong kha năng viết của họ hơn lã những học sinh được dạy với phương pháp truyền thống.Dựa trên sự tim thấy dược rút ra từ những y Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

ếu tố thực tế cùa giáo viên vã học sinh, những gợi ỷ đtrợc thực hiện nham cung cấp tài liệu tham khảo đóng góp vào Sự nâng cao việc dạy học kì năng vi

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

ết cho giáo viên ờ trường THPT cần Giuộc nói riêng vã ờ các trường phô thông nói chung.VTABLE OF CONTENTSRETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS..............

RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS......ỈO03.....I hereby state that, I, La Thi Hong Phan, being the candidate for the degree of Master of TESOL. accept

Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province TÁT.......................................................ivTABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................VLIST OF TABLES...........

......................................XLIST OF FIGURES...............................................xi Using indirect coded feedback to enhance efl writing skills for the 11th graders at can giuoc high school in long an province

RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS......ỈO03.....I hereby state that, I, La Thi Hong Phan, being the candidate for the degree of Master of TESOL. accept

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