Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

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Nội dung chi tiết: Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste compostingA dissertationByTRAN NGOC MINH QI YENSubmitted to the Graduate School of Scienc

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting ce and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYMajor Subject: Enviro

nmental EngineeringDepartment of International Development Engineering Graduate School of Science and Engineering Tokyo Institute of Technology JAPAN4 Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

2370ABSTRACTWith economic development and rapid population growth over last few decades, a considerable amount of solid waste from domestic, industria

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

l and agricultural activities has been generated. The major part of solid waste is the food waste that is collected from the household, convenient sto

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste compostingA dissertationByTRAN NGOC MINH QI YENSubmitted to the Graduate School of Scienc

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting human health. Food waste is rich in nutrient, so the composting is a promising alternative for food waste management that enables the valuable organic

contents of food waste to be reused, but some characteristics of food waste, especially low pH. raise a challenge to engineers who apply composting f Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

or food waste recycling. The acidity of food waste is due to the accumulation organic acids that are not only accumulated in raw materials but also ge

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

nerated during the composting. Moreover, composting is the complex biodegradation process where many microorganisms coexist and interact. Understandin

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste compostingA dissertationByTRAN NGOC MINH QI YENSubmitted to the Graduate School of Scienc

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting acceleration, the notion about using an organic acids-degrading microorganism was proposed, thereby the succession of microorganisms toward the succe

ssful composting was observed and a better understanding of the interaction of coexisted microorganisms was obtained.Firstly, it was demonstrated from Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

a previous study that two characteristic lactic acid bacteria; Pediococcns acidilactici TM14 (PE), a homofermentative lactic acid bacterium, and Weis

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

sellaparamesenteriodes TA 15 (WE), a heterofennentative lactic acid bacterium may contribute for the acceleration of composting. To elucidate the role

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste compostingA dissertationByTRAN NGOC MINH QI YENSubmitted to the Graduate School of Scienc

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting PE produced lactic acid and inhibited the production of acetic acid which is detrimental to indigenous microorganisms. So an indigenous fungi Paecilo

Djyces sp. ỌH1 having the ability to degrade organic acids was able to grow. Thus the organic acids contained in the compost material were completely Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

decomposed and the environmental conditions were adjusted allowing for the activity of thermophilic bacteria, which play important1roles in composting

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

. In consequence, organic matter degradation in the composting was accelerated.Secondly, contributions of another lactic acid bacterium, the WE. was e

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste compostingA dissertationByTRAN NGOC MINH QI YENSubmitted to the Graduate School of Scienc

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting e it was confirmed the PL produced the lactic acid and enhanced the organic matter degradation. These results indicate that two different types of lac

tic acid bacteria showed quite different effects on the composting. Moreover, it was affirmed that the effects of these two microorganisms, when they Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

coexisted, on composting strongly depended on the initial ratio of PF to WF.. Tf the PF WE was larger than IO1'. accumulation of both lactic acid and

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

acetic acid were restricted probably because so-called loss-loss interaction of two microorganism, and resulted in the acceleration of composting thou

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste compostingA dissertationByTRAN NGOC MINH QI YENSubmitted to the Graduate School of Scienc

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting re the organic acids were generated during the thermophilic phase. In this demand, a thermophilic microorganism that can degrade the organic acids at

the thermophilic condition was successfully isolated. The results of the identification showed that the nucleotide sequence of this isolated thermophi Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

le is closely related to Bacillus coagulans and it was designated as 1P1. Tills microorganism accelerated the composting by elevating and preventing t

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

he drop of pH levels during the composting.These obtained results enabled me to suggest that the prevention of the acetic acid accumulation during the

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste compostingA dissertationByTRAN NGOC MINH QI YENSubmitted to the Graduate School of Scienc

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting ng to waste management facilities. Moreover, the remediation of failed composting causing by organic acids can lie observed by inoculation of the orga

nic acids-degradation microorganisms such as PaeciJomyces QH1 and Bacillus coagulant TP I in the composting. The application of these useful microorga Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

nisms for in composting can help to construct the recycle- oriented society.iiACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis academic journey would not come true and be fruitfu

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

l without the support of those to whom I would like to express my grateful thanks.I will never forget the enthusiastic guidance of Prof. Kiyohiko Naka

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste compostingA dissertationByTRAN NGOC MINH QI YENSubmitted to the Graduate School of Scienc

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting les me to put the first and confident steps into the world of the composting. This doctoral dissertation would not be accomplished without his help. I

owed him a deepest appreciation.I would like to express my appreciation to Prof. Hirofumi Hinode. Prof. Ryuichi Egashira, Prof. Kunio Takahashi, and Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

Prof. Yasunori Tanji. for being the committee members and giving valuable comments and suggestions in order for my dissertation to be developed and ac

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

complished.I appreciate Dr. Michiharu Abe. the assistant professor, for his advice on molecular techniques, helpful comments for my research as well a

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste compostingA dissertationByTRAN NGOC MINH QI YENSubmitted to the Graduate School of Scienc

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting of my study in Tokyo Tech. Especially. I would like to express the appreciation to Mr. Hiroshi Mimoto for his technical assistance on composting expe

riments.This study would not be possible without the support of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). I would like to express my sincere than Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

ks to JICA for giving me a chance to fulfill my dream and expand my knowledge in an abroad academic environment.Last but not least. I would like to ex

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

press my deep gratitude to my parents, my brother and my sister for their remote care during my oversea life, to whom this dissertation is dedicated.i

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste compostingA dissertationByTRAN NGOC MINH QI YENSubmitted to the Graduate School of Scienc

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting ................................................................................iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................

......................................IvLIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................vllLIS Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting

T OF TABLES............................................................................................XCHAPTER 1.....................................

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste composting


Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste compostingA dissertationByTRAN NGOC MINH QI YENSubmitted to the Graduate School of Scienc

Effects of inoculum on accelerating the simulated food waste compostingA dissertationByTRAN NGOC MINH QI YENSubmitted to the Graduate School of Scienc

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