Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city

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Nội dung chi tiết: Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city

Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city

I.INTRODUCTIONWater resource is an essential component of the living environment. It contributes to the success of economic and social development, pl

Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city lanning, and national security. Nowadays, our national resource is facing the risk of pollution and depletion. The rapid development and the high popu

lation density are causing severe pollution in many rivers. With economic development, people often have ignored the direct or indirect adverse impact Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city

s on the environment. The risk of lacking clean water is a major threat to the survival of human and all living organisms. Therefore, we are in need o

Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city

f having appropriate measures to protect and use water resources rationally.Can River (Nhu Nguyet River) is an important tributary of Thai Binh river

I.INTRODUCTIONWater resource is an essential component of the living environment. It contributes to the success of economic and social development, pl

Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city tivities in six provinces including: Bac Kan.ft I fl ■ w < MB mXx aft ■IkThai Nguyen, Bac Giang, Ban Ninh. Vinb Phuc. and Hai Duong.In Bac Ninh provin

ce. Cau river is about 70 km long, flowing through Yen Phong ........ „ , district. Bac Ninh city, and Que Vo district. The river through Bac Ninh cit Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city

y is approximately 30 km long. The river's water quality is affected by pollutants from Dai . . . ... ■ 1 ...Lam alcohol-making village (Tam Da- Yen P

Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city

hong). Ngu Huyen Khe River - which receives waste water from the iron and steel - producing villages in Chau Khe, Van Mon aluminum recycled village. P

I.INTRODUCTIONWater resource is an essential component of the living environment. It contributes to the success of economic and social development, pl

Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city caused by urbanization in Bac Ninh city have been unclear. Therefore, implementing a study on the effects of urbanization on water quantity of Can Ri

ver in Bac Ninh city is urgent and necessary' to provide a more scientific basis for the river water protection and improvement.1II.SCOPE, GOAL, OBJEC Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city

TIVES, AND HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY2.1.Scope of the study-This study just focused on analyzing some parameters to compare waler quality in upstream and

Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city

downstream of Cau River in Bac Ninh city.-This study focused on clarifying some main sources of pollution from urban activities for water quality of

I.INTRODUCTIONWater resource is an essential component of the living environment. It contributes to the success of economic and social development, pl

Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city meet the need of society in a sustainable way.2.3.Objectives-To assess the present water quality of Cau River in'Bae Ninh city.-To assess the impacts

of the urbanization on Can River's water quality.ent impacts of the urbanization on water- To propose the most suitable measur2.4. HypothesisThe urba Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city

nization process ihas resulted ill negative impacts on the waterquality of Call river in Bae Ninh city.2III.METHODS3.1.Literature reviewsUrbanization

Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city

is one of the most detrimental forces affecting river health and one of the biggest challenges facing watershed managements. However, methods to deter

I.INTRODUCTIONWater resource is an essential component of the living environment. It contributes to the success of economic and social development, pl

Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city banization are reported to cause water quality problems such as sedimentation, habitat changes. Several of the changes wrought by urbanization can aff

ect the natural stream temperature regimen. The effect of reduced shade upon maximum stream temperatures has been well documented (Brown. 1969: Brown Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city

and Krygier. 1970; O'Dell. 1971; Ringle1975; and Hanley. 1975).Urban runoff can affect water chemistry by changing levels of nutrients and heavy metal

Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city

s (Porcella and Sorenson 1980. Morse et al. 2002). The impacts from urbanization can cause changes in the biological communitiesjof the stream ecosyst

I.INTRODUCTIONWater resource is an essential component of the living environment. It contributes to the success of economic and social development, pl

Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city ____________many people in relatively small area, and the activities of these people produce pollutants and cause pollution. Fortunately, most urban a

rea pollutants are of a point source nature and are controlled by discharge regulation. So urban impacts are especially concerning , _________________ Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city

___. , . . ___________________________________ .... ,because they can be seen throughout watersheds, and not just on a local level (Kearns er al. 2005

Impacts of the urbannization on water quality of cau river in bac ninh city

). Impacts can be seen on multiple scales, and it is important to look at how watershed impacts of increasing urban development and land use affect ha

I.INTRODUCTIONWater resource is an essential component of the living environment. It contributes to the success of economic and social development, pl

I.INTRODUCTIONWater resource is an essential component of the living environment. It contributes to the success of economic and social development, pl

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