In vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae
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In vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae
IN VITRO PHYSIOLOGY OF RECALCITRANT TISSUE CULTURED PLANTS IN THE NYMPHAEACEAE, ALISMATACEAE. AND ORCHIDACEAEByHOANG NGUYENA DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO In vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae O THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHYUNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA2016To Huong, Mom.Dad. Huy. Dale and Dr. KaneACKNOWLEDGMENTS"I once dreamed that I could walk through the trees that are full of blooming ghost orc In vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae hids' said Larry Richardson of the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge.Dear Larry, your dream is coming true. And so is mine.My dream, reflectedIn vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae
through this study and this dissertation, could not be completed without the continuing support from friends, colleagues, and instructors. I deeply thIN VITRO PHYSIOLOGY OF RECALCITRANT TISSUE CULTURED PLANTS IN THE NYMPHAEACEAE, ALISMATACEAE. AND ORCHIDACEAEByHOANG NGUYENA DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO In vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae leader. Thank you for letting me do what I love, and giving me room to grow.I would like to thank my committee members. Drs. Charles Guy, Dennis Gray, Gregory Macdonald, and Hector Perez for their guidance. I especially appreciate Drs. Sandra Wilson, Hector Perez, Stuart McDaniel, and Thomas Colquho In vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae un for allowing me to use their research equipment and spending their time to discuss my research with me. I thank Drs. Thomas Sheehan, Harold KoopowiIn vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae
tz, Carlos Fighetti. and Mr. Frank Smith of American Orchid Society, who inspired me tremendously with their humility, knowledge, and true love of orcIN VITRO PHYSIOLOGY OF RECALCITRANT TISSUE CULTURED PLANTS IN THE NYMPHAEACEAE, ALISMATACEAE. AND ORCHIDACEAEByHOANG NGUYENA DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO In vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae . Mark Danaher, Ben Nottingham, Kevin Godsea), and Illinois College (Dr. Lawrence Zettler). The orchid research was financially supported by funding from U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service under contract F12AC01245. The mycorrhizal fungus strains in this study were isolated by Ellen Radcliffe, Dr Zettler’ In vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae s student.4I am grateful for the friendship and support of of Tanh Nguyen, Nguyet Doan, Addison Nguyen. Oren Ehrlich, Cong Dang, Trang Nguyen. Yen NguIn vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae
yen, Kien Nguyen.Tu Nguyen, Manh Tran, Du Huynh. Lien Dieu, Phu Nguyen, Dung Phan, Long Kap, Brian Owens, John Ingram, Marian Sheehan, John Bourret, JIN VITRO PHYSIOLOGY OF RECALCITRANT TISSUE CULTURED PLANTS IN THE NYMPHAEACEAE, ALISMATACEAE. AND ORCHIDACEAEByHOANG NGUYENA DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO In vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae ne Smith, Candace Prince, Nick Genna, Tia Tyler, Leah Cobb. Ryan Dickson, Gabriel Campbell, and Kim Backer-Kelley. I thank you all for your friendship and for the years we have spent together.I am blessed to know Stacey and Anthony Barber, Dale and Karen. Haskell, Rose Steeves, Fe Almira, Cuong Nguy In vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae en, Tuan Nguyen, Anh Lac, Qui Lac, Lien Duong. Ly Lam, Meredith Course. Atossa Shaltouki, Sally Kim. Bart Schutzman. Edritz Javelosa, Sandy Dang, AnhIn vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae
Lan, Moo Prasert. and their family members. Their hearts are among the biggest and their minds are the most beautiful.With the unconditional love of mIN VITRO PHYSIOLOGY OF RECALCITRANT TISSUE CULTURED PLANTS IN THE NYMPHAEACEAE, ALISMATACEAE. AND ORCHIDACEAEByHOANG NGUYENA DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO In vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae ...........................4LIST OF TABLES.................................................................10LIST OF FIGURES................................................................11LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS..........................................................14ABSTRACT..................... In vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae ..................................................15CHAPTER1LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................17Plant Propagation.....In vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae
.....................................................17Plant Micropropagation.....................................................18Aquatic Plant MicrIN VITRO PHYSIOLOGY OF RECALCITRANT TISSUE CULTURED PLANTS IN THE NYMPHAEACEAE, ALISMATACEAE. AND ORCHIDACEAEByHOANG NGUYENA DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO In vitro physiology of recalcitrant tissue cultured plants in the nymphaeaceae, alismataceae, and orchidaceae rom Seeds...........................................26Plant Tissue Culture Applications in Conservation.......................28IN VITRO PHYSIOLOGY OF RECALCITRANT TISSUE CULTURED PLANTS IN THE NYMPHAEACEAE, ALISMATACEAE. AND ORCHIDACEAEByHOANG NGUYENA DISSERTATION PRESENTED TOGọi ngay
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