Monte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor
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Monte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor
MINISTRY OF EDI CATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYSchool of Engineering PhysicsMonte Carlo study of the room-temperature f Monte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductorsbyHA VIET ANHA thesis for master of scienceEngineering PhysicsSupervisorDr. DAO XUAN VIETHanoi - 2014Ì1ItAcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, 1 would be thankful to Dr. Dao Xuan Viet, a lecturer in Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (AIST), Monte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Dr. Dili) has instructed me as a supervisor since my bachelor s thesis. During a long time, he taught me nMonte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor
umerous knowledges and skills for Monte Carlo (MC) simulation such as statistical physics, linux operating system, programing with c and Fortran languMINISTRY OF EDI CATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYSchool of Engineering PhysicsMonte Carlo study of the room-temperature f Monte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor Dao’s enthusiastic instructions played significant role in my achievements. In a word. I honestly appreciate all supports and aids from Dr. Dao.Furthermore. I also would be thankful to Prof. Mai Suan Li and Prof. Nguyen Manh Due for supporting useful dicussions, Assoc. Prof. Pham Thanh Huy for prom Monte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor oting this research and providing a chance to attend and present a poster in JSPS Coroto-Core Program, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, DrMonte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor
. Nguyen Due Trung Kien for giving a number of helpful comments to my paper manuscripts and and Assoc. Prof. Nguyen IIuu Lam for facilitating my reseaMINISTRY OF EDI CATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYSchool of Engineering PhysicsMonte Carlo study of the room-temperature f Monte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under Project No 103.02-2011.38. I would thank toICSE (International Research Insitutc for Computational Science and Engineering), Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam for providing US with the CPU time.Finally, I express m Monte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor y thankfulness to my parents, siblings and friends who have always been believing in, providing and encouraging me during the past years.AbstractIn faMonte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor
ct, new materials arc always one of crucial issues for the development of society. In 1940s, the thriving of semiconductors absolutely changed the worMINISTRY OF EDI CATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYSchool of Engineering PhysicsMonte Carlo study of the room-temperature f Monte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor materials named “diluted magnetic semiconductor” (DMS) has widely attracted interest. DMS combines properties of semiconductor and magnetic material in only one subject. Therefore, they are potential candidates for designing spintronics devices. DMS, firstly, was considered in 1960s which derived f Monte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor rom compound of Eu or composite compound in nature. However, posibility in application was restricted because of low Curie temperature phase transitioMonte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor
n.Recently, DMS was produced by doping transition metals (TM) into conventional semiconductors, then expect to obtain ferromagnetism and still preservMINISTRY OF EDI CATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYSchool of Engineering PhysicsMonte Carlo study of the room-temperature f Monte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor and experimental studies showing that Mn-doped GaAs, GaN,... exhibit ferromagnetism. Nevertheless, stability and original interaction contributing to ferromagnetism arc still questionable.More recently, DMS doped with nonmagnetic light elements such as Li, Be. B, N, c were investigated and fabricat Monte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor ed. In 2007, the room temperature ferromagnetism was experimentally demonstrated for C-dopcd ZnO in shallow impurity concentration regime. On the theoMonte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor
retical side, the room-temperature ferromagnetism in C-doped ZnO has been studied by combining the first-principle calculations and the MC simulation.MINISTRY OF EDI CATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYSchool of Engineering PhysicsMonte Carlo study of the room-temperature f Monte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor ulation. To clarify the open question whether the spins exists as continuous or discrete state, both the continuous and discrete spin models have been considered.Master thesisContents1Introduction11.1Diluted magnetic semiconductors.................................. 11.1.1History..................... Monte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor .............................. 11.1.2Review of research........................................ 21.2Room-temperature ferromagnetism of DMS ...........Monte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor
............... 31.2.1Experiment................................................ 31.2.2Theory.................................................... 41.2MINISTRY OF EDI CATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYSchool of Engineering PhysicsMonte Carlo study of the room-temperature f Monte carlo study of the room temperature ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic semiconductor ............................................ 6MINISTRY OF EDI CATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYSchool of Engineering PhysicsMonte Carlo study of the room-temperature fGọi ngay
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