Ultrasonic array research platform (UARP) system integrated

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ultrasonic array research platform (UARP) system integrated

Ultrasonic array research platform (UARP) system integrated

Project Number: 13Ultrasonic Array Research Platform (UARP) System IntegratedBAO QUOC BUISubmitted in accordance with the requirements forthe degree o

Ultrasonic array research platform (UARP) system integrated ofMaster of Science (Eng.)In Embedded Systems EngineeringThe University of LeedsSchool of Electronic and Electrical Engineering40391Supervisor Dr s. F

reearThe candidate confirms that the work submitted is his/her own and that appropriate credithas been given where reference has been made to the work Ultrasonic array research platform (UARP) system integrated

of others.UNIVÍRSITY OFLEEDSThe University of LeedsSchool of Electronic & Electrical EngineeringDeclaration of Academic IntegrityStudent Name:BAO QUO

Ultrasonic array research platform (UARP) system integrated

C BUIUniversity ID Number:200508603Modules:ELEC 5880 & 5881Module Leader:Dr Chris TraynerPlagiarism in University Assessments and the Presentation of

Project Number: 13Ultrasonic Array Research Platform (UARP) System IntegratedBAO QUOC BUISubmitted in accordance with the requirements forthe degree o

Ultrasonic array research platform (UARP) system integrated lly includes text, data, images, sound or performance. [1]Fraudulent or fabricated coursework is defined as work, particularly reports of laboratory o

r practical work that is untrue and/or made up, submitted to satisfy the requirements of a University Assessment in whole or in part. [1]Declaration:• Ultrasonic array research platform (UARP) system integrated

I have read the University Regulations on Cheating and Plagiarism^] and state that the work in this report IS my own and does not contain any unacknow

Ultrasonic array research platform (UARP) system integrated

ledged work from other sources.•I confirm that any mitigating circumstances or other matters which might have affected my performance and which I wish

Project Number: 13Ultrasonic Array Research Platform (UARP) System IntegratedBAO QUOC BUISubmitted in accordance with the requirements forthe degree o

Ultrasonic array research platform (UARP) system integrated hool of Electronic & Electrical Engineering].Signed.................................Date.........................[1] http //WWW l«»d« ac uk/AAandR/cpf

f htm[2] http.7/www,leed$.ac uki'itude-rthandbcoki'BAO QUOC BUIUARP-Systsni IntegratedACKNOWLEDGEMENTIn the first place I would like to record my grat Ultrasonic array research platform (UARP) system integrated

itude to Dr Steven Freear for his supervision, advice and guidance from the early stage of this project. He provided me encouragement and support in v

Ultrasonic array research platform (UARP) system integrated

arious ways.

Project Number: 13Ultrasonic Array Research Platform (UARP) System IntegratedBAO QUOC BUISubmitted in accordance with the requirements forthe degree o

Project Number: 13Ultrasonic Array Research Platform (UARP) System IntegratedBAO QUOC BUISubmitted in accordance with the requirements forthe degree o

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