Human resource training at vtc digital company

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Nội dung chi tiết: Human resource training at vtc digital company

Human resource training at vtc digital company

IIILunghwa University of Scienceand Technologyrlli ||| Department of Business Administration Thesis for a Master’s DegreeHuman resource trainingat VTC

Human resource training at vtc digital company C Digital CompanyResearcher: Tran Ngoc AnhSupervisor 1: Assoc. Prof. Nham Phong TuanSupervisor 2: Assoc. Prof. Chu, Chih-Chung43405Lunghwa University

of Science and TechnologyApproval Certificate of Master's Degree Examination BoardThis is to certify that the Master’s Degree Examinations Board has a Human resource training at vtc digital company

pproved the thesis Human Resource Training at VTC Digital Company published by Mr. Tran Ngoc Anh in the Master Program of Graduate School of Departmen

Human resource training at vtc digital company

t of Business AdministrationMaster's Degree Examination BoardBoard Members - Prof. PhD. Tsan EricProf.. PhD. Nguyen Van DinhDr. Nguyen Thi Hong HanhAd

IIILunghwa University of Scienceand Technologyrlli ||| Department of Business Administration Thesis for a Master’s DegreeHuman resource trainingat VTC

Human resource training at vtc digital company training at VTC Digital Company.Pages : 69University : Lunghwa University of Science and Technology Graduate School : Department of Business Administr

ation Date : November. 2018Degree : MasterResearcher : Tran Ngoc AnhAdvisors : Assoc. Prof. Chu, Chih-Chung & Assoc. Prof. Nham Phong TuanKeywords: Hu Human resource training at vtc digital company

man resource, trainingBased on actual requừement. theoretical basis, documents, preceding studies on the issue about human resource management in gene

Human resource training at vtc digital company

ral and human resource training in particular, I have chosen topic for my thesis: “Human resource training at VTC company”. In (his thesis, I use seco

IIILunghwa University of Scienceand Technologyrlli ||| Department of Business Administration Thesis for a Master’s DegreeHuman resource trainingat VTC

Human resource training at vtc digital company rces from surveys with employees and interviews with the Dừector, Vice Dừectors and head managers of departments to analyze the situation of employee

training at the company.Research methods: In the thesis, the author uses quantitative research methods. Dữect interview are designed to gather informa Human resource training at vtc digital company

tion from employees and managers. Accordingly, the thesis provides a view from the managerial aspects to technical aspects on the training of employee

Human resource training at vtc digital company

s at VTC in the period 2013-2017. The author also points out the advantages, drawbacks of the training and causes of these problems.The thesis conclud

IIILunghwa University of Scienceand Technologyrlli ||| Department of Business Administration Thesis for a Master’s DegreeHuman resource trainingat VTC

Human resource training at vtc digital company they want to possess a strong pool of employees. The recommendations are also practical and applicable to (he situation of the company. Therefore I b

elieve that my research will not only help the company to realize its current situation but find out some good solutions for its better development as Human resource training at vtc digital company

well.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTFirstly. I would like to express my gratitude to the International School. Vietnam National University Hanoi and Lunghwa Universi

Human resource training at vtc digital company

ty of Science and Technology with all members, lecturers and staff ior their great guidance, constructive contributions and valuable advice during my

IIILunghwa University of Scienceand Technologyrlli ||| Department of Business Administration Thesis for a Master’s DegreeHuman resource trainingat VTC

Human resource training at vtc digital company for then-patience. motivation, and immense knowledge. Their guidance is invaluable for me to complete this MBA thesis.Besides my supervisors. 1 would

like to thank to the help of many people working at the VTC Digital company, especially the people who are fully occupied in business but still be wil Human resource training at vtc digital company

ling to provide me with a lot of useful information.Last but not the least. I would like to thank my family, my beloved ones for supporting me spiritu

Human resource training at vtc digital company

ally throughout writing this thesis and my life in general.Hanoi. November 2018

IIILunghwa University of Scienceand Technologyrlli ||| Department of Business Administration Thesis for a Master’s DegreeHuman resource trainingat VTC

IIILunghwa University of Scienceand Technologyrlli ||| Department of Business Administration Thesis for a Master’s DegreeHuman resource trainingat VTC

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