Regional economic interation and impacts on growth poverty and income distribution the case of vietnam
➤ Gửi thông báo lỗi ⚠️ Báo cáo tài liệu vi phạmNội dung chi tiết: Regional economic interation and impacts on growth poverty and income distribution the case of vietnam
Regional economic interation and impacts on growth poverty and income distribution the case of vietnam
Discussion Paper No. 132Regional Economic Integration and its Impacts on Growth. Poverty and Income Distribution: The Case of VietnambyTien Dung Nguye Regional economic interation and impacts on growth poverty and income distribution the case of vietnam en* and Afitsuo Ezaki*** Researcher. Division of Management and System Research, Institute of Information Technology.Vietnam Institute of Sciences and Technology** Professor, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya UniversityThis research was financially supported by the following Grant Regional economic interation and impacts on growth poverty and income distribution the case of vietnam s-in-Aid of Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) in the fiscal year 2004:-1Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (No. 16330037). "RegRegional economic interation and impacts on growth poverty and income distribution the case of vietnam
ional Economic Integration and Growth. Income Distribution and Poverty Alleviation in East Asia: Econometric Study based on CGE Modelling". Project leDiscussion Paper No. 132Regional Economic Integration and its Impacts on Growth. Poverty and Income Distribution: The Case of VietnambyTien Dung Nguye Regional economic interation and impacts on growth poverty and income distribution the case of vietnam beralization and Poverty Alleviation under the Global Economy". Project leader: Hiroshi Osada.AbstractThe trade liberalization and regional economic integration have recently accelerated in East Asia, with several free trade areas have been established or are under negotiation. As for Vietnam, after Regional economic interation and impacts on growth poverty and income distribution the case of vietnam acquiring ASEAN membership in 1995. the country has signed a bilateral trade package with the United States and participated in the China-ASEAN freeRegional economic interation and impacts on growth poverty and income distribution the case of vietnam
trade area. This paper attempts to analyze impacts on Vietnam of the ongoing regional economic integration, focussing on growth, poverty reductions anDiscussion Paper No. 132Regional Economic Integration and its Impacts on Growth. Poverty and Income Distribution: The Case of VietnambyTien Dung Nguye Regional economic interation and impacts on growth poverty and income distribution the case of vietnam version 6.0 and Vietnam’s living standards surveys. The simulation analysis shows that the regional economic integration generally has positive impacts, and It is both welfare enhancing and income-distribution improving for Vietnam. Household income and consumption increase, and poor and rural house Regional economic interation and impacts on growth poverty and income distribution the case of vietnam hold groups benefit more than high income urban groups.Table of Contents1Introduction2Trade liberalization in Vietnam3Poverty and income distribution4Regional economic interation and impacts on growth poverty and income distribution the case of vietnam
Model specification5Simulation analysis6Summary’ and conclusionsReferencesAppendix A: The equation system and model notationAppendix B: The social accDiscussion Paper No. 132Regional Economic Integration and its Impacts on Growth. Poverty and Income Distribution: The Case of VietnambyTien Dung Nguye Regional economic interation and impacts on growth poverty and income distribution the case of vietnam y and Income Distribution: The Case of VietnamTien Dung Nguyen and Mitsui) Ezaki1. IntroductionsDiscussion Paper No. 132Regional Economic Integration and its Impacts on Growth. Poverty and Income Distribution: The Case of VietnambyTien Dung NguyeGọi ngay
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