Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station

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Nội dung chi tiết: Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station

Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station

ƯNIVERSITÉ NATIONALE DU VIETNAM, HANOI INSTU UT FRANCOPHONE INTERNATIONALThierno Mamoudou BARRYResearch and build model for detecting anomaly images,

Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies MOV alarm of base stationNghiên cứu và xây dựng mô hình để phát hiện các hình ảnh báo

động MOV bất thường và thiếu tôn trạm gốcSpéciaỉité: Systèmes Intelligent et Multimédia Code: 8480201.02MÉMOIRE DE FIN D’ETUDES DU MASTER INFORMATIQUE Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station


Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station

aly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies MOV alarm of base stationNghiên cứu và xây dựng mô hình để phát hiện các hì

ƯNIVERSITÉ NATIONALE DU VIETNAM, HANOI INSTU UT FRANCOPHONE INTERNATIONALThierno Mamoudou BARRYResearch and build model for detecting anomaly images,

Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station R INFORMATIQUESous la direction de:Dr. NGUYEN Hong Quang, Responsable du marter 1 - IFIM. Luu Đức Phong, MBA, Chef de 1'équipe BPMS - Viettel NetworkL

ưu Đức PhongHANOI-2020ATTESTATION SUR L’HONNEIJRJ'atteste sur 1’honneur que ce mémoire a été realise par moi-même et que les données et les résultats Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station

qui y sont présentés sent exacts et n’ont jamais etc publics ailleurs. La source des informations citées dans ce mémoire a été bien précisée.LÒÌ CAM Đ

Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station

OANTỏi cam đoan dây là cóng trình nghiên cứu của riêng tôi. Các số liệu, kết quả nêu trong Luận vãn là trung thực và chưa từng được ai công bố trong b

ƯNIVERSITÉ NATIONALE DU VIETNAM, HANOI INSTU UT FRANCOPHONE INTERNATIONALThierno Mamoudou BARRYResearch and build model for detecting anomaly images,

Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station .e rrmvriỉ est le résultat de plusieưrs années d'etudes er le con court de plusieurt per-sonnesqiii util décidé de m’accompagner résolument dans ce gr

and parcours. Je voudrais profirer de cetre occasion pour leur exprimer route tna reconnaissance er ma gratitude.Jesoubaire tout d'abord remercier Die Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station

u le TOUT PUISSAN'I de m’avoir dote d’une intelligence el rnaintenu en bonne sauté pour réaỉiser tries réivs. Je ltd remercie égalemen I de m’avoir ac

Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station

cordé des parents exceptionnels qui m’ont rout donné er montré le chemin de I ecole.Je voudrais par ces mots, remercier mes encadranls M. LUU Due Phon

ƯNIVERSITÉ NATIONALE DU VIETNAM, HANOI INSTU UT FRANCOPHONE INTERNATIONALThierno Mamoudou BARRYResearch and build model for detecting anomaly images,

Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station ge. Vbs disponibililés el VOS co use i Is judicieux m'onl élé ires benejiques dans la realisation de ce projet.Mes remerciements vont particulièrement

à M. NGUYEN Anh Tuan Directeurdes res-sources humaines de Viettel Networks pour son soutien constant et la confiance qu'il m'a porié. Je remercie ega Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station

lement tons les membres du departement digital (BPMS) pour I'accueil chaleureux QU sein entreprise, VOS conseils et I'OS contributions essentieỉỉes on

Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station

t conduit au succès de ce travail.Je saisis cette occasion pour retnercier Fadministration de I'institut Francophone International (IF1) poursa bonne

ƯNIVERSITÉ NATIONALE DU VIETNAM, HANOI INSTU UT FRANCOPHONE INTERNATIONALThierno Mamoudou BARRYResearch and build model for detecting anomaly images,

Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station directeur d eludes M. 110 Thong Vinh qui nous a touịoursapporléson aide à travers des perrinentes remarques malgré son agenda ưès charge. Je tiens à r

emercier également lout le corps enseignam de rinslitut Francophone International (IFI) pour la formation que nous avons reọue durant ces deux années Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station

académiques.Je ne saurais terminer sans adresser mes vines remerciements à ma ưès chère I amille (fibres, soeurs, uncles...), VOS encouragements, voir

Research and build model for detecting anomaly images, apply for business of lacking board station name and anomalies mov alarm of base station

e souliem el surluul la confiance que vous me portez tons les jours mont permit de surmonrer des obstacles incroyables pour persévérer.

ƯNIVERSITÉ NATIONALE DU VIETNAM, HANOI INSTU UT FRANCOPHONE INTERNATIONALThierno Mamoudou BARRYResearch and build model for detecting anomaly images,

ƯNIVERSITÉ NATIONALE DU VIETNAM, HANOI INSTU UT FRANCOPHONE INTERNATIONALThierno Mamoudou BARRYResearch and build model for detecting anomaly images,

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