The effectiveness of guessing the meanings of unknown words from context by non english 10th graders at nguyen trai gifted high school hai duong

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Nội dung chi tiết: The effectiveness of guessing the meanings of unknown words from context by non english 10th graders at nguyen trai gifted high school hai duong

The effectiveness of guessing the meanings of unknown words from context by non english 10th graders at nguyen trai gifted high school hai duong

iiiABSTRACTGuessing rhe meanings of unknown words from context has been considered to be an effective skill in vocabulary acquisition and language ski

The effectiveness of guessing the meanings of unknown words from context by non english 10th graders at nguyen trai gifted high school hai duong ills development. In order to study the effectiveness of the guesswork, this research investigated the guessing ability of fifty-nine non-English 10th

graders at Nguyen Trai Gifted High School. Hal Duong, though two tests. A pre-test was given to students to identify theii guessing ability before tr The effectiveness of guessing the meanings of unknown words from context by non english 10th graders at nguyen trai gifted high school hai duong

aining. After the training period, which lasted three weeks, the students were required to do a post-test to find out then improvement in the guessing

The effectiveness of guessing the meanings of unknown words from context by non english 10th graders at nguyen trai gifted high school hai duong

ability. In addition, the author surveyed ten English teachers at Nguyen Trai Gifted High School to get then- opinions on teaching and training the g

iiiABSTRACTGuessing rhe meanings of unknown words from context has been considered to be an effective skill in vocabulary acquisition and language ski

The effectiveness of guessing the meanings of unknown words from context by non english 10th graders at nguyen trai gifted high school hai duong findings were discussed, and some suggestions and implications for applying the guessing skill U1 language teaching and learning were also proposed a

t the end of the thesis.ivLIST OF ABBREVIATIONSEFL: English as a Foreign LanguageELT: English Language TeachingLIST OF CHARTS AND TABLESChart 1: The p The effectiveness of guessing the meanings of unknown words from context by non english 10th graders at nguyen trai gifted high school hai duong

re-test resultsChart 2: Teachers' ways of dealing with new wordsChart 3: The frequency of using the guessing skillChart 4: The problems relating to us

The effectiveness of guessing the meanings of unknown words from context by non english 10th graders at nguyen trai gifted high school hai duong

ing the guessing skillChart 5: Teachers' solutions to the problemsChart 6: The post-test resultsTable 1: The students' ability to use the guessing tec

iiiABSTRACTGuessing rhe meanings of unknown words from context has been considered to be an effective skill in vocabulary acquisition and language ski

The effectiveness of guessing the meanings of unknown words from context by non english 10th graders at nguyen trai gifted high school hai duong ..........iAcknowledgements.................................................................iiAbstract................................................

........................iiiList of abbreviations............................................................ivList of charts, and tables.............. The effectiveness of guessing the meanings of unknown words from context by non english 10th graders at nguyen trai gifted high school hai duong

.........................................ivTable of contents.................................................................VPART ONE: INTRODUCTION1

The effectiveness of guessing the meanings of unknown words from context by non english 10th graders at nguyen trai gifted high school hai duong

Rationale.........................................................12Aims of the study................................................23Research questi

iiiABSTRACTGuessing rhe meanings of unknown words from context has been considered to be an effective skill in vocabulary acquisition and language ski

The effectiveness of guessing the meanings of unknown words from context by non english 10th graders at nguyen trai gifted high school hai duong ..................................26Methods of the study.............................................37Design of the study............................

..................3PART TWO: DEVELOPMENTCHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW1.1.Definition of context......................................... 41.2.Guessing t The effectiveness of guessing the meanings of unknown words from context by non english 10th graders at nguyen trai gifted high school hai duong

he meanings of unknown words from context as a technique of vocabulary

iiiABSTRACTGuessing rhe meanings of unknown words from context has been considered to be an effective skill in vocabulary acquisition and language ski

iiiABSTRACTGuessing rhe meanings of unknown words from context has been considered to be an effective skill in vocabulary acquisition and language ski

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