Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam

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Nội dung chi tiết: Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam

Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam

Analysis of Typhoon Risk associated with Storm Surge and Wind Waves in southern VietnamA DissertationSubmitted to the Department of Transdisciplinary

Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam Science and EngineeringIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of Doctor of EngineeringLe Tuan Anh2019ftTokyo Institute of Technolog

yACKNOWLEDGMENTUndertaking this Ph.D. lias been a truly life-changing experience for me and it would not have been possible to do without the support Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam

and guidance that I received from many people. I would like to first say a very big thank you to my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Hiroshi Takagi. whose expe

Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam

rtise was invaluable in the formulating of the research topic and methodology in particular. I am very appreciated for all the support and encourageme

Analysis of Typhoon Risk associated with Storm Surge and Wind Waves in southern VietnamA DissertationSubmitted to the Department of Transdisciplinary

Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam this Ph.D. would not have been achievable.Besides my advisor. I would like to thank the rest of my thesis committee: Prof. Manabu Kanda, Assoc. Prof.

Daisuke Akita. Assoc. Prof. Takashi Nakamura, and Dr. Alvin Christopher Varquez. for their insightful comments and encouragement, which help me to wid Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam

en my research from various perspectives.I would like to acknowledge my colleagues from Takagi laboratory for their wonderful collaboration. You suppo

Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam

rted me greatly and were always willing to help me. Thank you for the stimulating discussions and for all the fun we have had in the last three years.

Analysis of Typhoon Risk associated with Storm Surge and Wind Waves in southern VietnamA DissertationSubmitted to the Department of Transdisciplinary

Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam n and storm surge are the biggest hazards that threaten coastal communities in Vietnam. The possibility of a large typhoon taking place in Southern Vi

etnam is considerably smaller than in the northern and central parts of the country, though this does not necessarily mean that Southern Vietnam is le Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam

ss vulnerable against ty phoons. The questionnaire surveys were carried out to investigate disaster awareness amongst local inhabitants in Southern Vi

Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam

etnam. Although typhoon rarely occurs, the interview results show that the local population has a high degree of awareness about the dangers posed by

Analysis of Typhoon Risk associated with Storm Surge and Wind Waves in southern VietnamA DissertationSubmitted to the Department of Transdisciplinary

Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam caused catastrophic damage for this region, and also significantly affected local people's perception of typhoons. Nevertheless, it is still required

to improve preparedness against coastal disasters in Vietnam, especially in terms of the evacuation plan and coastal disaster education for fishermen Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam

as well as younger generation. A numerical coupled model using wind field from the JMA Grid Point Value (GPV) reanalysis data and considering two-way

Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam

interaction between storm surge and wind wave was used to confinn the accuracy of the model through investigating the physical impact of Typhoon Jebi

Analysis of Typhoon Risk associated with Storm Surge and Wind Waves in southern VietnamA DissertationSubmitted to the Department of Transdisciplinary

Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam g the reliability of the proposed model. The same model can be used to investigate the extent of the storm surge and high waves during the worst Typho

on Linda in Southern Vietnam in 1997. However, due to the limitation of meteorological data, the wind field obtained from the parametric typhoon model Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam

is used instead of the reanalysis data. The good agreement in comparison between simulation results and observed data demonstrates the applicability

Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam

of the simplified model for those typhoons transiting off the coast of Southern Vietnam, where the number of fishing boats always seek productive fish

Analysis of Typhoon Risk associated with Storm Surge and Wind Waves in southern VietnamA DissertationSubmitted to the Department of Transdisciplinary

Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam ion. This kind of hazard map will be beneficial for disaster management officers to assess whether they can return to the origin or neighboring safer

islands to evacuate when an unexpected typhoon approaches.iiTable (»r contentACKNOWLEDGEMENT.......................................................... Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam

...................iABSTRACT...................................................................................iiLIST OF FIGURES......................

Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam

......................................................viLIST OF TABLES.............................................................................ixC

Analysis of Typhoon Risk associated with Storm Surge and Wind Waves in southern VietnamA DissertationSubmitted to the Department of Transdisciplinary

Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam ..............................11.1.1Tropical typhoon................................................................11.1.2Storm Surge.................

...................................................21.1.3Wave climate classification....................................................21.1.4Tides... Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam

.......................................................................31.2Storm surge Model..........................................................

Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam


Analysis of Typhoon Risk associated with Storm Surge and Wind Waves in southern VietnamA DissertationSubmitted to the Department of Transdisciplinary

Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam ...................................................61.3Recent researches on Storm surge and typhoon associated disasters....................61.3.1Stud

ies in storm surge in the world.............................................61.3.2Storm surge researches in Vietnam................................... Analysis of typhoon risk associated with storm surge and wind waves in southern vietnam


Analysis of Typhoon Risk associated with Storm Surge and Wind Waves in southern VietnamA DissertationSubmitted to the Department of Transdisciplinary

Analysis of Typhoon Risk associated with Storm Surge and Wind Waves in southern VietnamA DissertationSubmitted to the Department of Transdisciplinary

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