Chemical analysis of food techniques and applications edited by yolanda picó

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Nội dung chi tiết: Chemical analysis of food techniques and applications edited by yolanda picó

Chemical analysis of food techniques and applications edited by yolanda picó

Chemical Analysis of FoodTechniques and ApplicationYolanda PicoCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF FOOD: TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONSYoSanda PicóDepartment of MeJiane

Chemical analysis of food techniques and applications edited by yolanda picó e Prcvenmv. Faculty o/ Pharmacy, University of Valencia, SfjamELSEVIERAMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON NEW YORK • OXFORD • PARIS • SAN D1ECX)

SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYO Academic Press is an imprint of ElsevierAcademic Press is an imprint of Elsevier225 Wyman Street, Waltham, Chemical analysis of food techniques and applications edited by yolanda picó

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Chemical analysis of food techniques and applications edited by yolanda picó

211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The NetherlandsFirst edition 2012Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reservedNo part of this publication may be reproduc

Chemical Analysis of FoodTechniques and ApplicationYolanda PicoCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF FOOD: TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONSYoSanda PicóDepartment of MeJiane

Chemical analysis of food techniques and applications edited by yolanda picó rior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier's Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phon

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Chemical analysis of food techniques and applications edited by yolanda picó

assumed by the publisher for any injury and /or damage to persons or property as a matter of product liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any u

Chemical Analysis of FoodTechniques and ApplicationYolanda PicoCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF FOOD: TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONSYoSanda PicóDepartment of MeJiane

Chemical analysis of food techniques and applications edited by yolanda picó n particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publicatinn DataChemical analysi

s of food: techniques and applications/edited by Yolanda Picó.p. cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 978-0-12-384862-8 (hardback)1. Chemical analysis of food techniques and applications edited by yolanda picó

Food—Analysis. 2. Food—Composition. I. Picó, Yolanda.TX545.C434 2012664'.07—dc2320121X18570British Library Cataloguing in Publication DataA catalogue

Chemical analysis of food techniques and applications edited by yolanda picó

record lor tins book is available from the British Library.For information on all Academic Press publications visit our web site at

Chemical Analysis of FoodTechniques and ApplicationYolanda PicoCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF FOOD: TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONSYoSanda PicóDepartment of MeJiane

Chemical analysis of food techniques and applications edited by yolanda picó icr.oom I I www.sabrc.orgELSEVIERSabre FoundationContributorsOuissam Abbas Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), "Henseval" b

uilding, Chaussce de Namur, 24, 50341 Gembloux, Belgium Chemical analysis of food techniques and applications edited by yolanda picó

Chemical Analysis of FoodTechniques and ApplicationYolanda PicoCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF FOOD: TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONSYoSanda PicóDepartment of MeJiane

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