Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network

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Nội dung chi tiết: Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network

Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network

DISPERSION COEFFICIENTS IN AN ESTUARINE NETWORKbyNguyen The DuyA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master

Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network of EngineeringExamination Committee :Prof. Suphat Vongvisessomjai (Chairman)Prof. Tawatchai TingsanchaliDr. Hitoshi Tanaka7- 29UÍNguyen The DuyNation

ality :Previous Degree :Scholarship Donor :Vietnamese•>M AOỈỈB.Eng., Polytechnic University of Hochiminh City, Vietnam The Government of SwitzerlandAs Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network

ian Institute of TechnologyBangkok, ThailandAugust, 1992WA

Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network

determine the dispersion coefficient, a very important parameter, for the prediction of salinity intrusion in estuarine networks.The First Model (Tria

DISPERSION COEFFICIENTS IN AN ESTUARINE NETWORKbyNguyen The DuyA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master

Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network m parameters. In this model, the problems of formulating an expression for the dispersion coefficient and determining salinity concentration at the ri

ver sections are solved simultaneously for die whole river system. The results obtained from this model show that the dispersion coefficient distribut Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network

ion D(x,t) along the main branches of the Mekong river system depends upon the salinity and its gradient and can be represented well by the expression

Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network

D - k3 s -|f3 dxDue to the larger variation in time of the salinity gradient magnitudes when comparing with the salinity concentration magnitudes, the

DISPERSION COEFFICIENTS IN AN ESTUARINE NETWORKbyNguyen The DuyA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master

Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network r of the dispersion coefficient, while the salinity concentration has a secondary effect on the variation of this coefficient. From the computational

results, it can be also seen that there is no large variation in the magnitudes of the relation coefficient k3 although its value depends on a lot of Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network

factors.The Second Model (Backward Method) is established to determine discrete values of the dispersion coefficient in terms of nodal dispersion coef

Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network

ficient, using observed data of salinity concentration at internal stations on the river system. The results obtained from this model show that the ma

DISPERSION COEFFICIENTS IN AN ESTUARINE NETWORKbyNguyen The DuyA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master

Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network m2/s, while the magnitudes fluctuate mainly in the range of 0-1,500 m2/sec. In general, the magnitudes of the dispersion coefficient vary in the same

manner as those of the salinity concentration, i.e. the dispersion coefficient at the stations in the area in dry season increases from January to Ap Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network

ril and decreases after April.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe author wishes to express his sincerest gratitude to his advisor, Prof. Suphat Vongvisessomjai, for h

Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network

is valuable advises, suggestions, comments and training which were very much helpful in accomplishing this study and in further study. He is also grat

DISPERSION COEFFICIENTS IN AN ESTUARINE NETWORKbyNguyen The DuyA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master

Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network ike to extend a deep sense of gratitude to all of his teachers who directly or indirectly have taught and guided him throughout the period of study in

AIT. A word of thanks is also extended to all of his friends who helped him in many aspects during the period of study in AIT.Grateful appreciation i Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network

s also conveyed to the scholarship donor, the Government of Switzerland, for providing the financial support and to the Asian Institute of Technology

Dispersion coefficients in an estuarine network

for providing facilities throughout the course of his study.Finally, the author would like to dedicate this work to his family for their spiritual sup

DISPERSION COEFFICIENTS IN AN ESTUARINE NETWORKbyNguyen The DuyA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master

DISPERSION COEFFICIENTS IN AN ESTUARINE NETWORKbyNguyen The DuyA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master

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