Foodborne infections and intoxications edited by j glenn morris, jr , morris e potter

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Nội dung chi tiết: Foodborne infections and intoxications edited by j glenn morris, jr , morris e potter

Foodborne infections and intoxications edited by j glenn morris, jr , morris e potter

Food borne Infections and IntoxicationsFourth EditionEdited by J. Glenn Morris, Jr. and Morris E. PotterFood Science and Technology, International Ser

Foodborne infections and intoxications edited by j glenn morris, jr , morris e potter ries 1Foodborne Infections and Intoxications Fourth EditionThis page intentionally left blankFoodborne Infections and Intoxications Fourth EditionEdit

ed byJ. Glenn Morris, Jr.Emerging Pathogens Institute University of Florida FL, USAMorris E. PotterPublic Health Consultant Atlanta, Georgia, USAELSEV Foodborne infections and intoxications edited by j glenn morris, jr , morris e potter


Foodborne infections and intoxications edited by j glenn morris, jr , morris e potter

int of ElsevierAcademic Press is an imprint of Elsevier32 Jamestown Road. London NW1 7BY. UK225 Wyman Street. Waltliam. MA 02451. USA525 B Street. Sui

Food borne Infections and IntoxicationsFourth EditionEdited by J. Glenn Morris, Jr. and Morris E. PotterFood Science and Technology, International Ser

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Foodborne infections and intoxications edited by j glenn morris, jr , morris e potter

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Food borne Infections and IntoxicationsFourth EditionEdited by J. Glenn Morris, Jr. and Morris E. PotterFood Science and Technology, International Ser

Foodborne infections and intoxications edited by j glenn morris, jr , morris e potter deas contained in tile material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and dr

ug dosages should be made.British Library Caluliiguing-in-Publicalion DataA catalogue record for this book is available from the British LibraryLibrar Foodborne infections and intoxications edited by j glenn morris, jr , morris e potter

y of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataA catalog record for this Ixxik is available from the Library of CongressISBN : 978-0-12-116011-5For infor

Foodborne infections and intoxications edited by j glenn morris, jr , morris e potter

mation on all Academic Press publicationsvisit our website at elscvicrdircct.comiypcset by .MPS Limited. Chennai. India wwwjhIi mps.comPrinted and bou

Food borne Infections and IntoxicationsFourth EditionEdited by J. Glenn Morris, Jr. and Morris E. PotterFood Science and Technology, International Ser

Food borne Infections and IntoxicationsFourth EditionEdited by J. Glenn Morris, Jr. and Morris E. PotterFood Science and Technology, International Ser

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