A dialect study of Oregon NORMs

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Nội dung chi tiết: A dialect study of Oregon NORMs

A dialect study of Oregon NORMs

iAssessment of Library Resources in Theological Institutions in Nonh Central States of NigeriaA thesis presented to the Department of Library and Info

A dialect study of Oregon NORMsormation Science, University of Nigeria. Nsukka in fulfillment of the requirement for Doctor of Philosophy (Ph-D) Degree in Library and Information Sc

ienceByGupiyem Gungsat GUPIYEM PG/Ph.D/002/32814iiAPPROVAL PAGEThis thesis has been approved by the Department of Library and Information Science,. Fa A dialect study of Oregon NORMs

culty of Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.ByProfessor V. w Dike SupervisorInternal ExaminerProfessorExternal ExaminerDr V..N Nwachukwu Head of

A dialect study of Oregon NORMs

DepartmentProfessor 1. IfelunniDean of FacultyiiiCERTIFICATIONGupiyem Gungsal GƯPIYEM, a postgraduate sludent in the Department of Library andInforma

iAssessment of Library Resources in Theological Institutions in Nonh Central States of NigeriaA thesis presented to the Department of Library and Info

A dialect study of Oregon NORMsry and Information Science., rhe work embodied in tills thesis is original and has not been submitted in pan or in full for any other diploma or degre

e OÍ this or any other university.Prof. V. w. Dike SupervisorDateG. G Gupiyem. StudentDateivDEDICATIONThis research work is dedicated to my beloved la A dialect study of Oregon NORMs

te father, Gungsat Gupiyem MwelnungWumben, who never lived long enough to see his dreams and prayers come to pass.VACKNOWLEDGMENT1 wish 10 thank God f

A dialect study of Oregon NORMs

irst and foremost. There is nothing that I could accomplish without His wisdom, word and power. To my supervisor, Professor, V. w. Dike I owe a lot of

iAssessment of Library Resources in Theological Institutions in Nonh Central States of NigeriaA thesis presented to the Department of Library and Info

A dialect study of Oregon NORMsf Professor S.A Ezeudu and Dr. (Mrs) N. E. Achebe are gratefully acknowledged, especially during the proposal defence. Thanks for all your contributio

ns to see that this research work becomes a reality. My appreciation is extended to University of Jos for sponsoring me for this programme and to all A dialect study of Oregon NORMs

the management of the institutions I contacted for data collection. Prof. Ochai, A Dr. Akintunde, S.A and Mrs. Tashi, L. I for their encouragement I a

A dialect study of Oregon NORMs

m indeed very thankful. I also want to appreciate the sacrifice of Mr. Dawel, o.p and Mr. Gyang, J for typing the work from proposal presentation to s

iAssessment of Library Resources in Theological Institutions in Nonh Central States of NigeriaA thesis presented to the Department of Library and Info

A dialect study of Oregon NORMsue to Mr. Toro M.A the statistician for all his contributions.My special thanks go to my beloved wife, Mrs. Gupiyem Helen, my children Nanbal, Walshak

, Anmak, Bamnan and to my mother, Na Tabitha Gungsat who endured my absence all these years. To all my lecturers in the Department of Library and Info A dialect study of Oregon NORMs

rmation Science, University of Nigeria Nsukka namely. Pastor (Dr) F. Ekere, Dr. A. J. Mole, Dr. V Nwachukwu and Dr R. E Dzioko for always being there

A dialect study of Oregon NORMs

for me with a response to my numerous enquiries. Thanks for your contributions my seminar leaders, in the persons of Professor Q. J Nwoji (Chairperson

iAssessment of Library Resources in Theological Institutions in Nonh Central States of NigeriaA thesis presented to the Department of Library and Info

A dialect study of Oregon NORMscontributions in improving the structure and content of the instruments. I also want to appreciate the efforts and financial supports of Mrs K. J Guka

s, A. A Toto and J. I. Gagman and all those who contributed in one way or the other, to make this study a success, May the Almighty God bless you all. A dialect study of Oregon NORMs


iAssessment of Library Resources in Theological Institutions in Nonh Central States of NigeriaA thesis presented to the Department of Library and Info

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