An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

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Nội dung chi tiết: An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

2017/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesAn investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IE

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking TestELTS Speaking TestAcknowledgementsThe authors would like to express their gratitude to the IELTS examiners who participated in this study and provided

their insightful comments. Special thanks go to Kate Connolly tor her assistance in transcribing examiner comments.FundingI Ills research was lunded An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

by Hie IM IS Partners: Bolish Council. IIJP: IM IS Australia arid Cambridcje English 1 ariguage Assessment.Publishing detailsPublished t>y lhe IM IS P

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

artners: British Council, II )P: IM IS Australia anti Cambridge English Language Assessment €> 2017.I his publication is rxijjyrigtil. No commercial r

2017/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesAn investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IE

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Testnsibility for any of the claims made in the research.« vAViv.ielts.orgIELTS Research Reports Online Series 2017/1IntroductionThis study by Fumiyo Naka

tsuhara and her colleagues at the University of Bedfordshire was conducted with support from the IELTS partners (British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

, and Cambridge English Language Assessment) as part of the IELTS joint-funded research program. Research funded by the British Council and IDP: IELTS

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

Australia under this program complement those conducted or commissioned by Cambridge English Language Assessment, and together inform the ongoing val

2017/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesAn investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IE

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Teststudies receiving grant funding. After a process of peer review and revision, many of the studies have been published in academic journals, in several

IELTS focused volumes in the Studios in Language Testing series ( and in the IELTS Research Reports. Since 2012, in or An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

der to facilitate timely access, individual reports have been published on the 1ELTS website after completing the peer review and revision process.The

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

marking of IELTS speaking tests IS the subject of this report. In particular, the researchers investigated how examiners behaved under face-to-face,

2017/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesAn investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IE

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Testmparable for face-to-face and video recorded performances, whereas audio recorded performances were marked somewhat more harshly.This finding IS proba

bly not very surprising. As examiners noted in their verbal reports, face-to-face and video provide visual support of what candidates are saying (or i An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

ndeed, of what they are not saying, as examiners get clues on the reasons behind candidates' hesitations and dysfluencies). helping with the process o

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

f communication - which is as it is in the real world. Candidates appear to benefit from examiners being able to draw upon this aspect of spoken commu

2017/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesAn investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IE

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Testd a lace-lo-lace marking condition, it was not a truly live testing condition, even if the test environment and conditions for both examiners and cand

idates were made closely similar to the operational IELTS Sfjeaking lesl.In any event, it is goixf Io twve evidence Io support the utility ol lace-lo- An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

lace Sf leaking tests over indirect lesls ol speaking, among oilier advantages that this approach Io assessment tias. As one might imagine, (raining a

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

rxi maintaining a large cadre ol examiners to administer the IELTS Speaking test worldwide entails a considerable amount of effort and expense on the

2017/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesAn investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IE

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test won't be long now when people won't even think to compare audio and video. With the way everyone now has a video camera in their pockets, the way ban

dwidth is improving, and the way data storage costs are dropping, speaking tests With a visual element will have to become the norm, and the use of au An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

dio only m the testing of speaking a memory from the past.Dr Gad Lim, Principal Research Manager Cambridge English Language Assessment« www.iefts.0fgI

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

ELTS Research Reports Online Series 2017/1An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the I

2017/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesAn investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IE

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Testating conditions using audio and video recordings. It also explored examiners’ perceptions towards test-takers’ performance in the two non-live rating

modes.this was a mixed-melhcxis study that involved both existing and newly collected datasets. A total OÍ six trained IELTS examiners assessed 36 te An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

st-lakers’ performance under tho live, audio and video rating conditions. Their scores in the throe modes of rating wore calibrated using tho multifac

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

eted Rasch model analysis.In all modes of rating, the examiners were asked to make notes on why they awarded the scores that they did on each analytic

2017/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesAn investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IE

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Testers reported noticing when awarding scores under the three rating conditions.Using selected test-takers' audio and video recordings, examiners’ verbal

reports were also collected to gain insights into their perceptions towards test-takers’ performance under the two non live conditions.The results sh An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

owed that audio ratings were significantly lower than live and video ratings for all rating categories. Examiners noticed more negative performance fe

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

atures of test takers under the two non live rating conditions than the live rating condition. The verbal report data demonstrated how having visual i

2017/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesAn investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IE

An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Teste saying and to understand with more confidence the source of test takers’ hesitation, pauses and awkwardness in their performance.The results of this

study have, therefore, offered a better understanding of the three modes ol rating, and a recomrnendalion was made recording enhanced double-marking An investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IELTS Speaking Test

rnelhixis lhal could tie inlrrxiuced Io the IM IS shaking lesl.« WWW.ielts.orgIELTS Research Reports Online Series 2017/1iv

2017/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesAn investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IE

2017/1IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesAn investigation into double-marking methods: comparing live, audio and video rating of performance on the IE

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