jang et al layout

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jang et al layout

2019/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesImproving IELTS reading test score interpretations and utilisation through cognitive diagnosis model-based sk

jang et al layoutkill profilingImproving IELTS reading test score interpretations and utilisation through cognitive diagnosis model-based skill profilingThis study sou

ght to investigate validity arguments related to IELTS reading score interpretations and use. exploring issues of consequential validity, the intersec jang et al layout

tion of contextual validity and cognitive validity, as well as scoring validity.FundingThis research was funded by the IELTS Partners: British Council

jang et al layout

. Cambridge Assessment English and 11)1’: IẼIĨS Australia. Grant awarded 2016.Publishing detailsPublished by the in IS Partners: Council, Ca

2019/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesImproving IELTS reading test score interpretations and utilisation through cognitive diagnosis model-based sk

jang et al layout are ol individual researchers and do not refxesent the views ol IH IS. The publishers do not accept responsibility' for any of the claims made in the

research.How to cite this reportJang. K K, Kim. H.. Vincell. M., Barron, c.. and Russell. B. 2019. Improving IH IS reriding lesl score interpretation jang et al layout

s and utilisation through cognitive diagnosis modelbased Skill profiling. ILLTS Research Reports Online Sc .70S, No. 2. British Council. Carntrridge A

jang et al layout

ssessment English and ll)P: IH IS Australia.Available at httpsj'AYWV/.iclts.Pffl'icaching and rcscarch/rcscarch reportsAcknowledgementsWe gratefully a

2019/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesImproving IELTS reading test score interpretations and utilisation through cognitive diagnosis model-based sk

jang et al layoutences and perspectives. Wo were moved by their enthusiasm to support this research. Particular thanks are due Io (acuity members and administrative st

aff members who participated in focus groups and shared their teaching materials. We arc grateful to the Cambridge Research Program for supporting the jang et al layout

research throughout the grant period. The project would not have been successful without great contributions made by graduate student researchers, El

jang et al layout

izabeth Larson. Adam Donato, and Jennifer Burton, throughout the different phases of the project.www.ielts.orgIELTS Research Reports Online Senes 2019

2019/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesImproving IELTS reading test score interpretations and utilisation through cognitive diagnosis model-based sk

jang et al layoutcted with support from the IELTS partners (British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge English Language Assessment), as part of the IELTS join

t-funded research program. Research funded by the British Council and IDP: IELTS Australia under this program complement those conducted or commission jang et al layout

ed by Cambridge English Language Assessment, and together inform the ongoing validation and improvement of IELTS.A significant body ol research has be

jang et al layout

en prtxiuced since the joint-funded research fxograrn started in 1995, with over 110 empirical studies receiving grant funding. After undergoing a pro

2019/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesImproving IELTS reading test score interpretations and utilisation through cognitive diagnosis model-based sk

jang et al layoutguage Testing scries (httpVAw'w.cambndgcenglish.orgi'silt) and in the ILLTS Research Reports. Since 2012, in order to facilitate timely access, indivi

dual research reporls tiave been made available on (tie IH IS weiisile immediately alter completing the peer review and revision process.In this study jang et al layout

Jang Ct al. used mixed methods to analyse stakeholder perceptions of the IH IS reading component. they locus in particular txi student and larnrlly i

jang et al layout

rilerfxelalions of scores and score uses for admissions to higher education. The authors found both students and faculty trad limited understanding ol

2019/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesImproving IELTS reading test score interpretations and utilisation through cognitive diagnosis model-based sk

jang et al layoutts. The authors also found low levels of inferential ability among test-takers scoring 6.5 in IH IS. and suggest this may ire linked Io their Imdings

trial critical thinking skills arc under represented in the reading test.Negative perceptions held by an indfvidual test taker or faculty member arc u jang et al layout

nderstandable and unsurprising. However, tfiere a numtier ol factors Io consider in test design. From a purely practical perspective, the numbers of a

jang et al layout

spiring students, institutions and disciplinary traditions make II unfeasible Io customise tests lor a huge population ol test-lakers with different a

2019/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesImproving IELTS reading test score interpretations and utilisation through cognitive diagnosis model-based sk

jang et al layout the tests impractical and more expensive; and critical thinking is often embedded within the logic of the discipline itself.Ultimately, the first pri

ority of the testing organisation is to provide secure, valid and reliable tests and scores which can be used tor decision-making in academic and prof jang et al layout

essional contexts In other words, fitness for purpose takes priority over contextual authenticity. To mitigate this. IELTS reading tasks are designed

jang et al layout

to engage similar cognitive and critical thinking processes that are involved in academic reading. These indude higher order skills such as expeditiou

2019/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesImproving IELTS reading test score interpretations and utilisation through cognitive diagnosis model-based sk

jang et al layoutrch Reports Online Senes 2019*23What this report highlights is the importance of managing the expectations of all test users, from the recognising ins

titutions who set admissions requirements and the test preparation centres to the individual test-taker who needs to set a realistic timeframe to reac jang et al layout

h the desired level. Assessment literacy is necessary for all stakeholders who need to understand the principles underpinning fair assessment and prep

jang et al layout

are for this in an informed and timely manner.Siân MorganSenior Research ManagerCambridge Assessment Englishwww.iolts.orgIELĨS Research Reports Online

2019/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesImproving IELTS reading test score interpretations and utilisation through cognitive diagnosis model-based sk

jang et al layouttudy sought to investigate validity arguments related to IELTS reading score interpretations and use, exploring issues of consequential validity, the

intersection of contextual validity and cognitive validity, as well as scoring validity.I hrough lour phases. tire present study sought Io expire and jang et al layout

t>etler understand international students' perceptions regarding their language proficiency and jxeparedness tor academic demands. We developed readin

jang et al layout

g skill rnaslery profiles to investigate the possibility of enhancing test score users’ interpretations of scores through the use of descriptors devel

2019/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesImproving IELTS reading test score interpretations and utilisation through cognitive diagnosis model-based sk

2019/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesImproving IELTS reading test score interpretations and utilisation through cognitive diagnosis model-based sk

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